Intermediate - Meeting the Girlfriend's Parents (C1382)

A:  爸、妈,这就是小蒋。
bà、 mā, zhè jiùshì Xiǎo Jiǎng.
Dad, mom, this is Xiao Jiang.
B:  叔叔阿姨好!
shūshu āyí hǎo!
Uncle and auntie, hello!
C:  快进来吧!
kuài jìnlai ba!
Come on in!
B:  叔叔阿姨身体都好吧?
shūshu āyí shēntǐ dōu hǎo ba?
I hope both of you are in good health.
C:  我们都很好。你爸妈身体怎么样?退休了吗?
wǒmen dōu hěn hǎo. nǐ bàmā shēntǐ zěnmeyàng? tuìxiū le ma?
We're both doing very well. How is your parent's health? Have they retired yet?
B:  身体还不错。我父母没有工作,都是农民。
shēntǐ hái bùcuò. wǒ fùmǔ méiyǒu gōngzuò, dōu shì nóngmín.
They're doing quite well. My parents don't have jobs. They're both farmers.
C:  那他们供你读书不容易啊!家里就你一个孩子?
nà tāmen gōng nǐ dúshū bù róngyì a! jiālǐ jiù nǐ yī ge háizi?
It must not have been easy sending you to school then! Are you the only child in your family?
B:  我还有一个姐姐,一个弟弟。姐姐已经结婚了,弟弟在上大学。
wǒ hái yǒu yī ge jiějie, yī ge dìdi. jiějie yǐjīng jiéhūn le, dìdi zài shàng dàxué.
I have an older sister and a younger brother. My older sister is already married. My younger brother is studying at university.
D:  那家里负担可不轻。小蒋是做什么工作的?
nà jiālǐ fùdān kě bù qīng. Xiǎo Jiǎng shì zuò shénme gōngzuò de?
Then the burden at home must have been quite heavy. What does Xiao Jiang do?
A:  爸、妈,小蒋是复旦大学毕业的,做IT的。
bà、 mā, Xiǎo Jiǎng shì Fùdàn dàxué bìyè de, zuò IT de.
Dad, mom, Xiao Jiang is a graduate of Fudan University. He's working in IT.
D:  小蒋老家不是上海的,那准备在上海买房吗?
Xiǎo Jiǎng lǎojiā bùshì Shànghǎi de, nà zhǔnbèi zài Shànghǎi mǎifáng ma?
Xiao Jiang, you're not from Shanghai. Are you thinking about buying a home in Shanghai?
B:  现在房价太高,可能还要等几年。
xiànzài fángjià tài gāo, kěnéng hái yào děng jǐ nián.
Housing prices are too high right now. I'll probably wait a few years.
C:  你们聊,我和小敏做饭去。
nǐmen liáo, wǒ hé Xiǎomǐn zuòfàn qù.
You guys chat. I'll go start cooking with Xiao Min.
C:  小敏,小蒋聪明老实,可妈妈怕你跟他在一起会受苦。
Xiǎomǐn, Xiǎo Jiǎng cōngming lǎoshi, kě māma pà nǐ gēn tā zài yīqǐ huì shòukǔ.
Xiao Min, Xiao Jiang is smart and honest, but I'm afraid your life will be difficult if you're with him.
A:  妈......

Key Vocabulary

身体shēntǐbody, health
退休tuìxiūto retire
父母fùmǔfather and mother
gōngto offer, to supply
读书dúshūto study
结婚jiéhūnto marry
上大学shàng dàxuéto go to university
复旦大学Fùdàn dàxuéFudan University
准备zhǔnbèito prepare
房价fángjiàhousing prices
liáoto chat
受苦shòukǔto suffer hardship

Supplementary Vocabulary

打算dǎsuànto intend to
蒋介石Jiǎng JièshíChiang Kaishek

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