Intermediate - Free Association (C0593)

A: 今天我来考考你的自由联想。
Today I'm going to test your free associations.
Jīntiān wǒ lái kǎokao nǐ de zìyóu liánxiǎng.
B: 什么?
A: 我会说一些词语,你只要告诉我联想到什么就行了。要完全放松。想到什么就说什么。
I'll say a word, and you just tell me what you associate it with. Relax completely. Just say whatever comes to mind.
Wǒ huì shuō yīxiē cíyǔ, nǐ zhǐyào gàosu wǒ liánxiǎng dào shénme jiù xíng le. Yào wánquán fàngsōng. Xiǎngdào shénme jiù shuō shénme.
B: 好的。
Hǎo de.
A: 准备好了吗?
Are you ready?
Zhǔnbèi hǎo le ma?
B: 好了。我们开始吧。
Yes. Let's start.
Hǎo le. Wǒmen kāishǐ ba.
A: 包子。
B: 食堂。我爸爸单位食堂的肉包子最好吃了。小时候,我只要考试成绩好,爸爸就会买肉包子奖励我。
Cafeteria. The meat buns at my dad's work unit cafeteria were the best. When I was little, if I got a good test score, Dad would buy a meat bun to reward me.
Shítáng. Wǒ bàba dānwèi shítáng de ròu bāozi zuì hǎochī le. Xiǎoshíhòu, wǒ zhǐyào kǎoshì chéngjì hǎo, bàba jiù huì mǎi ròu bāozi jiǎnglì wǒ.
A: 你经常吃吗?
Did you eat them often?
Nǐ jīngcháng chī ma?
B: 不是,我成绩不好。
No, my grades weren't good.
Bù shì, wǒ chéngjì bù hǎo.
A: 我们再试一个。庙。
Let's try another one. Temple.
Wǒmen zài shì yī ge. Miào.
B: 难闻。我最怕烧香的味道了。真搞不懂为什么有那么多人要去求神拜佛。
Bad-smelling. The smell of burning incense is the worst. I just don't get why so many people pray to Buddha for help.
Nánwén. Wǒ zuì pà shāoxiāng de wèidao le. Zhēn gǎobudǒng wèishénme yǒu nàme duō rén yào qù qiúshén bàifó.
A: 你不相信宗教?
You don't believe in religion?
Nǐ bù xiāngxìn zōngjiào?
B: 我只相信看得到摸得到的东西,比如包子、钱。
I only believe in what I can see and touch, like buns and money.
Wǒ zhǐ xiāngxìn kàndedào mōdedào de dōngxi, bǐrú bāozi, qián.
A: 钱会让你想到什么?
What does money make you think of?
Qián huì ràng nǐ xiǎngdào shénme?
B: 快乐、悲伤。虽说钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。
Happiness and sorrow. Although money can't do everything, without it you can't do anything.
Kuàilè, bēishāng. Suīshuō qián bù shì wànnéng de, dàn méiyǒu qián shì wànwàn bùnéng de.
A: 红色呢?会让你想到什么?
How about red? What does that make you think of?
Hóngsè ne? Huì ràng nǐ xiǎngdào shénme?
B: 鞭炮。
A: 蓝色呢?
And blue?
Lánsè ne?
B: 蓝色?海。不过我不喜欢海。
Blue? The ocean. But I don't like the ocean.
Lánsè? Hǎi. Bùguò wǒ bù xǐhuan hǎi.
A: 好了,我们今天就到这儿。
OK, let's just stop here today.
Hǎo le, wǒmen jīntiān jiù dào zhèr5.
B: 完了?我刚进入状态呢。这样吧,下次轮到我来考你。
It's over? Just when I was getting into it. How about this: next time it's my turn to test you.
Wán le? Wǒ gāng jìnrù zhuàngtài ne. Zhèyàng ba, xiàcì lún dào wǒ lái kǎo nǐ.

Key Vocabulary

自由联想 zìyóu liánxiǎng free association
放松 fàngsōng to relax
食堂 shítáng cafeteria
奖励 jiǎnglì to reward
miào temple
烧香 shāoxiāng to burn incense
求神拜佛 qiúshén bàifó to appeal to Buddha for help
悲伤 bēishāng sad
万能 wànnéng all-powerful
万万 wànwàn absolutely
状态 zhuàngtài state; condition

Supplementary Vocabulary

心理 xīnlǐ psychology
心理医生 xīnlǐ yīshēng psychologist
心理测试 xīnlǐ cèshì psychological test
分析 fēnxī to analyze