| 现在是去酒店的路上。 |
| xiànzài shì qù jiǔdiàn de lùshang. |
| We're on the way to the hotel now. |
| 河内的摩托车很多,算是一个特色。 |
| Hénèi de mótuōchē hěn duō, suàn shì yī ge tèsè. |
| There are lots of motorcycles in Hanoi. You could say it's a characteristic of the place. |
| 唉,这儿有大排档,生意不错。是在卖牛肉粉吗? |
| éi, zhèr yǒu dàpáidàng, shēngyi bùcuò. shì zài mài niúròufěn ma? |
| Oh, there's a street restaurant here. Business is good. Are they selling beef pho? |
| 越南这几年发展得很快,盖了好多摩天大楼。 |
| Yuènán zhè jǐ nián fāzhǎn de hěn kuài, gài le hǎo duō mótiāndàlóu. |
| These past few years Vietnam has developed quickly. They've built a lot of skyscrapers. |
| 不过城市里还是有很多老房子,有殖民地风格的,也有本土的。 |
| bùguò chéngshì lǐ háishì yǒu hěn duō lǎo fángzi, yǒu zhímíndì fēnggé de, yě yǒu běntǔ de. |
| But there are still a lot of old houses in the city, some of them colonial style, others local style. |
| 古典加现代,东方加西方,总之河内很有感觉。 |
| gǔdiǎn jiā xiàndài, dōngfāng jiā xīfāng, zǒngzhī Hénèi hěn yǒu gǎnjué. |
| Classical mixed with modern, the east combined with the west; anyway, Hanoi is so atmospheric. |
| 听说河内还有很多河,我怎么一条都没看见? |
| tīngshuō Hénèi hái yǒu hěn duō hé, wǒ zěnme yī tiáo dōu méi kànjiàn? |
| I hear that Hanoi also has lots of rivers. How come I haven't seen a single one yet? |
| 司机说马上要到胡志明墓了,可惜晚上看不清。 |
| sījī shuō mǎshàng yào dào Húzhìmíng mù le, kěxī wǎnshang kànbuqīng. |
| The driver said we are almost at Ho Chi Minh's grave. Too bad it's hard to see at night. |
| 明天再来吧! |
| míngtiān zài lái ba! |
| Let's come back tomorrow! |