A: | 困死了。这个片子太无聊了。 |
| kùn sǐ le. zhè ge piānzi tài wúliáo le. |
| I'm so sleepy. This movie is way too boring. |
B: | 是不好看。 |
| shì bù hǎokàn. |
| Yeah, it's no good. |
C: | 那我们来玩游戏吧。 |
| nà wǒmen lái wán yóuxì ba. |
| How about we play a game then? |
A: | 玩什么? |
| wán shénme? |
| Play what? |
C: | 大富翁? |
| Dàfùwēng? |
| Monopoly? |
A: | 玩腻了。换一个。 |
| wán nì le. huàn yī ge. |
| We've played that one out. Let's play a different one. |
C: | 那,优诺牌? |
| nà, Yōunuòpái? |
| Then how about Uno? |
B: | 每次都是我赢,你还敢玩? |
| měicì dōu shì wǒ yíng, nǐ hái gǎn wán? |
| I win every time. You still dare to play me? |
C: | 切,你少吹牛了。 |
| qiē, nǐ shǎo chuīniú le. |
| Yeah, right. Quit exaggerating. |
A: | 还有什么游戏?没有的话,我就去睡觉了。 |
| hái yǒu shénme yóuxì? méiyǒu dehuà, wǒ jiù qù shuìjiào le. |
| What other games are there? If there's nothing else, let's just go to sleep. |
C: | 我刚买了扭扭乐,要不要玩? |
| wǒ gāng mǎi le Niǔniǔlè, yào bu yào wán? |
| I just bought Twister. Do you want to play that? |
A: | 扭扭乐?怎么玩? |
| Niǔniǔlè? zěnme wán? |
| Twister? How do you play? |
C: | 你看这个转盘。转到左脚红色的话,那么你的左脚就要放在红色上。 |
| nǐ kàn zhè ge zhuànpán. zhuàn dào zuǒjiǎo hóngsè dehuà, nàme nǐ de zuǒjiǎo jiù yào fàng zài hóngsè shàng. |
| See this spinner? If you land on left foot-red, then you have to put your left foot on the red. |
C: | 谁先摔倒,谁就输。 |
| shéi xiān shuāidǎo, shéi jiù shū. |
| Whoever falls over first, loses. |
A: | 哦。那我们开始玩吧! |
| ò. nà wǒmen kāishǐ wán ba! |
| OK. Well, let's start playing! |
C: | 我来当裁判,你们两个比赛。 |
| wǒ lái dāng cáipàn, nǐmen liǎng ge bǐsài. |
| I'll be the judge. You guys play against each other. |
C: | 小敏,你在这边。倩倩,你在那边。 |
| Xiǎomǐn, nǐ zài zhèbiān. Qiànqian, nǐ zài nàbiān. |
| Xiao Min, you come over here. Qianqian, you're over here. |
C: | 先是小敏,右手,蓝色。 |
| xiān shì Xiǎomǐn, yòushǒu, lánsè. |
| First is Xiao Min. Right hand, blue. |
A: | 右手,蓝色,好了! |
| yòushǒu, lánsè, hǎo le! |
| Right hand, blue. Done! |
C: | 下一个,倩倩,右脚,黄色。 |
| xià yī ge, Qiànqian, yòujiǎo, huángsè. |
| Next, Qianqian. Right foot, yellow. |
B: | 右脚,黄色,好了。 |
| yòujiǎo, huángsè, hǎo le. |
| Right foot, yellow. Done. |
C: | 小敏,右脚,绿色。 |
| Xiǎomǐn, yòujiǎo, lǜsè. |
| Xiao Min, right foot green. |
A: | 右脚,绿色,好了!哎呀! |
| yòujiǎo, lǜsè, hǎo le! āiyā! |
| Right foot, green. Done! Oh geez! |