Intermediate - Shanghai Expo Pavilions (C1418)

A:  快看,世博园区就在前面!
kuài kàn, Shìbó yuánqū jiù zài qiánmian!
Hurry, look! The Expo Park is just up ahead!
B:  哇,这么大一片地方,造了好多房子!
wā, zhème dà yī piàn dìfang, zào le hǎo duō fángzi!
Wow, such a big place. They built a lot of buildings!
A:  你们看,中国馆!
nǐmen kàn, Zhōngguóguǎn!
You guys, look. It's the Chinese pavilion!
C:  在哪儿?我怎么没看见?
zài nǎr? wǒ zěnme méi kànjiàn?
Where is it? How come I can't see it yet?
A:  就是那个红色的,上面大、下面小的。看见了没?
jiùshì nàge hóngsè de, shàngmian dà、 xiàmian xiǎo de. kànjiàn le méi?
It's that red one. The top is big, and the bottom is small. Have you seen it yet?
C:  噢,像大红灯笼,很有中国传统特色嘛。
ò, xiàng dàhóngdēnglong, hěn yǒu Zhōngguó chuántǒng tèsè ma.
Oh, it looks like a big red lantern. It really has a lot of traditional Chinese character.
A:  废话,中国馆当然有中国特色。
fèihuà, Zhōngguóguǎn dāngrán yǒu Zhōngguó tèsè.
Well, yeah. Of course the Chinese pavilion has Chinese character.
B:  听说其他场馆都很新潮、也很有创意。
tīngshuō qítā chǎngguǎn dōu hěn xīncháo、 yě hěn yǒu chuàngyì.
I heard the other pavilions are all really modern and creative.
A:  嗯,而且里面吃喝玩乐看,什么都有。
ng4, érqiě lǐmiàn chī hē wán lè kàn, shénme dōu yǒu.
Yeah. Also, there's food, drinks, fun stuff to do, entertainment, things to watch: they've got everything.
C:  那中国馆里肯定有烤鸭!
nà Zhōngguóguǎn lǐ kěndìng yǒu kǎoyā!
Then the Chinese pavilion definitely has roasted duck!
A:  你就知道吃。
nǐ jiù zhīdào chī.
All you ever think about is food.
B:  我还听说每个馆里都有很酷的科技,像科幻片一样。
wǒ hái tīngshuō měige guǎn lǐ dōu yǒu hěn kù de kējì, xiàng kēhuànpiānr yīyàng.
I also heard there's really cool technology inside each pavilion; just like the stuff in science fiction movies.
C:  哇,太期待今天的世博一日游了!
wā, tài qīdài jīntiān de Shìbó yīrìyóu le!
Wow, I'm really looking forward to our one day trip to the Expo!

Key Vocabulary

世博园区Shìbó yuánqūExpo Park
piàn[measure word for pieces of land]
zàoto make, to build
中国馆ZhōngguóguǎnChinese pavilion
大红灯笼dàhóngdēnglongbig red lantern
特色tèsècharacter, specialty
废话fèihuàto speak nonsense
新潮xīncháohip, trendy, modern
肯定kěndìngcertainly, definitely
烤鸭kǎoyāroast duck
科技kējìscience and technology
科幻片kēhuànpiānrscience fiction film
期待qīdàito look forward to
一日游yīrìyóuday trip
世博会ShìbóhuìWorld Expo

Supplementary Vocabulary

《大红灯笼高高挂》DàhóngdēnglonggāogāoguàRaise the Red Lantern
体育馆tǐyùguǎnstadium, gymnasium

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