Intermediate - Wang Tries to Excel at the Office (C1032)

A 朱丽叶,电脑表格怎么做啊?
Zhū Lìyè, diànnǎo biǎogé zěnme zuò a?
Zhu Liye, how do you make charts on the computer?
B 老王,你怎么突然要做这个?
Lǎo Wáng, nǐ zěnme tūrán yào zuò zhè ge?
Mr. Wang, how come you suddenly want to do that?
A 这个嘛,有用。
zhè ge ma, yǒuyòng.
Well, it's useful.
B 噢,你打开Excel就行了。
ō, nǐ dǎkāi Excel jiù xíng le.
Oh. Just open up Excel and you're good to go.
A 什么?
B 单击屏幕左下角的“开始”,然后点“所有程序”。你看到Microsoft Office了吧,点一下。
dānjī píngmù zuǒxiàjiǎo de "kāishǐ" , ránhòu diǎn "suǒyǒu chéngxù" . nǐ kàn dào Microsoft Office le ba, diǎn yīxià.
Click once on the "Start" at the bottom left corner of the screen. Then click on "All Programs." You can see Microsoft Office, right? Click on it.
A 啊呀,电话里说不清。你来我办公室弄给我看吧。
āya, diànhuà lǐ shuōbuqīng. nǐ lái wǒ bàngōngshì nòng gěi wǒ kàn ba.
Aw, it's impossible to explain it clearly on the phone. How about you come over to my office and show me.
B 好吧。喏,这个绿色的X,就是做表格的程序。叫Excel。
hǎo ba. nuó, zhè ge lǜsè de X, jiùshì zuò biǎogé de chéngxù. jiào Excel.
Oh, OK. This green X is the chart-making program. It's called Excel.
A 什么?
B Excel.
A Excel. 哦,表格出来了。
Excel. o, biǎogé chūlái le.
Excel. Oh, a chart came up.
B 竖的是列,横的是行。
shù de shì liè, héng de shì háng.
The vertical ones are columns, the horizontal ones are rows.
A 这我知道。
zhè wǒ zhīdào.
I know that.
B 还可以调大小。
hái kěyǐ tiáo dàxiǎo.
And you can also adjust the size.
A 哟,那么简单!赵建国怎么还要参加培训班?
yo, nàme jiǎndān! Zhào Jiànguó zěnme hái yào cānjiā péixùn bān?
Oh, it's so simple! Why does Zhao Jianguo still need to go to an extra training course?
B 难的我没教你。
nán de wǒ méi jiāo nǐ.
I haven't shown you the hard stuff.
A 好了,我们继续吧!
hǎo le, wǒmen jìxù ba!
OK, let's keep going.

Key Vocabulary

表格 biǎogé chart
突然 tūrán suddenly
有用 yǒuyòng useful
打开 dǎkāi to open
单击 dānjī to click once
屏幕 píngmù screen
左下角 zuǒxiàjiǎo lower left corner
开始 kāishǐ to start
diǎn to click on
所有程序 suǒyǒu chéngxù all programs
说不清 shuōbuqīng to be unable to explain clearly
nòng to do
程序 chéngxù program
shù vertical
héng horizontal
liè column
háng row
tiáo to adjust
参加 cānjiā to participate
培训 péixùn training
jiāo to teach
继续 jìxù to continue

Supplementary Vocabulary

双击 shuāngjī to double-click
点击 diǎnjī to click on
取消 qǔxiāo to cancel
关闭 guānbì to close
复制 fùzhì to copy
粘帖 zhāntiē to paste
删除 shānchú to delete
保存 bǎocún to save