A: | 哎呀,十几年没回来,家乡的变化真大啊! |
| āiyā, shí jǐ nián méi huílai, jiāxiāng de biànhuà zhēn dà a! |
| Wow, it's been 10 odd years since I've come back. Our hometown has really changed a lot! |
B: | 是啊,一天一个样。你早就应该回来看看了。 |
| shì a, yī tiān yī ge yàng. nǐ zǎo jiù yīnggāi huílai kàn kan le. |
| Yeah, it changes every day. You should have come back earlier and had a look. |
A: | 我记得以前这里是田地。现在都是高楼大厦了。 |
| wǒ jìde yǐqián zhèlǐ shì tiándì. xiànzài dōu shì gāolóudàshà le. |
| I remember this here used to be fields. Now it's all tall buildings. |
B: | 以前坐的是牛车,现在开的是汽车了。 |
| yǐqián zuò de shì niúchē, xiànzài kāi de shì qìchē le. |
| We used to ride oxcarts, now we ride in cars. |
A: | 唉,前面雾好大。 |
| āi, qiánmian wù hǎo dà. |
| Oh wow, that fog up ahead is really thick. |
B: | 咳,那不是雾。 |
| hài, nà bù shì wù. |
| Um, that's not fog. |
A: | 不是雾?那是什么? |
| bù shì wù? nà shì shénme? |
| It's not fog? Then what is it? |
B: | 你打开窗闻闻。 |
| nǐ dǎkāi chuāng wén wen. |
| Open up the window and take a whiff. |
A: | 空气怎么这么臭? |
| kōngqì zěnme zhème chòu? |
| How come the air smells so bad? |
B: | 你再看远处,那里有好多工厂。 |
| nǐ zài kàn yuǎnchù, nàlǐ yǒu hǎo duō gōngchǎng. |
| Look further into the distance. There's a ton of factories over there. |
A: | 家乡的空气污染这么严重! |
| jiāxiāng de kōngqì wūrǎn zhème yánzhòng! |
| Our hometown's air pollution is so severe! |
B: | 哎!有钱有什么用啊? |
| āi! yǒuqián yǒu shénme yòng a? |
| Agh! People have money now, but what's the use? |