Elementary - A Very Special Day (B1000) A 你知道今天是什么日子吗? nǐ zhīdào jīntiān shì shénme rìzi ma? Do you know what day today is? B 什么日子?你的生日? shénme rìzi? nǐ de shēngrì? What is it? Your birthday? A 不是。 bù shì. No. B 国庆节? Guóqìngjié? National Day? A 不对,国庆节是十月一号。 bù duì, Guóqìngjié shì shí yuè yī hào. No, National Day is the first of October. B 那是什么日子? nà shì shénme rìzi? Then what day is today? A 很特别的日子。你好好想想。 hěn tèbié de rìzi. nǐ hǎohāo xiǎngxiang. A Very Special Day. Think hard. B 嗯......哦,我想起来了。 ng...... ō, wǒ xiǎng qilai le. Um...Oh, now I remember! Key Vocabulary 知道 zhīdào to know 什么 shénme what 日子 rìzi day 生日 shēngrì birthday 国庆节 Guóqìngjié National Day 很 hěn very 特别 tèbié special 好好 hǎohāo thoroughly 想 xiǎng to think 想起来 xiǎng qilai to recall Supplementary Vocabulary 节日 jiérì holiday 春节 chūnjié Chinese New Year 情人节 qíngrén jié Valentine's Day 结婚纪念日 jiéhūn jìniànrì wedding anniversary 非常 fēicháng extremely 思考 sīkǎo to think Elementary - Clearing the Table (B1003) A 服务员,服务员! fúwùyuán, fúwùyuán! Waiter! Waiter! B 什么事? shénme shì? What is it? A 这个吃好了,帮我们收走吧! zhè ge chī hǎo le, bāng wǒmen shōuzǒu ba! We're done eating this. Could you take it away? B 好,那这个呢? hǎo, nà zhè ge ne? OK. How about this one? A 这个我们还要吃。再拿点餐巾纸过来。 zhè ge wǒmen hái yào chī. zài ná diǎn cānjīnzhǐ guòlai. We're still eating that one. And please bring some more napkins. B 好,稍等。 hǎo, shāoděng. OK, just a moment. Key Vocabulary 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter 好 hǎo shows completion 帮 bāng to help 收走 shōuzǒu to clear away 还 hái still 再 zài again 拿 ná to take 餐巾纸 cānjīnzhǐ paper napkin 过来 guòlai over 稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment Supplementary Vocabulary 饭店 fàndiàn restaurant 点菜 diǎncài to order food 饮料 yǐnliào beverage 盘子 pánzi dish 筷子 kuàizi chopsticks Elementary - Introducing the Managers (B1009) A 我先给大家介绍一下。 wǒ xiān gěi dàjiā jièshào yīxià. First, I'll introduce everyone. A 这位是张总。这位是李总。 zhè wèi shì Zhāng Zǒng. zhè wèi shì Lǐ Zǒng. This is General Manager Zhang. This is General Manager Li. B 张总,您好! Zhāng Zǒng, nínhǎo! Hello, Mr. Zhang! C 您好,李总!久仰,久仰! nínhǎo, Lǐ Zǒng! jiǔyǎng, jiǔyǎng! Hello, Mr. Li! I'm so pleased to meet you! B 今天能见到您,真高兴! jīntiān néng jiàndào nín, zhēn gāoxìng! I'm so happy to see you today! A 大家快坐吧! dàjiā kuài zuò ba! Please take a seat, everyone! Key Vocabulary 先 xiān first 给 gěi to give 大家 dàjiā everybody 介绍 jièshào to introduce 久仰 jiǔyǎng to be honored to meet you 今天 jīntiān today 能 néng to be able to 见到 jiàndào to see 真 zhēn really 高兴 gāoxìng happy 快 kuài quickly 坐 zuò to sit 张总 Zhāng Zǒng Manager Zhang 李总 Lǐ Zǒng Manager Li Supplementary Vocabulary 经理 jīnglǐ manager 总经理 zǒngjīnglǐ general manager 老板 lǎobǎn boss 久仰大名 jiǔyǎng dàmíng honored to meet you 幸会 xìnghuì very happy to meet you 贵姓 guìxìng honorable surname Elementary - No Walking on the Grass (B1012) A 喂,喂! wèi, wèi! Hey! B 他在叫我们吗? tā zài jiào wǒmen ma? Is he calling us? C 好像是。