A: | 哟,刘佳,没时间了。你赶快换衣服吧! |
| Yō, Liú Jiā, méi shíjiān le. Nǐ gǎnkuài huàn yīfu ba! |
| Hey, Liu Jia, there's no time. Hurry up and change clothes! |
B: | Monica, 我原来以为不用穿泳装...... |
| Monica, wǒ yuánlái yǐwéi bùyòng chuān yǒngzhuāng...... |
| Monica, I thought we didn't need to wear swimsuits... |
C: | 这是选美比赛,当然要穿咯! |
| Zhè shì xuǎnměi bǐsài, dāngrán yào chuān lo! |
| It's a beauty pageant. Of course we have to wear them! |
A: | 哎,你们看那个女的,肯定去隆胸了。 |
| āi, nǐmen kàn nàge nǚ de, kěndìng qù lóngxiōng le. |
| Ah, look at that girl. She definitely had a boob job. |
C: | 对呀!报名的时候,她的胸部完全是平的。 |
| Duì yā! Bàomíng de shíhou, tā de xiōngbù wánquán shì píng de. |
| Yeah! When we signed up, her chest was totally flat. |
B: | 啊?比赛允许整容吗? |
| ǎ? Bǐsài yǔnxǔ zhěngróng ma? |
| Huh? The pageant allows cosmetic surgery? |
A: | 他们才不管呢! |
| Tāmen cái bù guǎn ne! |
| They don't pay any attention to that! |
C: | 是啊。只要是美女就行。 |
| Shì a. Zhǐyào shì měinǚ jiù xíng. |
| Yeah, as long as the girls are beautiful, it's fine. |
A: | 这里的女孩子,大部分都是人造的。 |
| Zhèlǐ de nǚháizi, dàbùfen dōu shì rénzào de. |
| Of the girls here, most are artificial. |
B: | 不会吧?我看挺自然的。 |
| Bùhuì ba? Wǒ kàn tǐng zìran de. |
| What? They look natural to me. |
C: | 刘佳,你真老土。现在的整容技术很发达,根本看不出来。 |
| Liú Jiā, nǐ zhēn lǎotǔ. Xiànzài de zhěngróng jìshù hěn fādá, gēnběn kàn bu chūlai. |
| Liu Jia, you're really not with it. Nowadays the surgery is really advanced. You can't tell by looking. |
A: | 对啊。而且隆鼻、隆胸、割双眼皮都是小手术。参加选美的人都知道。 |
| Duì a. érqiě lóngbí, lóngxiōng, gē shuāngyǎnpí dōu shì xiǎoshǒushù. Cānjiā xuǎnměi de rén dōu zhīdào. |
| Right. Besides, nose jobs, boob jobs, and eye jobs are all minor surgery. They're the most basic requisites for a beauty pageant. |
B: | 那是不是不整容就没希望了? |
| Nà shì bu shì bù zhěngróng jiù méi xīwàng le? |
| You mean if you don't have surgery you have no hope? |
A: | 可以这么说吧。 |
| Kěyǐ zhème shuō ba. |
| You could say that. |
C: | 是啊,人人都这么完美。不整容,怎么比得过她们? |
| Shì a, rénrén dōu zhème wánměi. Bù zhěngróng, zěnme bǐdeguò tāmen? |
| Yeah, everyone is so perfect. If you don't have surgery, how can you out-compete them? |
B: | 看来这个比赛真的不适合我。 |
| Kànlai zhège bǐsài zhēnde bù shìhé wǒ. |
| Looks like this pageant is really not for me. |