Intermediate - Counterfeit Money (C1020)

A 一共八十块。
yīgòng bāshí kuài.
Your total is eighty kuai.
B 给。
Here you go.
A 哎,这张一百块是假的。
āi, zhè zhāng yībǎi kuài shì jiǎ de.
Oh, this one-hundred kuai note is fake.
B 什么?
A 你自己看,颜色不一样。你的这张那么红。
nǐ zìjǐ kàn, yánsè bù yīyàng. nǐ de zhè zhāng nàme hóng.
Look for yourself, the color is different. Your note is really red.
B 因为是新的。你看毛泽东的头像上有水印,肯定是真的。
yīnwèi shì xīn de. nǐ kàn Máo Zédōng de tóuxiàng shang yǒu shuǐyìn, kěndìng shì zhēn de.
That's because it's new. Look, there's a watermark on Mao Zedong's head. It's definitely real.
A 现在假钞上也有水印。我再拿一张一百的,你自己比比看。
xiànzài jiǎchāo shang yě yǒu shuǐyìn. wǒ zài ná yī zhāng yībǎi de, nǐ zìjǐ bǐbi kàn.
These days counterfeit notes also have watermarks. I'll take out another one-hundred kuai note. You can compare for yourself.
B 这怎么看得出来?
zhè zěnme kàn de chūlái?
How can you tell?
A 你摸摸看。你的这张比真的要薄多了。
nǐ mōmo kàn. nǐ de zhè zhāng bǐ zhēn de yào báo duō le.
Rub it a little. Your note is much thinner than a real one.
B 我感觉差不多啊。
wǒ gǎnjué chàbuduō a.
It feels about the same to me.
A 你这是假的,假钞我不能收。
nǐ zhè shì jiǎ de, jiǎchāo wǒ bù néng shōu.
Your note is fake. I can't accept counterfeit bills.
B 可我只有一百块。
kě wǒ zhǐ yǒu yībǎi kuài.
But I only have one one-hundred kuai note.
A 反正我不能收。
fǎnzhèng wǒ bù néng shōu.
Well anyway, I can't take it.
B 那附近有验钞机吗?我们一起去验。
nà fùjìn yǒu yànchāojī ma? wǒmen yīqǐ qù yàn.
Is there a banknote verifier anywhere near here? Let's go test it together.
A 我还要做生意呢,哪有时间?
wǒ hái yào zuò shēngyi ne, nǎ yǒu shíjiān?
I'm busy working here. Where would I get the time?
B 唉,你这个人怎么这样啊?
āi, nǐ zhè ge rén zěnme zhèyàng a?
Agh, how can you be this way?

Key Vocabulary

jiǎ fake
颜色 yánsè color
xīn new
头像 tóuxiàng portrait
水印 shuǐyìn watermark
肯定 kěndìng certainly
假钞 jiǎchāo counterfeit bill
看得出来 kàn de chūlái to be able to tell by looking
kàn to see
báo thin
in comparison with
感觉 gǎnjué to feel
差不多 chàbuduō more or less the same
to touch
shōu to accept
反正 fǎnzhèng anyway
附近 fùjìn in the vicinity
验钞机 yànchāojī money verifier
yàn to examine
做生意 zuò shēngyi to do business

Supplementary Vocabulary

比较 bǐjiào relatively
比赛 bǐsài competition
钞票 chāopiào paper money
hòu thick
小贩 xiǎofàn vendor
看不出来 kàn bu chūlái to be unable to tell by looking