师傅,怎么了? hǎoxiàng shì. shīfu, zěnme le? Seems like it. What's up? A 不能在草地上走。 bù néng zài cǎodì shang zǒu. You can't walk on the grass. C 啊?草地就是给人走的。 ǎ? cǎodì jiùshì gěi rén zǒu de. Huh? Grass is for people to walk on. A 谁说的?快出来!要保护草地。 shéi shuō de? kuài chūlái! yào bǎohù cǎodì. Says who? Get out. We should protect the grass. C 哦! ō! OK. Key Vocabulary 叫 jiào to call 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 师傅 shīfu master 怎么了 zěnme le what 能 néng to be able to 草地 cǎodì lawn 走 zǒu to walk 就是 jiùshì to be precisely 给 gěi to give 谁 shéi who 说 shuō to say 快 kuài quickly 出来 chūlái to come out 保护 bǎohù to protect Supplementary Vocabulary 花 huā flower 草 cǎo grass 杂草 zácǎo weeds 树 shù tree 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly 修剪 xiūjiǎn to trim 浇水 jiāoshuǐ to water 公园 gōngyuán park Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Beijing (B1018) A 冰糖葫芦!冰糖葫芦!您来一串儿? bīngtáng húlu! bīngtáng húlu! nín lái yī chuànr? Candied fruit ! Candied fruit! Would you like a stick? B 好。 hǎo. Sure. C 炸酱面!炸酱面!老北京的炸酱面。 zhájiàngmiàn! zhájiàngmiàn! lǎo Běijīng de zhájiàngmiàn. Noodles with fried bean sauce! Noodles with fried bean sauce! Old-style Beijing noodles. B 师傅,给我一碗。 shīfu, gěi wǒ yī wǎn. Give me a bowl, buddy. C 唉,您拿好。 āi, nín ná hǎo. Oh, here you go. B 这儿有北京烤鸭吗? zhèr yǒu Běijīng kǎoyā ma? Any Peking duck around here? C 哟,那您得去大饭店,比如全聚德。我们这儿没有。 yō, nà nín děi qù dà fàndiàn, bǐrú Quánjùdé. wǒmen zhèr méiyǒu. Ah, for that, you have to go to a big restaurant like Quan Ju De. We don't have any of that here. B 哦,好。谢谢您! ō, hǎo. xièxie nín! Oh, OK. Thank you! Key Vocabulary 冰糖葫芦 bīngtáng húlu candy-coated haw on a stick 串儿 chuànr skewer 炸酱面 zhájiàngmiàn noodles with fried bean sauce 老北京 lǎo Běijīng old Beijing 师傅 shīfu master 给 gěi to give 碗 wǎn bowl 拿好 ná hǎo to hold securely 北京烤鸭 Běijīng kǎoyā Peking duck 得 děi must 饭店 fàndiàn restaurant 比如 bǐrú for example 全聚德 Quánjùdé Quan Ju De Supplementary Vocabulary 山楂 shānzhā Chinese hawthorn 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 果酱 guǒjiàng jam 番茄酱 fānqiéjiàng ketchup 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce 果脯 guǒfǔ candied fruit 王府井大街 Wángfǔjǐng dàjiē Wang Fujing Road 胡同 hútòng alley Elementary - Stopped at the Gate (B1023) A 小姐,找哪家? xiǎojie, zhǎo nǎ jiā? Miss, which apartment are you looking for? B 十五号楼,2006室。 