Intermediate - Ordering Chinese Take-out (C0747)

A 喂,你好,我要叫外卖。
wéi, nǐhǎo, wǒ yào jiào wàimài.
Hello, I want to order for delivery.
B 你要吃什么?
nǐ yào chī shénme?
What do you want to eat?
A 给我一个宫保鸡丁、一个麻婆豆腐、一个鱼香肉丝。你们菜的分量怎么样?
gěi wǒ yī ge gōngbǎojīdīng, yī ge mápódòufu, yī ge yúxiāng ròusī. nǐmen cài de fènliàng zěnmeyàng?
I'll have an order of Kung Pao Chicken, an order of Spicy Tofu, an order of Fish-flavored Shredded Pork. What are the portions like?
B 挺大的,肯定够吃。你要吃辣吗?
tǐng dà de, kěndìng gòuchī. nǐ yào chī là ma?
They're quite satisfying--definitely enough. Do you want it spicy?
A 多放一点辣。但是,要少放油,还有千万不要放味精。
duō fàng yīdiǎn là. dànshì, yào shǎo fàng yóu, hái yǒu qiānwàn bùyào fàng wèijīng.
Please make it extra spicy. But, please use less oil, and absolutely do not add any MSG.
B 好的。要素菜和主食吗?
hǎode. yào sùcài hé zhǔshí ma?
All right. Do you want any vegetable dishes or a starch dish?
A 炒青菜吧。你们有饺子吗?
chǎo qīngcài ba. nǐmen yǒu jiǎozi ma?
Stir-fried greens. Do you have dumplings?
B 有的,一份十个。你要什么馅儿的?
yǒude, yī fèn shí ge. nǐ yào shénme xiànr de?
Yes. There are ten per order. What filling would you like?
A 猪肉白菜馅儿的。给我两份吧。好了,就这些。一共多少钱?
zhūròubáicài xiànr de. gěi wǒ liǎng fèn ba. hǎo le, jiù zhèxiē. yígòng duōshao qián?
Pork and cabbage. Give me two orders. All right, that's it. What does that come to?
B 我算一下。一共是六十块。
wǒ suàn yīxià. yígòng shì liùshí kuài.
I'll just add it up. All together it's 60 RMB.
A 大概多久能送到?
dàgài duōjiǔ néng sòngdào?
How long until you can deliver it?
B 半个小时左右。你的地址是?
bàn ge xiǎoshí zuǒyòu. nǐ de dìzhǐ shì?
Approximately half an hour. What is your address?
A 中华花园六号楼503。麻烦少放油,别放味精。
Zhōnghuáhuāyuán liùhàolóu wǔlíngsān. máfan shǎo fàng yóu, bié fàng wèijīng.
China Gardens, Building 6, 503. Please use less oil, and don't add MSG.
B 知道了。半小时后送到。再见。
zhīdào le. bànxiǎoshí hòu sòngdào. zàijiàn.
I know. It will be delivered in half an hour. Goodbye.

Key Vocabulary

叫外卖 jiào wàimài to have food delivered
宫保鸡丁 gōngbǎojīdīng spicy diced chicken
麻婆豆腐 mápódòufu tofu in spicy sauce
鱼香肉丝 yúxiāng ròusī fish-flavored shredded meat
分量 fènliàng portion
够吃 gòuchī enough to eat
fàng to put
千万 qiānwàn absolutely
味精 wèijīng monosodium glutamate
素菜 sùcài vegetable dish
主食 zhǔshí staple food
馅儿 xiànr filling
suàn to calculate
大概 dàgài roughly
麻烦 máfan to trouble

Supplementary Vocabulary

主菜 zhǔcài entree
冷菜 lěngcài cold dish
甜点 tiándiǎn dessert
小区 xiǎoqū residential complex
外卖费 wàimàifèi delivery charge