Intermediate - Zombies: Deader than Ever (C1151)

A 什么声音?
shénme shēngyīn?
What's that sound?
B 没有声音。
méiyǒu shēngyīn.
There's no sound.
A 有,嘘,你听。
yǒu, xū, nǐ tīng.
Yes there is...shhh...listen carefully.
B 是风的声音。你别自己吓自己。
shì fēng de shēngyīn. nǐ bié zìjǐ xià zìjǐ.
That's the sound of the wind. Don't spook yourself.
A 这里又冷又黑,我怕!
zhèlǐ yòu lěng yòu hēi, wǒ pà!
It's so cold and dark here. I'm scared!
B 别说废话,快走吧。
bié shuō fèihuà, kuài zǒu ba.
Don't be silly, let's get out of here.
A 师傅,我觉得这儿有鬼。
shīfu, wǒ juéde zhèr yǒu guǐ.
Master, I think there are ghosts here.
B 瞎说。哎,你别拉我。
xiāshuō. āi, nǐ bié lā wǒ.
Baloney. Hey, don't pull me.
A 我没拉你。
wǒ méi lā nǐ.
I didn't pull you.
B 你真的没拉我?
nǐ zhēnde méi lā wǒ?
You really didn't pull me?
A 啊!鬼!
à! guǐ!
Agh! Ghosts!
C 我不是鬼,我是僵尸。
wǒ bù shì guǐ, wǒ shì jiāngshī.
I'm not a ghost, I'm a zombie.
B 求求你,别吃我!
qiú qiú nǐ, bié chī wǒ!
Please, please don't eat me!
C 我不吃你。
wǒ bù chī nǐ.
I won't eat you.
A 师傅,师傅!
shīfu, shīfu!
Master, master!
B 别怕,让我来收拾它!
bié pà, ràng wǒ lái shōushi tā!
Don't be afraid! I'll take care of him!
C 僵尸道长,我要杀死你!
jiāngshī dàozhǎng, wǒ yào shā sǐ nǐ!
Zombie Slayer, I'm going to kill you!
D 咔!

Key Vocabulary

声音 shēngyīn sound
xià to frighten
lěng cold
hēi dark
废话 fèihuà rubbish
师傅 shīfu master
guǐ ghost
瞎说 xiāshuō nonsense
to pull
僵尸 jiāngshī zombie
qiú to beg
收拾 shōushi to take care of
道长 dàozhǎng head Taoist priest
杀死 shā sǐ to kill

Supplementary Vocabulary

徒弟 túdì disciple
害怕 hàipà to be afraid of
tuī to push
恐怖 kǒngbù afraid
胡说八道 húshuōbādào nonsense