shíwǔ hào lóu, èr líng líng liù shì. Building 15, Room 2006. A 看朋友,是吗? kàn péngyou shì ma? To see a friend? B 对。 duì. Right. A 那请问你朋友叫什么? nà qǐng wèn nǐ péngyou jiào shénme? Then may I ask what your friend's name is? B 你怎么那么多问题? nǐ zěnme nàme duō wèntí? How come you have so many questions? A 为了大家的安全嘛。 wèile dàjiā de ānquán ma. It's for everyone's safety. Key Vocabulary 找 zhǎo to look for 看 kàn to see 朋友 péngyou friend 怎么 zěnme how 那么 nàme so 问题 wèntí questions 为了 wèile for the sake of 大家 dàjiā everybody 安全 ānquán safety 号 hào number 楼 lóu building 室 shì room Supplementary Vocabulary 小区 xiǎoqū residential area 大楼 dàlóu building 门口 ménkǒu gate 门卫 ménwèi guard 保安 bǎo ān security guard 保护 bǎohù to protect Elementary - Asking for Leave (B1030) A 老板,我想请假。 lǎobǎn, wǒ xiǎng qǐngjià. Sir, I'd like some time off. B 什么事? shénme shì? For what? A 我爸爸妈妈要来上海。 wǒ bàba māma yào lái Shànghǎi. My dad and mom are going to come to Shanghai. B 噢。什么时候? ō. shénme shíhou? Hmm. When? A 下周三和周四。 xià zhōusān hé zhōusì. Next Wednesday and Thursday. B 好的,我知道了。 hǎo de, wǒ zhīdào le. OK, I see. A 谢谢老板。 xièxie lǎobǎn. Thank you, sir. Key Vocabulary 老板 lǎobǎn boss 请假 qǐngjià to ask for leave 事 shì matter 爸爸妈妈 bàba māma dad and mom 什么时候 shénme shíhou when 下 xià next 周三 zhōusān Wednesday 周四 zhōusì Thursday 和 hé and 知道 zhīdào to know Supplementary Vocabulary 周一 zhōuyī Monday 周二 zhōuèr Tuesday 周五 zhōuwǔ Friday 周六 zhōuliù Saturday 周末 zhōumò weekend 下周 xiàzhōu next week 上周 shàngzhōu last week 父母 fùmǔ father and mother Elementary - Leaving Luggage with the Hotel (B1033) A 这么多行李,真麻烦! zhème duō xíngli, zhēn máfan! So much luggage. It's such a hassle! B 那我们放在服务台吧。 nà wǒmen fàng zài fúwùtái ba. Well, let's leave it at the service desk. B 你好,我的行李可以放在这里吗? nǐhǎo, wǒ de xíngli kěyǐ fàng zài zhèlǐ ma? Hi. Can I put my luggage here? C 可以。请问您什么时候来拿? kěyǐ. qǐng wèn nín shénme shíhou lái ná? Yes, you can. May I ask when you will come pick it up? B 两个小时以后。 liǎng ge xiǎoshí yǐhòu. In two hours. C 好的,请签名。 hǎo de, qǐng qiānmíng. OK. Please sign here. B 谢谢! xièxie! Thanks! C 哦哟,这么多! ōyo, zhème duō! Oh, there's so much! Key Vocabulary 这么 zhème so 行李 xíngli luggage 麻烦 máfan troublesome 放 fàng to put 服务台 fúwùtái reception desk 可以 kěyǐ can 什么时候 shénme shíhou when 拿 ná to take 小时 xiǎoshí hour 以后 yǐhòu after 签名 qiānmíng to sign one's name Supplementary Vocabulary 寄存 jìcún to check 寄存处 jìcúnchù place to store your luggage 行李箱 xínglixiāng trunk 退房 tuìfáng check-out 重 zhòng heavy 轻 qīng light 方便 fāngbiàn convenient Elementary - Get in line! (B1037) A 哎,排队! āi, páiduì! Hey, get in line! B 什么? shénme? What? A 大家都在排队,你看。 dàjiā dōu zài páiduì, nǐ kàn. Everybody is getting in line. Look! B 噢。 ō. Oh. C 你怎么这样啊?