Intermediate - Touring a Factory (C0566)

Peter, welcome to our factory for a tour.
Peter, huānyíng cānguān wǒmen gōngchǎng!
Mr. Li, thank you for your reception. The factory buildings are very imposing!
Lǐ Zǒng, xièxie nǐ de zhāodài. Chǎngfáng zhēn qìpài a!
Not bad, hey! This is what we invested 80,000,000 in last year to build.
Bùcuò ba! Zhè shì wǒmen qùnián tóuzī bāqiānwàn zào de.
Even overseas you don't often see facilities like yours.
Nǐmen de shèbèi zài guówài yě bù duōjiàn.
I can do something or not--but if I'm going to do something, I will definitely do it the best. We've had ISO certification for a long time now.
Wǒ zuòshì yàome bù zuò, yào zuò jiù yīdìng yào zuòdào zuìhǎo. Wǒmen hěn zǎo jiù tōngguò ISO rènzhèng le.
Mr. Li, when was this factory established?
Lǐ Zǒng, nǐmen zhège chǎng shì shénme shíhòu chuàngbàn de?
Over ten years ago. In the beginning there were only a few people. Now, however, we are one of the largest tool manufacturers in the country.
Shíduōnián le. Gāng kāishǐ zhǐyǒu jǐge rén, xiànzài wǒmen kěshì guónèi guīmó zuìdà de gōngjù shēngchǎnshāng zhīyī.
Really amazing. How many employees do you have?
Zhēn lìhai. Nǐmen yǒu duōshao yuángōng?
Over 300. In your country, Canada, a factory definitely would not be able to support that many people.
Sānbǎi duō ge. Zài nǐmen Jiānádà, gōngchǎng kě yǎngbùqǐ nàme duō rén.
You're right. But, I've heard that the cost of employing laborers in China is high now too.
Méicuò. Bùguò, wǒ tīngshuō xiànzài pìnyòng Zhōngguó yuángōng de chéngběn yě gāo le.
Yeah! That's all because of the labor benefits stipulated by the government. You just ignore them and then it's fine.
Shì a, bùguò nàxiē dōu shì guójiā guīdìng de yuángōng fúlì. Bù lǐ tā jiù xíng le.
Won't that cause problems?
Bùhuì yǒu wèntí ma?
Well, what can I do? If I did things according to how they say I should, I would have closed down a long time ago.
Nà wǒ zěnme bàn? àn tāmen shuō de zuò, wǒ zǎojiù guānmén le.

Key Vocabulary

厂房chǎngfángfactory building
投资tóuzīto invest
设备shèbèifacilities; equipment
多见duōjiànsee often
认证rènzhèngauthentication; certification
创办chuàngbànto found
养不起yǎngbùqǐto be unable to support financially
聘用pìnyòngto employ
规定guīdìngto stipulate
福利fúlìbenefits; welfare

Supplementary Vocabulary

管理guǎnlǐto manage
扩建kuòjiànto expand
引进yǐnjìnto introduce from elsewhere
更新gēngxīnto renew; to replace