A: | 啊!吃得真饱。今天的菜真不错。 |
| ā! Chī de zhēn bǎo. Jīntiān de cài zhēn bùcuò. |
| Ah, I'm so full. Today's meal was good. |
B: | 我也吃撑了。哎,我去一下洗手间。 |
| Wǒ yě chīchēng le. āi, wǒ qù yīxià xǐshǒujiān. |
| I'm stuffed too. Um, I'm going to the restroom. |
A: | 回来,回来!我知道你肯定又是去买单。绝对不行!上次说好我买的。 |
| Huílai, huílai! Wǒ zhīdào nǐ kěndìng yòu shì qù mǎidān. Juéduì bùxíng! Shàngcì shuōhǎo wǒ mǎi de. |
| Get back here! I know you've gotta be going to pay the bill again. Absolutely no way! Last time we agreed that I would pay. |
B: | 可是这次是我约你的。哪有客人买单的道理? |
| Kěshì zhècì shì wǒ yuē nǐ de. Nǎyǒu kèren mǎidān de dàolǐ? |
| But this time I invited you. How could a guest pay the bill? |
A: | 我们俩谁跟谁啊!再说,你都买了好几次了! |
| Wǒmen liǎ shéi gēn shéi a! Zàishuō, nǐ dōu mǎi le hǎo jǐ cì le! |
| Just who am I to you? Besides, you've paid quite a few times already! |
B: | 这有什么?高兴最重要嘛!而且,我有这里的打折卡。 |
| Zhè yǒu shénme? Gāoxìng zuì zhòngyào ma! érqiě, wǒ yǒu zhèlǐ de dǎzhé kǎ. |
| What does it matter? Being happy is the most important thing. Plus, I have a discount card here. |
A: | 不行,这次我买定了。否则,我再也不和你一起吃饭了!服务员,这里买单! |
| Bùxíng, zhècì wǒ mǎidìng le. Fǒuzé, wǒ zài yě bù hé nǐ yīqǐ chīfàn le! Fúwùyuán, zhèlǐ mǎidān! |
| No, I'm definitely buying this time. Otherwise, I'll never eat with you again! Waiter, bill please! |
C: | 请问哪位买单?两百八十块。 |
| Qǐng wèn nǎ wèi mǎidān? Liǎngbǎi bāshí kuài. |
| Excuse me, but who needs the bill? Two hundred eighty RMB. |
A: | 账单给我!刷卡。 |
| Zhàngdān gěi wǒ! Shuākǎ. |
| Give me the bill. I'll put it on my card. |
B: | 哎,我有现金。你别刷卡了。 |
| āi, wǒ yǒu xiànjīn. Nǐ bié shuākǎ le. |
| Hey, I have cash. Don't use a card. |
A: | 别听他的。拿我的卡。行啦,你别和我争了。我们出来,一直都是你付钱,弄得我特不好意思。 |
| Bié tīng tā de. Ná wǒ de kǎ. Xíng la, nǐ bié hé wǒ zhēng le. Wǒmen chūlai, yīzhí dōu shì nǐ fùqián, nòng de wǒ tè bùhǎoyìsi. |
| Don't listen to him. Take my card. That's enough, stop arguing with me. When we go out, it's always you paying. I feel bad about it. |
B: | 啊呀,我们老朋友计较这么点钱干吗?太不够朋友了。 |
| āyā, wǒmen lǎopéngyǒu jìjiào zhème diǎn qián gànmá? Tài bù gòu péngyou le. |
| Aw, why would old friends quibble over such a tiny bit of money? Some friend. |
A: | 所以啊,你就别再和我争了。否则真是不给我面子。 |
| Suǒyǐ a, nǐ jiù bié zài hé wǒ zhēng le. Fǒuzé zhēnshì bù gěi wǒ miànzi. |
| That's why you shouldn't be arguing with me. Otherwise you're really denying me face. |
B: | 好吧,好吧。这次你买。 |
| Hǎoba, hǎoba. Zhècì nǐ mǎi. |
| OK, OK. You get this one. |
C: | 先生,不好意思,你的卡刷不出来。 |
| Xiānsheng, bùhǎoyìsi, nǐ de kǎ shuā bu chūlái. |
| Sir, I'm sorry, but your card isn't working. |