Intermediate - It's Over (Again) (C0585)

A: 丽丽,上次在酒吧实在抱歉。
Lili, I'm really sorry about last time in the bar.
Lìli, shàngcì zài jiǔbā shízài bàoqiàn.
B: 算了。一点小事,我没放在心上。有什么事你快说吧。
Forget about it. It's so minor; I didn't think it was a big deal. If you want to say something, just go ahead and say it.
Suànle. Yīdiǎn xiǎoshì, wǒ méi fàng zài xīnshàng. Yǒu shénme shì nǐ kuài shuō ba.
A: 我觉得我们分手都是误会。我们和好吧!
I think our break-up was all a misunderstanding. Let's make up!
Wǒ juéde wǒmen fēnshǒu dōu shì wùhuì. Wǒmen héhǎo ba!
B: 张亮,我们还是做朋友好。
Zhang Liang, I think we should just be friends.
Zhāng Liàng, wǒmen háishi zuò péngyou hǎo.
A: 是刘翔对吗?他不适合你。他不可能真心爱你的。
Is it Liu Xiang? He's not right for you. He can't possibly truly love you.
Shì Liú Xiáng, duì ma? Tā bù shìhé nǐ. Tā bù kěnéng zhēnxīn ài nǐ de.
B: 你有什么权力这么说?你以为所有男人都和你一样吗?
What right do you have to say that? You think all men are like you?
Nǐ yǒu shénme quánlì zhème shuō? Nǐ yǐwéi suǒyǒu nánrén dōu hé nǐ yīyàng ma?
A: 我怎么了?你今天把话说清楚。
And what am I like? Come out and say it.
Wǒ zěnme le? Nǐ jīntiān bǎ huà shuō qīngchu.
B: 你和菲菲的事你自己知道。
You know what happened between you and Feifei.
Nǐ hé Fēifei de shì nǐ zìjǐ zhīdào.
A: 我们什么事也没有。是你故意冤枉我!因为这样你就有借口跟我分手,去找有钱人。
Nothing happened between us. You're purposely wrongfully accusing me! This way you have an excuse to break up and get with the rich guy.
Wǒmen shénme shì yě méiyǒu. Shì nǐ gùyì yuānwang wǒ! Yīnwèi zhèyàng nǐ jiù yǒu jièkǒu gēn wǒ fēnshǒu, qù zhǎo yǒuqiánrén.
B: 刘翔就是比你有本事、有钱。你除了会妒忌,还会什么?
Liu Xiang is more accomplished than you, and richer. What are you good at, besides being jealous?
Liú Xiáng jiùshì bǐ nǐ yǒu běnshi, yǒuqián. Nǐ chúle huì dùjì, hái huì shénme?
A: 行了,我受够了!我对你全心全意,你却一直在玩弄我的感情。我今天总算看清你了。我们彻底分手!
All right, I've had enough! I was totally devoted to you, but you just toy with my emotions. I can finally see it clearly. We are really through.
Xíng le, wǒ shòugòu le! Wǒ duì nǐ quánxīnquányì, nǐ què yīzhí zài wánnòng wǒ de gǎnqíng. Wǒ jīntiān zǒngsuàn kànqīng nǐ le. Wǒmen chèdǐ fēnshǒu!
B: 我们已经分手了!请你以后别再来找我!
We already broke up! Please don't contact me again.
Wǒmen yǐjīng fēnshǒu le! Qǐng nǐ yǐhòu bié zài lái zhǎo wǒ!

Key Vocabulary

误会 wùhuì misunderstanding
和好 héhǎo to make up; to reconcile
冤枉 yuānwang to wrong
借口 jièkǒu excuse
本事 běnshi ability
妒忌 dùjì jealous
全心全意 quánxīnquányì wholeheartedly
玩弄 wánnòng to toy
彻底 chèdǐ thoroughly

Supplementary Vocabulary

猜疑 cāiyí to suspect
虚荣 xūróng vain
责怪 zéguài to blame
自卑 zìbēi to feel inferior
qiú to beg
天涯何处无芳草 tiānyá héchù wú fāngcǎo there are plenty of fish in the sea