快排队! nǐ zěnme zhèyàng a? kuài páiduì! Why are you being this way? Quick, get in line! A 就是! jiùshì! Yeah! B 哎。 ai. Oh... Key Vocabulary 排队 páiduì to get in line 大家 dàjiā everybody 都 dōu all 怎么 zěnme how 这样 zhèyàng this way 快 kuài quickly 就是 jiùshì to be exactly so Supplementary Vocabulary 等 děng to wait for 插队 chāduì to cut in line 前面 qiánmiàn ahead 后面 hòumiàn behind 挤 jǐ crowded Elementary - Table for Three (B1046) A 小姐,三个人的桌子有吗? xiǎojie, sān ge rén de zhuōzi yǒu ma? Miss, do you have a table for three? B 订过吗? dìng guo ma? Did you book it? A 没有。 méiyǒu. No. B 那要等一下。 nà yào děng yīxià. Well then, you'll have to wait a bit. A 要等多久? yào děng duōjiǔ? How long will we have to wait? B 一个小时左右。 yī ge xiǎoshí zuǒyòu. About an hour. A 啊?开玩笑! ǎ? kāi wánxiào! Ah! You must be kidding! Key Vocabulary 桌子 zhuōzi table 订 dìng to reserve 等 děng to wait 多久 duōjiǔ how long 小时 xiǎoshí hour 左右 zuǒyòu about 开玩笑 kāi wánxiào to make a joke Supplementary Vocabulary 位子 wèizi seat 椅子 yǐzi chair 订房间 dìng fángjiān to reserve a room 订机票 dìng jīpiào to book plane tickets 多长时间 duōcháng shíjiān how long? Elementary - What's your (animal) sign? (B1051) A 对了,你属什么? duì le, nǐ shǔ shénme? Oh, which zodiac sign do you belong to? B 我属猴。你呢? wǒ shǔ hóu. nǐ ne? I was born during the year of the Monkey. What about you? A 我属老鼠。 wǒ shǔ lǎoshǔ. I was born during the year of the Rat. B 哇,你很年轻啊。 wā, nǐ hěn niánqīng a. Wow, you're really young! A 我们差不多。 wǒmen chàbuduō. We're almost the same. B 哪里,我比你大多了。 nǎli, wǒ bǐ nǐ dà duō le. No way, I'm a lot older than you. A 啊?你......你多大? ǎ? nǐ...... nǐ duō dà? Huh, how old are you? B 你猜! nǐ cāi! Guess! Key Vocabulary 对了 duì le Oh, right 属 shǔ to belong to some zodiac sign 猴 hóu monkey 老鼠 lǎoshǔ rat 年轻 niánqīng young 差不多 chàbuduō more or less the same 比 bǐ to compare 大 dà big 多了 duō le a lot 多大 duō dà how old 猜 cāi to guess Supplementary Vocabulary 生肖 shēngxiào zodiac signs 鼠 shǔ rat 牛 niú ox 虎 hǔ tiger 兔 tù rabbit 龙 lóng dragon 蛇 shé snake 马 mǎ horse 羊 yáng sheep 猴 hóu monkey 鸡 jī chicken 狗 gǒu dog 猪 zhū pig Elementary - Learning the Lei Feng Song (B1055) A 学习雷锋好榜样。 xuéxí Léi Fēng hǎo bǎngyàng. Learn from Lei Feng, the good role model. B 停。学习雷锋注意“学习”。来。 tíng. xuéxí Léi Fēng zhùyì "xuéxí" . lái. Stop. Learn from Lei Feng -- take note of the "learn." Again. A 学习雷锋-- xuéxí Léi Fēng-- Learn from Lei Feng... B 很好。继续! hěn hǎo. jìxù! Very good. Continue! A 好榜样。 hǎo bǎngyàng. Good role model. B 大家注意“榜样”。好榜样。再来。 dàjiā zhùyì "bǎngyàng" . hǎo bǎngyàng. zài lái. Everyone pay attention to "good model." Good role model. Once more. A 学习雷锋好榜样。 