A: | 哇,好挤啊,是不是全国人民都到天安门来了? |
| wā, hǎo jǐ a, shì bu shì quánguó rénmín dōu dào Tiān'ānmén lái le? |
| Whoa, it's so crowded! Has everyone in the entire country come to Tian'anmen? |
B: | 今年是国庆六十周年,大家当然要好好庆祝一下。 |
| jīnnián shì guóqìng liùshí zhōunián, dàjiā dāngrán yào hǎohāo qìngzhù yīxià. |
| This is the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Of course everyone wants to celebrate. |
A: | 你看,那位老爷爷都哭了! |
| nǐkàn, nà wèi lǎoyéye dōu kū le! |
| Look, that old guy is even crying! |
B: | 老爷爷,您很激动啊! |
| lǎoyéye, nín hěn jīdòng a! |
| Granddad, you're so deeply moved! |
C: | 小伙子,我十几岁就当兵了。看到中国越来越好,我自豪啊! |
| xiǎohuǒzi, wǒ shíjǐ suì jiù dāngbīng le. kàndào Zhōngguó yuèláiyuè hǎo, wǒ zìháo a! |
| Young fella, I became a soldier when I was just a teenager. Seeing China getting better and better, I'm really proud! |
A: | 我们也是!老爷爷,您是北京人吗? |
| wǒmen yě shì! lǎoyéye, nín shì Běijīng rén ma? |
| So are we! Granddad, are you a Beijinger? |
C: | 不是,我是特地从延安赶来的。 |
| bùshì, wǒ shì tèdì cóng Yán'ān gǎnlái de. |
| Nope. I hurried over from Yan'an just for this. |
A: | 哇,那您真是老革命。 |
| wā, nà nín zhēn shì lǎogémìng. |
| Wow, you're really an old revolutionary. |
C: | 哈哈,你们呢? |
| hāhā, nǐmen ne? |
| Ha ha. What about you? |
B: | 我们在北京上大学。 |
| wǒmen zài Běijīng shàng dàxué. |
| We go to college in Beijing. |
A: | 快看那边! |
| kuài kàn nàbiān! |
| Quick, look over there! |
B: | 是胡主席,还有温总理。 |
| shì Hú zhǔxí, háiyǒu Wēn zǒnglǐ. |
| It's Chairman Hu and Premier Wen! |