| 各位观众,现在是突发事件报道。 |
| Gèwèi guānzhòng, xiànzài shì tūfā shìjiàn bàodào. |
| Ladies and gentlemen, this is a breaking news report. |
| 本台刚刚收到消息,哥斯拉刚从日本东京来到上海。 |
| Běn tái gānggāng shōudào xiāoxi, Gēsīlā gāng cóng Rìběn Dōngjīng láidào Shànghǎi. |
| Our station just received news that Godzilla has just arrived in Shanghai from Japan. |
| 他现在正在市中心,摧毁楼房、见人就吃。 |
| Tā xiànzài zhèngzài shì zhōngxīn, cuīhuǐ lóufáng, jiàn rén jiù chī. |
| He is now downtown, destroying buildings, and eating anyone he sees. |
| 据本台记者了解,哥斯拉非常庞大,力量惊人。 |
| Jù běn tái jìzhě liǎojiě, Gēsīlā fēicháng pángdà, lìliang jīngrén. |
| Our reporter tells us that Godzilla is huge, with terrifying strength. |
| 他经过的地方都被破坏了。 |
| Tā jīngguò de dìfang dōu bèi pòhuài le. |
| The places he has passed through have been destroyed. |
| 现在全市非常混乱。 |
| Xiànzài quánshì fēicháng hùnluàn. |
| The whole city is in chaos. |
| 政府已经派出军队。 |
| Zhèngfǔ yǐjīng pàichū jūnduì. |
| The government has already dispatched the military. |
| 如果你看到哥斯拉,请马上逃跑。 |
| Rúguǒ nǐ kàndào Gēsīlā, qǐng mǎshàng táopǎo. |
| If you see Godzilla, please run away as fast as you can. |
| 啊,哥斯拉! |
| ā, Gēsīlā! |
| Ah, Godzilla! |