A | 徐先生、徐太太要在美国买房子,波士顿是最好的地方。 |
| Xú xiānsheng, Xú tàitai yào zài Měiguó mǎi fángzi, Bōshìdùn shì zuì hǎo de dìfang. |
| Mr. Xu, if you and Mrs. Xu want to buy a house in America, Boston is the best place. |
B | 哪些地方好啊?你说说看。 |
| nǎxiē dìfang hǎo a? nǐ shuō shuo kàn. |
| What's so good about it? |
A | 这可是美国最有文化的城市。哈佛、麻省理工都在这儿。对孩子的教育好! |
| zhè kě shì Měiguó zuì yǒu wénhuà de chéngshì. Hāfó, Máshěnglǐgōng dōu zài zhèr. duì háizi de jiàoyù hǎo! |
| It's the American city with the most culture! Harvard and M.I.T. are here. It'll be great for your child's education! |
B | 我做梦都想让儿子进哈佛! |
| wǒ zuòmèng dōu xiǎng ràng érzi jìn Hāfó! |
| I dream of having my kid get into Harvard! |
C | 小赵,波士顿治安怎么样? |
| Xiǎo Zhào, Bōshìdùn zhì ān zěnmeyàng? |
| Xiao Zhao, how safe is Boston? |
A | 徐太太,你放心,我带你们看的是富人区,很安全的。 |
| Xú tàitai, nǐ fàngxīn, wǒ dài nǐmen kàn de shì fùrénqū, hěn ānquán de. |
| Don't worry, Mrs. Xu. I'm going to take you to a rich area. It's very safe. |
B | 前面是什么? |
| qiánmian shì shénme? |
| What's in front of it? |
A | 噢,是波士顿红袜队的主场。 |
| ō, shì Bōshìdùn hóngwàduì de zhǔchǎng. |
| Oh, that's the Boston Red Sox' home field. |
B | 什么队? |
| shénme duì? |
| What team? |
A | 红袜队,美国最好的棒球队! |
| hóngwàduì, Měiguó zuì hǎo de bàngqiúduì! |
| The Red Sox, the best baseball team in America! |
B | 老婆,将来可以让儿子打打棒球。 |
| lǎopo, jiānglái kěyǐ ràng érzi dǎ da bàngqiú. |
| Darling, we can take our kid to play baseball. |
C | 有什么好打的?好好读书进哈佛! |
| yǒu shénme hǎo dǎ de? hǎohāo dúshū jìn Hāfó! |
| What's so great about baseball? He needs to study hard and get into Harvard! |