A | 你好,头发想怎么弄? |
| nǐhǎo, tóufa xiǎng zěnme nòng?
| Hello, what would you like done to your hair? |
B | 我想换个发型。你说我烫卷发好看吗?会不会老气? |
| wǒ xiǎng huàn ge fàxíng. nǐ shuō wǒ tàng juǎnfà hǎokàn ma? huìbuhuì lǎoqì?
| I want to change the style. Do you think if I got a perm it would look good? Or would it look old-fashioned? |
A | 我觉得你可以烫一个大卷。很适合你的脸型,不会老气的。 |
| wǒ juéde nǐ kěyǐ tàng yī ge dà juǎn. hěn shìhé nǐ de liǎnxíng, bùhuì lǎoqì de.
| I think you can get some loose curls. It would really suit your shape of face, it won't look old-fashioned. |
B | 你觉得我烫直发怎么样? |
| nǐ juéde wǒ tàng zhífà zěnmeyàng?
| How about perming it straight, what do you think? |
A | 你直发看起来没精神。其实你可以做一点挑染,特别好看。 |
| nǐ zhífà kànqǐlái méi jīngshen. qíshí nǐ kěyǐ zuòyīdiǎn tiāorǎn, tèbié hǎokàn.
| If you had straight hair you'd look too dull. Actually, you could get some highlights done, it would look really nice. |
B | 又烫又染,很伤头发吧? |
| yòu tàng yòu rǎn, hěn shāng tóufa ba?
| Getting both a perm and highlights--would it damage my hair too much? |
A | 做个护理就好了。 |
| zuò ge hùlǐ jiù hǎo le.
| We can do a conditioning treatment and it will be fine. |
B | 我以前做过,好像没什么用。 |
| wǒ yǐqián zuòguò, hǎoxiàng méishénme yòng.
| I have done that before, it didn't seem to help. |
A | 怎么会?肯定是他们用的产品有问题。 |
| zénme huì? kěndìng shì tāmen yòng de chǎnpǐn yǒu wèntí.
| How could that be? It must have been a problem with the product they used. |
B | 我上次就是在你们这里做的。 |
| wǒ shàngcì jiùshì zài nǐmen zhèli zuò de.
| I got it done here at your shop last time. |
A | 那这次给你换好一点的。而且烫完以后头发很干,一定要做护理。 |
| nà zhècì gěi nǐ huàn hǎo yīdiǎn de. érqiě tàngwán yǐhòu tóufa hěn gān, yīdìng yào zuò hùlǐ.
| Well, then this time we'll use a better one. Plus after you perm your hair it will be very dry, you must do a conditioning treatment. |
B | 你当然这样说咯。 |
| nǐ dāngrán zhèyàng shuō lo.
| Of course you would say that. |
A | 小姐,我是为了你的头发好。如果你不想做,也没关系。 |
| xiǎojie, wǒ shì wèile nǐ de tóufa hǎo. rúguǒ nǐ bù xiǎng zuò, yě méiguānxi.
| Miss, I am saying it because it's good for your hair. If you don't want to do it, it's fine too. |
B | 好吧。烫、挑染、护理我都做,你给我多打点折吧。 |
| hǎoba. tàng, tiāorǎn, hùlǐ wǒ dōu zuò, nǐ gěi wǒ duō dǎ diǎn zhé ba.
| All right. If I get a perm, highlights and conditioning treatment, give me a bit more of a discount. |
A | 没问题。你先洗头吧。 |
| méiwèntí. nǐ xiān xǐ tóu ba.
| No problem. Let's first get your hair washed. |