Intermediate - Buying Batteries (C0817)

A 有电池卖吗?
yǒu diànchí mài ma?
Do you sell batteries?
B 有,在那儿。
yǒu, zài nàr.
Yes, over there.
A 你知道电视遥控器用几号吗?
nǐ zhīdào diànshì yáokòngqì yòng jǐ hào ma?
Do you know what size I need for a TV remote control?
B 不一定,有的用五号,有的用七号。
bù yīdìng, yǒude yòng wǔ hào, yǒude yòng qī hào.
It depends. Some are AA and some are AAA.
A 我的遥控器挺大的,估计用五号。
wǒ de yáokòngqì tǐng dà de, gūjì yòng wǔ hào.
My remote control is quite big. I would guess that it takes AA.
B 要不,你都买吧。五号、七号是最常用的电池,其他地方也用得到。
yàobu, nǐ dōu mǎi ba. wǔ hào, qī hào shì zuì chángyòng de diànchí, qítā dìfang yě yòngdedào.
Or maybe you should buy both. AA and AAA are the most commonly used batteries. You'll be able to use them for other things.
A 多少钱?
duōshao qián?
How much?
B 五号一节三块五,七号一节三块。
wǔ hào yī jié sān kuài wǔ, qī hào yī jié sān kuài.
AA are 3.5 RMB each; AAA are 3 RMB each.
A 好吧。各要两节。
hǎo ba. gè yào liǎng jié.
All right. I'll have two of each.
B 好的,一共十三块。
hǎo de, yīgòng shí sān kuài.
OK. That comes to 13 RMB.

Key Vocabulary

电池 diànchí battery
电视 diànshì television
遥控器 yáokòngqì remote control
五号电池 wǔ hào diànchí AA battery
七号电池 qī hào diànchí AAA battery
估计 gūjì to estimate
常用 chángyòng to use frequently
用得到 yòngdedào to be able to use
一共 yīgòng altogether

Supplementary Vocabulary

用不到 yòngbudào to be unable to use
经常 jīngcháng frequently
电量 diànliàng amount of battery power
没电 méi diàn to have no power
充电 chōngdiàn to charge a battery
插座 chāzuò power socket
充电器 chōngdiànqì battery charger