Elementary - Interview with an Athlete (B0605) A: 祝贺你,拿到奥运铜牌。 Congratulations on winning an Olympic bronze medal. Zhùhè nǐ, nádào Àoyùn tóngpái. B: 谢谢。 Thank you. Xièxie. A: 现在有什么感觉? What are you feeling right now? Xiànzài yǒu shénme gǎnjué? B: 太激动了! I'm just so excited! Tài jīdòng le! A: 没拿到金牌,失望吗? Are you disappointed that you didn't get the gold medal? Méi nádào jīnpái, shīwàng ma? B: 不,我已经很满意了。 No, I'm very satisfied. Bù, wǒ yǐjīng hěn mǎnyì le. Key Vocabulary 祝贺 zhùhè to congratulate 拿到 nádào to get 铜牌 tóngpái bronze medal 感觉 gǎnjué to feel 激动 jīdòng excited 金牌 jīnpái gold medal 失望 shīwàng disappointed 已经 yǐjīng already 满意 mǎnyì satisfied Supplementary Vocabulary 银牌 yínpái silver medal 记者 jìzhě journalist 采访 cǎifǎng to interview 心情 xīnqíng mood Elementary - To Bow or Not to Bow (B0609) A: 在中国,见面的时候需要鞠躬吗? In China, do you need to bow when you meet people? Zài Zhōngguó, jiànmiàn de shíhou xūyào jūgōng ma? B: 不需要。 No. Bù xūyào. A: 但是在日本和韩国要鞠躬。 But in Japan and Korea you need to bow. Dànshì zài Rìběn hé Hánguó yào jūgōng. B: 在中国,握手就可以了。 In China, you can just shake hands. Zài Zhōngguó, wòshǒu jiù kěyǐ le. A: 太好了。 That's great. Tài hǎo le. B: 是啊,不需要一直鞠躬。 Yeah, you don't have to bend over all the time. Shì a, bù xūyào yīzhí jūgōng. Key Vocabulary 见面 jiànmiàn to meet 需要 xūyào to need 鞠躬 jūgōng to bow 但是 dànshì but 日本 Rìběn Japan 韩国 Hánguó Korea 握手 wòshǒu to shake hands 可以 kěyǐ can 一直 yīzhí continuously; always Supplementary Vocabulary 点头 diǎntóu to nod one's head 弯腰 wānyāo to bend over 抱 bào to hug 挥手 huīshǒu to wave 吻脸颊 wěn liǎnjiá to kiss on the cheek Elementary - Trouble with Grades (B0614) A: 我死定了。 I'm so dead. Wǒ sǐ dìng le. B: 怎么了? What is it? Zěnme le? A: 我这次考得很差。 I did terribly on the last test. Wǒ zhècì kǎo de hěn chà. B: 我也很差。 Me too. Wǒ yě hěn chà. A: 我爸妈会打死我的。 My parents are going to beat me to death. Wǒ bàmā huì dǎ sǐ wǒ de. B: 应该不会吧。 They won't really, right? Yīnggāi bù huì ba. Key Vocabulary 死定 sǐ dìng dead; doomed 这次 zhècì this time 考 kǎo to take an exam 差 chà poor 也 yě also 会 huì will 打 dǎ to beat 死 sǐ death 应该 yīnggāi should Supplementary Vocabulary 成绩 chéngjì mark; result 数学 shùxué mathematics 骂 mà to scold 作弊 zuòbì to cheat on a test 完蛋 wándàn to be done for Elementary - Volleyball (B0618) A: 观众朋友们,女排比赛开始了。 Spectator friends, the women's volleyball competition has begun. Guānzhòng péngyou men, nǚpái bǐsài kāishǐ le. B: 现在是古巴女排发球。 The Cuban women's volleyball team is serving now. Xiànzài shì Gǔbā nǚpái fāqiú. A: 中国队接球不错。 Team China returned it pretty well. Zhōngguó duì jiēqiú bùcuò. B: 古巴队的防守也很强。 Team Cuba's defense is also very strong. Gǔbā duì de fángshǒu yě hěn qiáng. A: 双人拦网。 Two-person block at the net. Shuāngrén lánwǎng. B: 扣球! Spike! Kòuqiú! A: 啊呀,出界了。 Oh, it's out of bounds. āyā, chūjiè le. Key Vocabulary 女排 nǚpái women's volleyball team 古巴 Gǔbā Cuba 发球 fāqiú to serve the ball 接球 jiēqiú to return the ball; to catch the ball 防守 fángshǒu defense 强 qiáng strong 双人 shuāngrén two-person 拦网 lánwǎng to block 扣球 kòuqiú to spike the ball 出界 chūjiè to go out of bounds Supplementary Vocabulary 排球 páiqiú volleyball 沙滩排球 shātān páiqiú beach volleyball 打排球 dǎ páiqiú to play volleyball 球网 qiúwǎng net 传球 chuánqiú to pass the ball 进攻 jìngōng to attack Elementary - Number Two (B0622) A: 我们回去吧。 Let's go back. Wǒmen huíqu ba. B: 还早呢。 It's still early. Hái zǎo ne. A: 可是我想回去上厕所。 But I want to go back to use the restroom. Kěshì wǒ xiǎng huíqu shàng cèsuǒ. B: 这里不是有厕所吗? Isn't there a restroom here? Zhèlǐ bù shì yǒu cèsuǒ ma? A: 我不想上公厕。 I don't want to use the public toilet. Wǒ bù xiǎng shàng gōngcè. B: 为什么?挺干净的。 Why? It's quite clean. Wèishénme? Tǐng gānjìng de. A: 我想上大号。