| 哎,今天真没劲。逛了一天,什么也没买到。 |
| (Sigh.) Today was really tedious. Shopping all day, and haven't bought a thing. |
| āi, jīntiān zhēn méijìn. Guàng le yī tiān, shénme yě méi mǎidào. |
| 是呀,好看的衣服那么多,可惜一件都穿不下。 |
| Yeah. There are so many nice clothes. It's such a shame that nothing fits me. |
| Shì yā, hǎokàn de yīfu nàme duō, kěxī yī jiàn dōu chuānbuxià. |
| 我也是。现在天热了,我突然发现原来自己这么胖。 |
| Same goes for me. Now that the weather is hot, I've suddenly discovered that I've gotten really fat. |
| Wǒ yě shì. Xiànzài tiān rè le, wǒ tūrán fāxiàn yuánlái zìjǐ zhème pàng. |
| 是啊,真得要减肥了。我至少要瘦10斤。 |
| Yeah, I really need to lose weight. I want to lose at least 5 kilograms. |
| Shì a, zhēn děi yào jiǎnféi le. Wǒ zhìshǎo yào shòu shí jīn. |
| 我也是。特别是腰,你看,我现在都有救生圈了! |
| Me too. Especially around my waist. Look, I have a spare tire now! |
| Wǒ yě shì. Tèbié shì yāo, nǐ kàn, wǒ xiànzài dōu yǒu jiùshēngquān le! |
| 要不我们今天就开始节食吧!光吃蔬菜水果,肯定很快就能瘦下去。 |
| Why don't we go on a diet starting today then? If we only eat vegetables and fruit, we will definitely be able to get thinner very quickly. |
| Yàobu wǒmen jīntiān jiù kāishǐ jiéshí ba! Guāng chī shūcài shuǐguǒ, kěndìng hěn kuài jiù néng shòu xiàqu. |
| 啊?我可忍不住。好吃的东西太多了! |
| Huh? I definitely won't be able to stand it. There are just too many delicious things to eat! |
| á? Wǒ kě rěnbuzhù. Hǎochī de dōngxi tài duō le! |
| 那你说怎么办? |
| So, what do you think we should do? |
| Nà nǐ shuō zěnme bàn? |
| 哎,如果能回到唐朝就好了。 |
| (Sigh.) If we could just go back to the Tang Dynasty everything would be fine. |
| āi, rúguǒ néng huídào Tángcháo jiù hǎo le. |