A | 老公,你看,帆船酒店! |
| lǎogōng, nǐ kàn, fānchuán jiǔdiàn! |
| Look, darling, a sailboat hotel! |
B | 哇,漂亮,迪拜太了不起了! |
| wā, piàoliang, Díbài tài liǎobuqǐ le! |
| Wow, it's so beautiful. Dubai is amazing! |
A | 海湾也好美! |
| hǎiwān yě hǎo měi! |
| And the bay is so pretty! |
B | 是啊,有石油真好。你看看他们,过得多奢侈! |
| shì a, yǒu shíyóu zhēn hǎo. nǐ kàn kan tāmen, guò de duō shēchǐ! |
| Yeah. Oil is great, that's for sure. Look at them. They live so extravagantly. |
A | 可是我觉得太高级、太现代了。没有什么传统的阿拉伯文化。 |
| kěshì wǒ juéde tài gāojí, tài xiàndài le. méiyǒu shénme chuántǒng de A1lābó wénhuà. |
| But I think it's too high-class, too modernized. It doesn't really have any traditional Arabian culture. |
B | 怎么没有?你看,本地女人穿得多传统!还有,到处都是清真寺,比便利店还多。 |
| zěnme méiyǒu? nǐ kàn, běndì nǚrén chuān de duō chuántǒng! háiyǒu, dàochù dōu shì qīngzhēnsì, bǐ biànlìdiàn huái duō. |
| What are you talking about! The local ladies dress in a very traditional way! Plus, there are mosques all over the place. There are more of them than there are convenience stores! |
A | 好了好了,我们别争了。 |
| hǎo le hǎo le, wǒmen bié zhēng le. |
| Fine, fine, let's not argue anymore. |
B | 你不是要去免税店吗? |
| nǐ bù shì yào qù miǎnshuì diàn ma? |
| Didn't you say you wanted to go to the duty-free? |
A | 对哦。 |
| duì ō. |
| Yes... |
B | 听说这儿的免税店还卖汽车。 |
| tīngshuō zhèr de miǎnshuì diàn hái mài qìchē. |
| I've heard that the duty-free shops here even sell cars! |
A | 别想了,我们可买不起。 |
| bié xiǎng le, wǒmen kě mǎibuqǐ. |
| Don't even think about it. There's no way we could afford it. |