A: | 啊,停电了! |
| ā, tíngdiàn le! |
| Ah, the power went out! |
B: | 糟糕,我写的博客还没保存。 |
| zāogāo, wǒ xiě de bókè hái méi bǎocún. |
| That stinks. I didn't save the blog I was writing. |
A: | 奇怪,别人家里有电。 |
| qíguài, biérén jiā lǐ yǒu diàn. |
| Strange, other people have power in their homes. |
B: | 可能是我们家保险丝断了。 |
| kěnéng shì wǒmen jiā bǎoxiǎnsī duàn le. |
| Maybe our fuse blew. |
A: | 那怎么办? |
| nà zěnme bàn? |
| Then what should we do? |
B: | 别急,我可以修。手电筒在哪儿? |
| bié jí, wǒ kěyǐ xiū. shǒudiàntǒng zài nǎr? |
| Don't worry. I can fix it. Where's the flashlight? |
A: | 好像在桌子上。我去拿。 |
| hǎoxiàng zài zhuōzi shàng. wǒ qù ná. |
| I think it's on the table. I'll go get it. |
A: | 找不到手电筒。蜡烛行不行? |
| zhǎobudào shǒudiàntǒng. làzhú xíng bu xíng? |
| I can't find the flashlight. Is a candle all right? |
B: | 可以。我的打火机呢? |
| kěyǐ. wǒ de dǎhuǒjī ne? |
| Sure. Where's my lighter? |
A: | 我怎么知道?我们还是打电话叫物业来修吧! |
| wǒ zěnme zhīdào? wǒmen háishì dǎ diànhuà jiào wùyè lái xiū ba! |
| How should I know? Let's just call property management and have them come fix it! |
B: | 那你有物业的电话吗? |
| nà nǐ yǒu wùyè de diànhuà ma? |
| Well do you have property management's number? |
A: | 你怎么什么都问我!不管了,我去睡觉了! |
| nǐ zěnme shénme dōu wèn wǒ! bù guǎn le, wǒ qù shuìjiào le! |
| Why are you asking me for everything?! I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to bed! |