Intermediate - National Day (C1260)

A:  哇,好挤啊,是不是全国人民都到天安门来了?
wā, hǎo jǐ a, shì bu shì quánguó rénmín dōu dào Tiān'ānmén lái le?
Whoa, it's so crowded! Has everyone in the entire country come to Tian'anmen?
B:  今年是国庆六十周年,大家当然要好好庆祝一下。
jīnnián shì guóqìng liùshí zhōunián, dàjiā dāngrán yào hǎohāo qìngzhù yīxià.
This is the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Of course everyone wants to celebrate.
A:  你看,那位老爷爷都哭了!
nǐkàn, nà wèi lǎoyéye dōu kū le!
Look, that old guy is even crying!
B:  老爷爷,您很激动啊!
lǎoyéye, nín hěn jīdòng a!
Granddad, you're so deeply moved!
C:  小伙子,我十几岁就当兵了。看到中国越来越好,我自豪啊!
xiǎohuǒzi, wǒ shíjǐ suì jiù dāngbīng le. kàndào Zhōngguó yuèláiyuè hǎo, wǒ zìháo a!
Young fella, I became a soldier when I was just a teenager. Seeing China getting better and better, I'm really proud!
A:  我们也是!老爷爷,您是北京人吗?
wǒmen yě shì! lǎoyéye, nín shì Běijīng rén ma?
So are we! Granddad, are you a Beijinger?
C:  不是,我是特地从延安赶来的。
bùshì, wǒ shì tèdì cóng Yán'ān gǎnlái de.
Nope. I hurried over from Yan'an just for this.
A:  哇,那您真是老革命。
wā, nà nín zhēn shì lǎogémìng.
Wow, you're really an old revolutionary.
C:  哈哈,你们呢?
hāhā, nǐmen ne?
Ha ha. What about you?
B:  我们在北京上大学。
wǒmen zài Běijīng shàng dàxué.
We go to college in Beijing.
A:  快看那边!
kuài kàn nàbiān!
Quick, look over there!
B:  是胡主席,还有温总理。
shì Hú zhǔxí, háiyǒu Wēn zǒnglǐ.
It's Chairman Hu and Premier Wen!

Key Vocabulary

to squeeze; crowded
全国quánguóthe entire country
人民rénmínthe people
天安门Tiān'ānménTian'anmen (a huge public square in Beijing)
国庆guóqìngNational Day
庆祝qìngzhùto celebrate
老爷爷lǎoyéyegrandpa, granddad
dōuadds emphasis, all
to cry
小伙子xiǎohuǒziyoung man
当兵dāngbīngto serve in the military
越来越yuèláiyuèmore and more
特地tèdìexpressly; just for the purpose of
延安Yán'ānYan'an (Communist base during the civil war)
赶来gǎnláito hurry over
老革命lǎogémìngold revolutionary
上大学shàng dàxuéto go to college
主席zhǔxíChairman (of the Party)
总理zǒnglǐPrime Minister, premier

Supplementary Vocabulary

国庆节guóqìngjiéNational Day (October First)
共产党gòngchǎndǎngCommunist Party
中华人民共和国Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguóPeople's Republic of China
阅兵yuèbīngto review the troops

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