xuéxí Léi Fēng hǎo bǎngyàng. Learn from Lei Feng, the good role . Key Vocabulary 学习 xuéxí to study 雷锋 Léi Fēng Lei Feng 榜样 bǎngyàng role model 停 tíng to stop 注意 zhùyì to pay attention 来 lái to come 继续 jìxù to continue 大家 dàjiā everybody 再 zài again Supplementary Vocabulary 坏榜样 huài bǎngyàng a bad role model 唱歌 chànggē to sing 歌词 gēcí lyrics 练习 liànxí to practice 帮助 bāngzhù to help 毛主席 Máo Zhǔxí Chairman Mao 向雷锋同志学习 xiàng Léi Fēng tóngzhì xuéxí Learn from the example of Comrade Lei Feng Elementary - Hungry Traveler: Hangzhou (B1060) A 西湖醋鱼。 Xīhúcùyú. West Lake Vinegar Fish. B 好香啊! hǎo xiāng a! It smells so good! C 别拍了。快吃吧! bié pāi le. kuài chī ba! Don't take any more pictures. Hurry up and eat! A 东坡肉。 Dōngpōròu. Dong Po braised pork. B 哇!我最喜欢这个!服务员,来一碗饭! wā! wǒ zuì xǐhuan zhè ge! fúwù yuán, lái yī wǎn fàn! Oh! This is my favorite! Waiter, bring me a bowl of rice! C 我也要。 wǒ yě yào. I want one, too. B 两碗! liǎng wǎn! Two bowls! Key Vocabulary 西湖醋鱼 Xīhúcùyú fish cooked in vinegar, West Lake-style 东坡肉 Dōngpōròu braised fatty pork 好 hǎo great 香 xiāng smells good 别 bié don't 拍 pāi to take photos 快 kuài quick 最 zuì most 来 lái to bring 碗 wǎn bowl 饭 fàn rice 也 yě also Supplementary Vocabulary 杭州 Hángzhōu Hangzhou 西湖 Xīhú West Lake 苏东坡 Sū Dōngpō Su Tung-po 龙井茶 lóngjǐngchá Long Jing tea 西湖藕粉 Xīhúǒufěn Lotus powder from West Lake 叫花鸡 jiàohuājī chicken baked in clay 酱鸭 jiàngyā duck with sauce Elementary - Don't push that button (B1066) A 千万别按那个。 qiānwàn bié àn nèi ge. Whatever you do, do not push that. B 哪个? něi ge? Which one? A 那个红色的。 nèi ge hóngsè de. That red one. B 这个吗? zhèi ge ma? This one? A 不是,那个红色的,圆的。千万别按。 bù shì, nèi ge hóngsè de, yuán de. qiānwàn bié àn. No, that red one, the round one. Do not push it, no matter what. B 红色的,圆的。 hóngsè de, yuán de. The round red one. Key Vocabulary 千万 qiānwàn whatever you do... 别 bié don't 按 àn to press 这个 zhèi ge this 那个 nèi ge that 哪个 něi ge which 红色 hóngsè red 圆 yuán round Supplementary Vocabulary 危险 wēixiǎn dangerous 发生 fāshēng to happen 爆炸 bàozhà to explode 警告 jǐnggào to warn 开关 kāiguān on-off switch 按钮 ànniǔ to press a button Elementary - Outrageous Power Bill (B1068) A 电费来了。 diànfèi lái le. The electrical bill is here. B 噢。多少钱?天哪!不可能! ō. duōshao qián? tiān na! bù kěnéng! Oh. How much is it? Oh man! Impossible! A 怎么了? zěnme le? What's wrong? B 880块! bābǎi bāshí kuài! 880 RMB! A 啊?怎么这么贵? ǎ? zěnme zhème guì? Agh! How could it be so expensive? B 我怎么知道?问你啊! wǒ zěnme zhīdào? wèn nǐ a! How would I know? You tell me! Key Vocabulary 电费 diànfèi power bill 来 lái to come 多少钱 duōshao qián how much money 天哪 tiān na No way! 