Intermediate - Grab Some Veggies From the Store (C1231)

A:  喂,老公,下班了?
wéi, lǎogōng, xiàbān le?
Hey, dear, have you gotten off work?
B:  嗯,在路上。你什么时候回来?
ng, zài lù shàng. nǐ shénme shíhou huílai?
Yeah, I'm on my way. When will you get back?
A:  大概六点半到家。晚上吃什么呀?
dàgài liù diǎn bàn dào jiā. wǎnshang chī shénme ya?
I'll get home around six-thirty. What do you want to have for dinner tonight?
B:  我什么都爱吃,你决定吧。
wǒ shénme dōu ài chī, nǐ juédìng ba.
I like everything. You decide!
A:  冰箱里好像还有一个土豆。
bīngxiāng lǐ hǎoxiàng háiyǒu yāo ge tǔdòu.
Seems like there's a potato left in the fridge.
B:  不会就吃一个土豆吧?
bùhuì jiù chī yāo ge tǔdòu ba?
We're not just going to eat a potato, right?
A:  那你顺便去菜场买点菜。
nà nǐ shùnbiàn qù càichǎng mǎi diǎn cài.
Well, then, go to the vegetable market on your way and pick up some veggies.
B:  好吧!是不是要买青椒啊?炒个青椒土豆丝。
hǎo ba! shì bu shì yào mǎi qīngjiāo a? chǎo ge qīngjiāo tǔdòusī.
OK! Should I get some green peppers? We could make fried green pepper and potato shreds.
A:  聪明!再买点青菜和蘑菇。
cōngming! zài mǎi diǎn qīngcài hé mógu.
Smart! Get some Chinese cabbage and mushrooms, too.
B:  啊?今天又要吃素啊?
ǎ? jīntiān yòuyào chī sù a?
Huh? We're going vegetarian again today?
A:  多吃蔬菜对身体好。而且你都那么胖了,还想吃肉?
duō chī shūcài duì shēntǐ hǎo. érqiě nǐ dōu nàme pàng le, hái xiǎng chī ròu?
Eating more vegetables is good for your health. And you're so fat, and you still want to eat meat?
B:  知道了,早点回来哦!
zhīdào le, zǎo diǎn huílai o!
I understand! Come back soon!
A:  嗯!还有,把菜洗干净,再切好。
ng! háiyǒu, bǎ cài xǐ gānjìng, zài qiē hǎo.
Engh. And--- after you've washed the vegetables, chop them up.
B:  好了,好了,我去买菜了。
hǎo le, hǎo le, wǒ qù mǎi cài le.
Fine, fine. I'm going to buy the vegetables.

Key Vocabulary

决定juédìngto decide
顺便shùnbiànwhile you're at it
菜场càichǎngvegetable market
青椒qīngjiāogreen pepper
chǎoto stir-fry
土豆丝tǔdòusīshredded potato
青菜qīngcàigreens, Chinese cabbage
吃素chīsùto be a vegetarian
to wash
qiēto chop

Supplementary Vocabulary

荤菜hūncàimeat dishes
jīnhalf a kilogram
做菜zuòcàito cook

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