A | 老王,今年公司的业绩不太好。 |
| Lǎo Wáng , jīnnián gōngsī de yèjì bùtài hǎo. |
| Wang, our company's performance this year isn't too good. |
B | 哎,今年经济不景气,而且人民币升值,我们出口行业压力很大啊。 |
| āi, jīnnián jīngjì bù jǐngqì, érqiě rénmínbì shēngzhí, wǒmen chūkǒu hángyè yālì hěn dà a. |
| Well, this year the economy is bad, and the Renminbi has been appreciating. The export industry is under a lot of pressure. |
A | 这些我都了解。但是我们自己也有一些问题。 |
| zhèxiē wǒ dōu liǎojiě. dànshì wǒmén zìjǐ yě yǒu yīxiē wèntí. |
| I understand all this. But we have our own problems too. |
B | 哦,你觉得哪里有问题? |
| ō, nǐ juéde nǎli yǒu wèntí? |
| Really? What areas do you think have problems? |
A | 我们的产品没什么创意。 |
| wǒmen de chǎnpǐn méi shénme chuàngyì. |
| Our products aren't innovative. |
B | 周俊,我们是做加工的。客户要什么,我们就做什么。 |
| Zhōu Jùn, wǒmen shì zuò jiāgōng de. kèhù yào shénme, wǒmen jiù zuò shénme. |
| Zhou Jun, we're a manufacturer. Whatever our clients want, we produce. |
A | 所以我们的产品越来越差。老王,我这个人说话比较直接,你别介意。 |
| suǒyǐ wǒmen de chǎnpǐn yuèláiyuè chà. Lǎo Wáng , wǒ zhè ge rén shuōhuà bǐjiào zhíjiē, nǐ bié jièyì. |
| That's why our products are getting worse and worse. Wang, I speak rather directly, don't take offense. |
B | 没关系。不过周俊,你得知道,很多东西说起来容易,做起来难。 |
| méiguānxi. bùguò Zhōu Jùn, nǐ děi zhīdào, hěn duō dōngxi shuō qǐlái róngyì, zuò qǐlái nán. |
| It's all right. But Zhou Jun, you have to understand that a lot of things are easier said than done. |
A | 但是不试怎么知道。老王,麻烦你做一个PPT给我,介绍一下现在的产品情况。 |
| dànshì bù shì zěnme zhīdào. Lǎo Wáng , máfan nǐ zuò yī ge PPT gěi wǒ, jièshào yīxià xiànzài de chǎnpǐn qíngkuàng. |
| But how do you know if you don't try? Wang, please do up a PPT to sum up our current production situation. |
B | 什么P? |
| shénme P? |
| P what? |
A | 就是电脑演示。PPT。 |
| jiùshì diànnǎo yǎnshì. PPT. |
| It's a computer presentation. PPT. |
B | 这我知道。哦,对了,周俊,什么时候有时间,给同事们讲讲你的计划。 |
| zhè wǒ zhīdào. ō, duì le, Zhōu Jùn, shénme shíhou yǒu shíjiān, gěi tóngshì men jiǎngjiang nǐ de jìhuà. |
| I know what that is. Oh, by the way, Zhou Jun, when you have some time, why don't you give us an explanation of your plan. |
A | 好。 |
| hǎo. |
| Sure. |