不可能 bù kěnéng impossible 怎么了 zěnme le what's wrong 怎么 zěnme how 这么 zhème this 贵 guì expensive 知道 zhīdào to know 问 wèn to ask Supplementary Vocabulary 水费 shuǐfèi water bill 电话费 diànhuàfèi telephone bill 煤气费 méiqìfèi gas bill 学费 xuéfèi tuition 账单 zhàngdān bill 交费 jiāofèi to pay bills Elementary - Happiness Candy (B1073) A 小丽,这是我的喜糖! Xiǎo Lì, zhè shì wǒ de xǐtáng! Xiao Li, this is my wedding candy! B 哦,谢谢!恭喜啊!好可爱的盒子! o, xièxie! gōngxǐ a! hǎo kě ài de hézi! Oh, thanks! Congratulations! What a cute box! A 吃喜糖吧! chī xǐtáng ba! Have some wedding candy! C 恭喜恭喜!什么时候结婚的? gōngxǐ gōngxǐ! shénme shíhou jiéhūn de? Congratulations! When did you get married? A 8月8号! bā yuè bā hào! August eighth! D 喜糖啊!我的呢? xǐtáng a! wǒ de ne? Wedding candy? Where's mine? A 别急,别急,大家都有! bié jí, bié jí, dàjiā dōu yǒu! Don't worry, there's some for everyone! Key Vocabulary 喜糖 xǐtáng Wedding Candy 恭喜 gōngxǐ to congratulate 好 hǎo really 可爱 kě ài cute 盒子 hézi box 什么时候 shénme shíhou when 结婚 jiéhūn to marry 8月8号 bā yuè bā hào August 8th 别 bié don't 急 jí to be anxious 大家 dàjiā everybody 都 dōu all Supplementary Vocabulary 婚礼 hūnlǐ wedding 新郎 xīnláng groom 新娘 xīnniáng bride 喝喜酒 hē xǐjiǔ to attend a wedding banquet 红包 hóngbāo red envelope with gift money Elementary - Plants Need Watering (B1078) A 好久没给花浇水了。 hǎojiǔ méi gěi huā jiāo shuǐ le. It's been a long time since we watered the flowers. B 对哦!我现在去浇。 duì o! wǒ xiànzài qù jiāo. Yeah! I'll go do it right now! A 等一下。不用了。 děng yīxià. bùyòng le. Wait! There's no need. B 为什么? wèishénme? Why not? A 花已经死了。 huā yǐjīng sǐ le. The flowers are already dead. Key Vocabulary 好久 hǎojiǔ quite a while 给 gěi to give 花 huā flower 浇水 jiāoshuǐ to water 现在 xiànzài now 不用 bùyòng not necessary 为什么 wèishénme why 已经 yǐjīng already 死 sǐ to die Supplementary Vocabulary 浇花 jiāohuā to water the plants 水壶 shuǐhú watering can 叶子 yèzi leaves 植物 zhíwù plants 草 cǎo grass 树 shù tree Elementary - Hanging Up the Phone (B1080) A 嗯,嗯,嗯......好,知道了。 ng4, ng4, ng4...... hǎo, zhīdao le. Oh, Ok, Oh....OK, I get it. B 那就这样吧。 nà jiù zhèyàng ba. So how about we leave it at that. A 嗯,好,再联系啊。 ng4, hǎo, zài liánxì a. Hmm...OK, stay in touch. B 嗯,常联系。挂了啊。 ng4, cháng liánxì. guà le a. Yeah, stay in touch. I'm going. A 好,拜拜! hǎo, bàibài! OK, bye-bye! B 再见! zàijiàn! Bye bye! Key Vocabulary 知道 zhīdao to know 这样 zhèyàng this way 再 zài again 联系 liánxì to contact 常 cháng often 挂 guà to hang up 拜拜 bàibài bye-bye Supplementary Vocabulary 打电话 dǎ diànhuà to call on the phone 挂电话 guà diànhuà to hang up the phone 接电话 jiē diànhuà to answer the phone 打不通 dǎbutōng to be unable to get through 经常 jīngcháng often 常常 chángcháng often Elementary - New Clothes (B1085) A 哎哟,累死了。没有好看的,就别买了。 āiyō, lèi sǐ le. méiyǒu hǎokàn de, jiù bié mǎi le. Oh, I'm so worn-out. If there's nothing good, don't buy anything. B 不行,过年一定要穿新衣服。 