Intermediate - Daddy Changes a Diaper (C1402)

A:  啊,宝宝好可爱啊!
ā, bǎobao hǎo kě'ài a!
Ah, the baby is so cute!
B:  嗯,真可爱,又白又胖!
ng4, zhēn kě'ài, yòu bái yòu pàng!
Yeah, really cute. So white and pudgy!
A:  我可以抱抱他吗?
wǒ kěyǐ bào bao tā ma?
Can I hold him?
C:  可以,乖,让阿姨抱抱。
kěyǐ, guāi, ràng āyí bào bao.
Sure. Good baby, let auntie hold you.
A:  宝宝的皮肤好嫩,真想咬一口!
bǎobao de pífū hǎo nèn, zhēn xiǎng yǎo yī kǒu!
His skin is so tender. I really want to take a bite!
B:  哎,你看他的小鼻子,跟爸爸一样挺。
āi, nǐ kàn tā de xiǎo bízi, gēn bàba yīyàng tǐng.
Hey, look at his little nose. It sticks out just like his father's.
A:  嗯,眼睛像他妈妈,也是双眼皮。以后绝对是大帅哥!
ng4, yǎnjing xiàng tā māma, yě shì shuāngyǎnpí. yǐhòu juéduì shì dàshuàigē!
Yeah, and his eyes look like his mother’s: he has double eyelids too. He'll definitely grow up to be a handsome guy!
B:  带宝宝很辛苦吧?
dài bǎobao hěn xīnkǔ ba?
Looking after a baby is a lot of work, huh?
C:  还好,已经满月了,晚上也不怎么哭了。
hái hǎo, yǐjīng mǎnyuè le, wǎnshang yě bù zěnme kū le.
It’s not so bad. He’s already a month. He doesn’t cry much at night anymore.
A:  咦,宝宝怎么了?
yí, bǎobao zěnmele?
Huh? What’s the matter with the baby?
C:  没事儿,可能是尿了。宝宝乖,爸爸给你换尿布。
méishìr, kěnéng shì niào le. bǎobao guāi, bàba gěi nǐ huàn niàobù.
It’s nothing. He probably just peed. Be a good boy, daddy is going to change your diaper for you.

Key Vocabulary

又......又......yòu... yòu ...both...and...
bàoto hold, to hug
ràngto let
yǎoto bite
kǒu[measure word for bites]
双眼皮shuāngyǎnpídouble eyelids
以后yǐhòuin the future, afterward
帅哥shuàigēhandsome guy
dàito look after, to bring up
辛苦xīnkǔhard work
满月mǎnyuèto be one month old
不怎么bù zěnmenot very
尿niàoto urinate
huànto change, to switch

Supplementary Vocabulary

单眼皮dānyǎnpísingle eyelids
奶爸nǎibàstay-at-home dad
成龙Chéng LóngJackie Chan
尿不湿niàobùshīdisposable diaper

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