Intermediate - Finding a Street Number (C1299)

A:  快到了吗?我走不动了。
kuài dào le ma? wǒ zǒubudòng le.
Are we almost there? I can't walk any further.
B:  不知道,我去问一下。你好,请问808号离这里远吗?
bù zhīdào, wǒ qù wèn yīxià. nǐhǎo, qǐngwèn bā bǎi líng bā hào lí zhèlǐ yuǎn ma?
I don't know. Let me go ask. Hi, do you know if number 808 is far from here?
C:  不远,一会儿就到了。
bù yuǎn, yīhuǐr jiù dào le.
It's not far. You'll be there in just a bit.
B:  好的,谢谢。
hǎo de, xièxie.
Okay, thanks.
A:  怎么还没到?都走了二十分钟了。
zěnme hái méi dào? dōu zǒu le èrshí fēnzhōng le.
How haven't we gotten there yet? We've been walking for 20 minutes already.
B:  你问我,我怎么知道。
nǐ wèn wǒ, wǒ zěnme zhīdào.
You're asking me? How should I know?
A:  那你不会去问别人啊。
nà nǐ bùhuì qù wèn biérén a.
Can't you go ask someone else?
B:  每次都是我问。小姐,请问808号快到了吗?
měicì dōushì wǒ wèn. xiǎojie, qǐngwèn bā bǎi líng bā hào kuài dào le ma?
Every time I'm the one who asks. Miss, may I ask, are we close to number 808?
D:  这边是单号,双号在对面呢。
zhèbiān shì dānhào, shuānghào zài duìmiàn ne.
These are the odd numbers. The even numbers are on the other side of the street.
B:  哦,谢谢啊!
ò, xièxie a!
Oh, thank you!
B:  终于到了。哎,不对,这里没有饭店。
zhōngyú dào le. āi, bù duì, zhèlǐ méiyǒu fàndiàn.
We've finally arrived. Oh, that's not right. There's no restaurant here.
A:  啊?不会搞错了吧。
ǎ? bùhuì gǎocuò le ba.
Huh? We couldn't have gotten it wrong.
B:  我看一下地址。延安西路808号。
wǒ kàn yīxià dìzhǐ. Yán'ān Xī Lù bā bǎi líng bā hào.
Let me look at the address. 808 West Yan'an road.
A:  什么?这里是延安中路。你这个猪头。
shénme? zhèlǐ shì Yán'ān Zhōng Lù. nǐ zhè ge zhūtóu.
What? This is Middle Yan'an road. You dummy.
B:  我怎么知道会有两条路?
wǒ zěnme zhīdào huì yǒu liǎng tiáo lù?
How was I supposed to know there are two of them?
A:  别说了,我打的回去了。再见!
bié shuō le, wǒ dǎdī huíqu le. zàijiàn!
That's it, I'm taking a cab back home. Bye bye!

Key Vocabulary

走不动zǒubudòngto be unable to walk any further
away from
每次měicìevery time
单号dānhàoodd numbers
双号shuānghàoeven numbers
对面duìmiànopposite side
搞错gǎocuòbe mistaken
延安西路Yán'ān Xī LùWest Yan'an Road
延安中路Yán'ān Zhōng LùMiddle Yan'an Road
猪头zhūtóupig head

Supplementary Vocabulary

问路wènlùask directions
指路zhǐlùpoint the way
认识rènshito recognize
门牌号码ménpái hàomǎhouse number

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