A | 先生,想买液晶电视,是吗? |
| xiānsheng, xiǎng mǎi yèjīng diànshì, shì ma? |
| Sir, would you like to buy an LCD TV? |
B | 对。 |
| duì. |
| Yes. |
A | 这个牌子不错,买的人很多。你想买几寸的? |
| zhè ge páizi bùcuò, mǎi de rén hěn duō. nǐ xiǎng mǎi jǐ cùn de? |
| This brand is decent. A lot of people buy it. How big of a screen do you want? |
B | 46寸的。 |
| sìshí liù cùn de. |
| 46 inches. |
A | 那今天买最划算了,我们正好在搞活动。这个46寸的打八折。 |
| nà jīntiān mǎi zuì huásuàn le, wǒmen zhènghǎo zài gǎohuódòng. zhè ge sìshí liù cùn de dǎ bāzhé. |
| You'll get the best deal if you buy today. It just so happens we're having a promotion. This 46-incher is 20% off. |
B | 是高清的吗? |
| shì gāoqīng de ma? |
| Is it high definition? |
A | 是啊。你看,这里写着呢。 |
| shì a. nǐ kàn, zhèlǐ xiězhe ne. |
| Yes. It's written here. |
B | 你把声音开大一点儿。 |
| nǐ bǎ shēngyīn kāi dà yīdiǎnr. |
| Turn up the volume a bit. |
A | 好。这个真的不错。 |
| hǎo. zhè ge zhēnde bùcuò. |
| OK. This one is really good. |
B | 能再便宜一点儿吗? |
| néng zài piányi yīdiǎnr ma? |
| Can you make it a bit cheaper? |
A | 已经很便宜了。我们还免费送货和安装。 |
| yǐjīng hěn piányi le . wǒmen hái miǎnfèi sòng huò hé ānzhuāng. |
| It's already really cheap. We also offer free delivery and installation. |
B | 可以刷卡吗? |
| kěyǐ shuā kǎ ma? |
| Do you accept credit cards? |
A | 可以。 |
| kěyǐ. |
| Yes. |
B | 我再想想吧。 |
| wǒ zài xiǎngxiang ba. |
| I still want to think about it a bit more. |
A | 噢。 |
| ō. |
| Hmmm... |