Intermediate - Cold Will Kill You (C0684)

A: 阿宝,不可以喝冰水。
Ābǎo, bù kěyǐ hē bīngshuǐ.
A-Bao, you can't drink ice water.
B: 可是,奶奶,我热死了。
Kěshì, nǎinai, wǒ rèsǐ le.
But Grandma, I'm so hot.
A: 那也不行。你安静一点就不热了。
Nà yě bùxíng. Nǐ ānjìng yīdiǎn jiù bù rè le.
Still not OK. Be still and you won't be hot.
B: 那我可以吃冰激凌吗?
Nà wǒ kěyǐ chī bīngjīlíng ma?
Then can I eat some ice cream?
A: 更不行了。你会拉肚子的。而且吃冰的东西容易感冒。
Gèng bùxíng le. Nǐ huì lā dùzi de. érqiě chī bīng de dōngxi róngyì gǎnmào.
Certainly not. You'll get diarrhea. Besides, eating cold things makes you more likely to catch a cold.
B: 那好吧。我不吃了。
Nà hǎoba. Wǒ bù chī le.
Fine, I won't eat it.
A: 阿宝,你怎么坐在空调前面?空调不可以对着人吹。会吹出病的。
Ābǎo, nǐ zěnme zuò zài kōngtiáo qiánmian? Kōngtiáo bù kěyǐ duì zhe rén chuī. Huì chuīchū bìng de.
A-Bao, how can you sit in front of the air conditioner? You can't let the air conditioner blow directly on you. It'll make you sick.
B: 奶奶,不会的。
Nǎinai, bùhuì de.
Grandma, no it won't.
A: 小孩子懂什么?吹空调最容易感冒了。比吃冰的东西还厉害。
Xiǎoháizi dǒng shénme? Chuī kōngtiáo zuì róngyì gǎnmào le. Bǐ chī bīng de dōngxi hái lìhai.
What do little kids know? Sitting in front of the air conditioner is the surest way to catch a cold. Even more serious than eating frozen things.
B: 奶奶,感冒有什么关系?只是小病,又不是发烧!
Nǎinai, gǎnmào yǒu shénme guānxi? Zhǐshì xiǎobìng, yòu bù shì fāshāo!
Grandma, what does a cold matter? It's just a minor illness, not like a fever or anything.
A: 什么小病?感冒很严重的,弄不好会死掉的。
Shénme xiǎobìng? Gǎnmào hěn yánzhòng de, nòngbuhǎo huì sǐdiào de.
Minor illness? Colds are serious, and if you don't deal with them right you could die.
B: 真的会死吗?
Zhēnde huì sǐ ma?
You could really die?
A: 奶奶怎么会骗你?奶奶小时候就看到有人感冒死掉了。所以你要听话,不要吃冰的东西、也不要对着空调吹。
Nǎinai zěnme huì piàn nǐ? Nǎinai xiǎoshíhou jiù kàndào yǒurén gǎnmào sǐdiào le. Suǒyǐ nǐ yào tīnghuà, bùyào chī bīng de dōngxi, yě bùyào duì zhe kōngtiáo chuī.
Would Grandma lie to you? When I was little I saw someone die of a cold. So you have to listen to me, don't eat frozen things, and don't sit in front of the air conditioner.
B: 哦,我知道了。
ō, wǒ zhīdào le.
Oh, I got it.

Key Vocabulary

热死 rèsǐ unbearably hot
安静 ānjìng calm
拉肚子 lā dùzi diarrhea
容易 róngyì easy
感冒 gǎnmào to catch cold
chuī to blow
对着 duìzhě towards
小病 xiǎobìng minor illness
发烧 fāshāo fever
严重 yánzhòng serious
弄不好 nòngbuhǎo to not handle properly
死掉 sǐdiào to die
怎么会 zěnme huì how could it be
piàn to deceive

Supplementary Vocabulary

电风扇 diànfēngshàn electric fan
绝症 juézhèng fatal disease
危险 wēixiǎn dangerous
看病 kànbìng to see a doctor
吃药 chīyào to take medicine
打针 dǎzhēn to have an injection