Intermediate - Beauty Pageant Registration (C0641)

A: 请问博客小姐在这里报名吗?
Qǐng wèn bókè xiǎojie zài zhèlǐ bàomíng ma?
Excuse me, is this the Miss Blogger sign up?
B: 对。在那里排队。
Duì. Zài nàlǐ páiduì.
Yes. Line up over there.
C: 哎,你看,那个女孩儿挺漂亮的。
āi, nǐ kàn, nàge nǚháir5 tǐng piàoliang de.
Hey, look. That girl is quite pretty.
D: 是啊,挺有气质的,身材也不错。我们跟她聊聊怎么样?
Shì a, tǐng yǒu qìzhì de, shēncái yě bùcuò. Wǒmen gēn tā liáoliao zěnmeyàng?
Yeah, rather refined, and with a decent figure. How about chatting with her?
C: 好啊!...... 报名的人真多,我们都等了一个多小时了。
Hǎo a!...... Bàomíng de rén zhēn duō, wǒmen dōu děng le yī ge duō xiǎoshí le.
All right! ... There are a lot of people signing up. We've been waiting for over an hour already.
A: 是吗?那我上课要迟到了。
Shì ma? Nà wǒ shàngkè yào chídào le.
Really? Then I'm going to be late for class.
D: 你还是学生?
Nǐ hái shì xuésheng?
You're still a student?
A: 嗯,研究生。我叫刘佳。
Ng4, yánjiūshēng. Wǒ jiào Liú Jiā.
Yeah, a graduate student. My name is Liu Jia.
C: 我叫Monica。这是我朋友,Jessica。
Wǒ jiào Monica. Zhè shì wǒ péngyou, Jessica.
I'm Monica. This is my friend, Jessica.
A: 你们也是学生吗?
Nǐmen yě shì xuésheng ma?
Are you students too?
D: 对,我们两个都是学表演的。你是什么专业的?
Duì, wǒmen liǎng ge dōu shì xué biǎoyǎn de. Nǐ shì shénme zhuānyè de?
Yeah, we both study theater. What major are you?
A: 中文。
C: 那你怎么会来参加选美?
Nà nǐ zénme huì lái cānjiā xuǎnměi?
So why would you participate in a beauty pageant?
D: 是啊。我们学表演的,学校会教我们怎么打扮。而且表演、唱歌、跳舞、样样都要学。正好可以在选美的时候用。学中文好像就没什么用了。
Shì a. Wǒmen xué biǎoyǎn de, xuéxiào huì jiāo wǒmen zěnme dǎban. érqiě biǎoyǎn, chànggē, tiàowǔ, yàngyàng dōu yào xué. Zhènghǎo kěyǐ zài xuǎnměi de shíhou yòng. Xué Zhōngwén hǎoxiàng jiù méi shénme yòng le.
Yeah. We study acting, and the school even teaches us how to put on make-up. Plus we have to study performing, singing, dancing, and all that. It comes in handy for a beauty pageant. It seems that learning Chinese just isn't of any use.
A: 我以前也这么觉得。可没想到博客小姐最重要的是博客的内容。我写的都是二十多岁女生的感想,连男生都喜欢看。
Wǒ yǐqián yě zhème juéde. Kě méixiǎngdào bókè xiǎojie zuì zhòngyào de shì bókè de nèiróng. Wǒ xiě de dōu shì èrshí duō suì nǚshēng de gǎnxiǎng, lián nánshēng dōu xǐhuan kàn.
I used to think that way. But I never imagined that for Miss Blogger the most important thing is the blog content. Everything I write is about the thoughts of a twenty-something girl. Even boys like to read it.
C: 我的博客也很受欢迎。我教大家怎么化妆、怎么穿衣服!
Wǒ de bókè yě hěn shòu huānyíng. Wǒ jiāo dàjiā zěnme huàzhuāng, zěnme chuān yīfu!
Same with my blog. I teach how to apply make-up, and how to dress!
D: 我的也是。我们上个月都得了博客新人奖呢。那个比赛你参加了吗?
Wǒ de yě shì. Wǒmen shàng ge yuè dōu dé le bókè xīnrén jiǎng ne. Nàge bǐsài nǐ cānjiā le ma?
Me too, the same goes for my blog. Last month we both won new blogger awards. Were you in that competition?
A: 没有。我的博客已经写了两年多了,所以不算新人。不过这次是选美加博客,我应该算是新人吧。你们两位一定很有经验了,我要多向你们学习啊。
Méiyǒu. Wǒ de bókè yǐjīng xiě le liǎng nián duō le, suǒyǐ bù suàn xīnrén. Bùguò zhècì shì xuǎnměi jiā bókè, wǒ yīnggāi suàn shì xīnrén ba. Nǐmen liǎng wèi yīdìng hěn yǒu jīngyàn le, wǒ yào duō xiàng nǐmen xuéxí a.
No. I've had my blog for over two years, so I'm not a newcomer. But this time it's a beauty pageant plus blogging, so maybe I am a newcomer there. You two must have a lot of experience. I have to learn a lot from you.

Key Vocabulary

报名 bàomíng to enroll
气质 qìzhì refinement; the way a person has about them
身材 shēncái figure
研究生 yánjiūshēng graduate student
表演 biǎoyǎn performance
专业 zhuānyè major
打扮 dǎban to get dressed up
样样 yàngyàng every sort
感想 gǎnxiǎng thoughts; impressions
受欢迎 shòu huānyíng popular
化妆 huàzhuāng to apply makeup
新人 xīnrén newcomer
suàn to be considered

Supplementary Vocabulary

三个女人一台戏 sān ge nǚrén yī tái xì three women make enough for a drama
忌妒 jìdu jealous
做作 zuòzuo fake; affected
瞧不起 qiáobuqǐ to look down on
讽刺 fěngcì to mock
炫耀 xuànyào to show off