Intermediate - Washing Dishes (C1225)

A:  老公,你洗碗我洗衣服,怎么样?
lǎogōng, nǐ xǐ wǎn wǒ xǐ yīfu, zěnmeyàng?
Dear, you wash the dishes and I’ll wash the clothes. How does that sound?
B:  没问题!
A:  那么多油,先冲一下再洗。
nàme duō yóu, xiān chōng yīxià zài xǐ.
There’s so much grease. Rinse it a bit before you wash it.
B:  好的。冲好了,给我洗洁精。
hǎo de. chōng hǎo le, gěi wǒ xǐjiéjīng.
OK. It’s rinsed off--give me the detergent.
A:  哎,你干吗用那么多?
ái, nǐ gànmá yòng nàme duō?
Hey, why are you using so much?
B:  这样洗得干净。
zhèyàng xǐ de gānjìng.
You can get it really clean this way.
A:  好吧。我去洗衣服了。你小心点儿,别把碗打碎。
hǎo ba. wǒ qù xǐ yīfu le. nǐ xiǎoxīndiǎnr, bié bǎ wǎn dǎ suì.
Fine. I’m going to wash the clothes. Be careful you don’t break the bowls.
B:  你放心好了!
nǐ fàngxīn hǎo le!
A:  怎么回事?没伤到你吧?
zěnmehuíshì? méi shāngdào nǐ ba?
What happened?! You didn’t get hurt, right?
B:  没事儿没事儿,你快去洗衣服吧。
méishìr5 méishìr5, nǐ kuài qù xǐ yīfu ba.
I’m fine, I’m fine. Quick, go wash the clothes.
A:  哎,你怎么搞的。
ái, nǐ zěnmegǎode.
Agh, how did you mess things up so badly?
B:  老婆,我太笨了,以后我洗衣服吧...
lǎopo, wǒ tài bèn le, yǐhòu wǒ xǐ yīfu ba...
Darling, I’m too dumb. In the future, I’ll wash the clothes, OK?

Key Vocabulary

to wash
chōngto rinse; to rush
小心点儿xiǎoxīndiǎnrbe careful
to beat; to hit
suìbroken, smashed; to smash to pieces
放心fàngxīnto relax; don't worry
怎么回事zěnmehuíshìwhat's the matter
伤到shāngdàoto injure
没事儿méishìr5it's nothing; no problem
怎么搞的zěnmegǎodehow did things get so messed up
bènstupid, dumb

Supplementary Vocabulary

guōpot; wok
电饭煲diànfànbāoelectric rice cooker
洗碗布xǐwǎnbùdish cloth
抹布mābùcloth for washing dishes or wiping counter

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