Intermediate - Monopoly, Uno, or Twister? (C1391)

A:  困死了。这个片子太无聊了。
kùn sǐ le. zhè ge piānzi tài wúliáo le.
I'm so sleepy. This movie is way too boring.
B:  是不好看。
shì bù hǎokàn.
Yeah, it's no good.
C:  那我们来玩游戏吧。
nà wǒmen lái wán yóuxì ba.
How about we play a game then?
A:  玩什么?
wán shénme?
Play what?
C:  大富翁?
A:  玩腻了。换一个。
wán nì le. huàn yī ge.
We've played that one out. Let's play a different one.
C:  那,优诺牌?
nà, Yōunuòpái?
Then how about Uno?
B:  每次都是我赢,你还敢玩?
měicì dōu shì wǒ yíng, nǐ hái gǎn wán?
I win every time. You still dare to play me?
C:  切,你少吹牛了。
qiē, nǐ shǎo chuīniú le.
Yeah, right. Quit exaggerating.
A:  还有什么游戏?没有的话,我就去睡觉了。
hái yǒu shénme yóuxì? méiyǒu dehuà, wǒ jiù qù shuìjiào le.
What other games are there? If there's nothing else, let's just go to sleep.
C:  我刚买了扭扭乐,要不要玩?
wǒ gāng mǎi le Niǔniǔlè, yào bu yào wán?
I just bought Twister. Do you want to play that?
A:  扭扭乐?怎么玩?
Niǔniǔlè? zěnme wán?
Twister? How do you play?
C:  你看这个转盘。转到左脚红色的话,那么你的左脚就要放在红色上。
nǐ kàn zhè ge zhuànpán. zhuàn dào zuǒjiǎo hóngsè dehuà, nàme nǐ de zuǒjiǎo jiù yào fàng zài hóngsè shàng.
See this spinner? If you land on left foot-red, then you have to put your left foot on the red.
C:  谁先摔倒,谁就输。
shéi xiān shuāidǎo, shéi jiù shū.
Whoever falls over first, loses.
A:  哦。那我们开始玩吧!
ò. nà wǒmen kāishǐ wán ba!
OK. Well, let's start playing!
C:  我来当裁判,你们两个比赛。
wǒ lái dāng cáipàn, nǐmen liǎng ge bǐsài.
I'll be the judge. You guys play against each other.
C:  小敏,你在这边。倩倩,你在那边。
Xiǎomǐn, nǐ zài zhèbiān. Qiànqian, nǐ zài nàbiān.
Xiao Min, you come over here. Qianqian, you're over here.
C:  先是小敏,右手,蓝色。
xiān shì Xiǎomǐn, yòushǒu, lánsè.
First is Xiao Min. Right hand, blue.
A:  右手,蓝色,好了!
yòushǒu, lánsè, hǎo le!
Right hand, blue. Done!
C:  下一个,倩倩,右脚,黄色。
xià yī ge, Qiànqian, yòujiǎo, huángsè.
Next, Qianqian. Right foot, yellow.
B:  右脚,黄色,好了。
yòujiǎo, huángsè, hǎo le.
Right foot, yellow. Done.
C:  小敏,右脚,绿色。
Xiǎomǐn, yòujiǎo, lǜsè.
Xiao Min, right foot green.
A:  右脚,绿色,好了!哎呀!
yòujiǎo, lǜsè, hǎo le! āiyā!
Right foot, green. Done! Oh geez!

Key Vocabulary

tired of, bored
huànto switch
yíngto win
gǎnto dare
qiēpshaw, 'yeah right'
吹牛chuīniúto boast, to exaggerate
zhuànto turn
摔倒shuāidǎoto fall down
shūto lose
dāngto serve as
裁判cáipànjudge, referee

Supplementary Vocabulary

电影院diànyǐngyuànmovie theater
富翁fùwēng'moneybags', man of wealth
扑克牌pūkèpáiplaying cards
废话fèihuàto speak nonsense
扭屁股niǔ pìgǔto shake one's booty

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