bùxíng! guònián yīdìng yào chuān xīn yīfu. No way! You really have to wear new clothes when you celebrate Chinese New Year. A 可是没有好的。 kěshì méiyǒu hǎo de. But there's nothing good here. B 我还是要买。是新年。 wǒ háishì yào mǎi. shì xīnnián. I still want to buy something. It's the new year! A 那你买吧,我无所谓。 nà nǐ mǎi ba, wǒ wúsuǒwèi. Buy something then. It makes no difference to me. B 哼,那我自己买。 hng, nà wǒ zìjǐ mǎi. Hmf. I'll get something for myself then. Key Vocabulary 累死了 lèi sǐ le to be exhausted 好看 hǎokàn good-looking 过年 guònián to celebrate the New Year 一定要 yīdìng yào must 穿 chuān to wear 新 xīn new 可是 kěshì but 还是 háishì still 新年 xīnnián New Year 无所谓 wúsuǒwèi to be indifferent 哼 hng humph 自己 zìjǐ oneself Supplementary Vocabulary 难看 nánkàn ugly 逛街 guàngjiē to go for a stroll 购物 gòuwù to go shopping 打折 dǎzhé discount 试 shì to try Elementary - Illegal taxis (B1091) A 要车吗?去市区,不用排队。 yào chē ma? qù shìqū, bùyòng páiduì. Do you need a ride? I'll take you downtown. You don't need to wait in line. B 不要。 bù yào. No. A 出租车要排队,我的车现在就走。 chūzūchē yào páiduì, wǒ de chē xiànzài jiù zǒu. You have to get in line for a taxi. I can leave right now. B 这样啊,多少钱? zhèyàng a, duōshao qián? Is that so...how much? C 别坐黑车,出租车在前面。 bié zuò hēichē, chūzūchē zài qiánmiàn. Don't take an illegal cab. The taxis are up ahead. B 噢,谢谢。 ò, xièxie. Oh, thanks! A 我的也是出租车。哎、哎! wǒ de yě shì chūzūchē. ài, ài! Mine is also a cab! Hey, hey! Key Vocabulary 市区 shìqū downtown 不用 bùyòng need not 排队 páiduì to line up 出租车 chūzūchē taxi 现在 xiànzài now 走 zǒu to leave 这样 zhèyàng this way 别 bié don't 坐 zuò to sit 黑车 hēichē illegal taxi 前面 qiánmiàn ahead 也 yě also Supplementary Vocabulary 非法 fēifǎ illegal 打表 dǎbiǎo to use the meter 发票 fāpiào receipt 摩托车 mótuōchē motorcycle 摩的 módī illegal motorcycle cab 骗 piàn to cheat Elementary - Valentine's Special (B1096) A 陈蕾在吗?有人送花给她。 Chén Lěi zài ma? yǒu rén sòng huā gěi tā. Is Chen Lei in? She's got a flower delivery. B 哦,我就是。 o, wǒ jiùshì. Oh, that's me! C 谁送的? shéi sòng de? Who gave you those? B 一个朋友。 yī ge péngyou. A friend. C 什么朋友?男的还是女的?谁啊? shénme péngyou? nán de háishi nǚ de? shéi a? What friend? Male or female? Who? D 快递。陈蕾在吗? kuàidì. Chén Lěi zài ma? Delivery-- is Chen Lei in? C 巧克力。快说,谁送的? qiǎokèlì. kuài shuō, shéi sòng de? Chocolate. Quick, tell me-- who gave you this?! Key Vocabulary 在 zài to be at 送 sòng to deliver 给 gěi to give 就是 jiùshì to be exactly 谁 shéi who 朋友 péngyou friend 还是 háishi still to be 快递 kuàidì express delivery 巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate 快 kuài quick Supplementary Vocabulary 情人节 Qíngrén jié Valentine's Day 礼物 lǐwù gift 约会 yuēhuì a date 浪漫 làngmàn romantic 玫瑰花 méiguihuā rose