快走吧!我很急。 I have to go number two. C'mon, let's go! It's urgent. Wǒ xiǎng shàng dàhào. Kuài zǒu ba! Wǒ hěn jí. Key Vocabulary 回去 huíqu to go back 还 hái still 可是 kěshì but 上厕所 shàng cèsuǒ to use the restroom 厕所 cèsuǒ restroom 公厕 gōngcè public toilet 为什么 wèishénme why 挺 tǐng quite 干净 gānjìng clean 大号 dàhào number two 急 jí urgent Supplementary Vocabulary 小号 xiǎohào number one 大便 dàbiàn to defecate; defecation 小便 xiǎobiàn to urinate; urine 尿尿 niàoniào to pee 拉肚子 lā dùzi diarrhea 卫生纸 wèishēngzhǐ toilet paper 脏 zāng dirty 冲水 chōngshuǐ to flush a toilet 马桶 mǎtǒng toilet Elementary - Man or Woman? (B0627) A: 那个人是男的还是女的? Is that person male or female? Nèige rén shì nánde háishi nǚde? B: 肯定是男的。头发那么短。 Got to be male. His hair is so short. Kěndìng shì nánde. Tóufa nàme duǎn. A: 但是走路的样子像女的。 But the way she walks looks female. Dànshì zǒulù de yàngzi xiàng nǚde. B: 是有点像。不过长得像男的。 Yes, it does. But she looks male. Shì yǒudiǎn xiàng. Bùguò zhǎng de xiàng nánde. A: 到底是男的还是女的? Is he male or female?? Dàodǐ shì nánde háishi nǚde? B: 我也糊涂了。 I'm confused too. Wǒ yě hútu le. Key Vocabulary 男的 nánde male 女的 nǚde female 肯定 kěndìng definitely 头发 tóufa hair 短 duǎn short 但是 dànshì but 走路 zǒulù to walk 样子 yàngzi manner 像 xiàng to resemble 有点 yǒudiǎn slightly 不过 bùguò but 长 zhǎng to look; to appear 到底 dàodǐ actually 糊涂 hútu confused Supplementary Vocabulary 长 cháng long 高 gāo tall 矮 ǎi short 胖 pàng fat 瘦 shòu thin 胡子 húzi beard 个子 gèzi stature Elementary - Olympic Training (B0633) A: 为奥运会做准备真不容易。 Wèi Àoyùnhuì zuò zhǔnbèi zhēn bù róngyì. It's really not easy to prepare for the Olympics. B: 当然咯!运动员的生活里只有训练。 Dāngrán lo! Yùndòngyuán de shēnghuó lǐ zhǐyǒu xùnliàn. Of course! An athlete's life is all training. A: 他们真是太辛苦了。 Tāmen zhēnshì tài xīnkǔ le. They're just so sacrificing. B: 是啊,我们看比赛轻松多了。 Shì a, wǒmen kàn bǐsài qīngsōng duō le. Yeah, it's a lot easier for us, watching the competitions. Key Vocabulary 为 wèi for 做 zuò to do 准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare 容易 róngyì easy 运动员 yùndòngyuán athlete 生活 shēnghuó life 只有 zhǐyǒu only have 训练 xùnliàn to train 辛苦 xīnkǔ arduous 看 kàn to watch 比赛 bǐsài competition 轻松 qīngsōng relaxed 多了 duō le more Supplementary Vocabulary 教练 jiàoliàn coach 目标 mùbiāo goal 坚持 jiānchí to persist in 受伤 shòushāng to get injured 体力 tǐlì physical strength Elementary - Basic Shapes (B0637) A: 宝贝,球是什么形状的? Bǎobèi, qiú shì shénme xíngzhuàng de? Baby, what shape are balls? B: 不知道。 Bù zhīdào. I don't know. A: 球是圆的,太阳也是圆的。 Qiú shì yuán de, tàiyáng yě shì yuán de. Balls are round. The sun is round too. B: 爸爸,那,书是什么形状的呢? Bàba, nà, shū shì shénme xíngzhuàng de ne? So, Daddy, what shape is a book? A: 书是方的,门也是方的。 Shū shì fāng de, mén yě shì fāng de. Books are rectangular. Doors are rectangular too. B: 我知道了。 Wǒ zhīdào le. I see. A: 那,你的三明治是什么形状的? Nà, nǐ de sānmíngzhì shì shénme xíngzhuàng de? So, what shape is your sandwich? B: 不知道。 Bù zhīdào. I don't know. A: 是三角形的。 Shì sānjiǎoxíng de. It's triangular. Key Vocabulary 宝贝 bǎobèi baby 球 qiú ball 是 shì to be 什么 shénme what 形状 xíngzhuàng shape 知道 zhīdào to know 圆 yuán round 太阳 tàiyáng sun 也 yě also 书 shū book 方 fāng rectangular 三明治 sānmíngzhì sandwich 三角形 sānjiǎoxíng triangle Supplementary Vocabulary 正方形 zhèngfāngxíng square 长方形 chángfāngxíng rectangle 椭圆 tuǒyuán oval Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: Everyone Is Dating (B0642) 大学里每个人都在谈恋爱。 Dàxué lǐ měi ge rén dōu zài tán liàn ài. Every person in the university is dating. 但是我们班的男生太丑了,都是书呆子。 Dànshì wǒmen bān de nánshēng tài chǒu le, dōu shì shūdāizi. But the boys in our class are too ugly, and are all bookworms. 特别是王伟。 Tèbié shì Wáng Wěi. Especially Wang Wei. 除了读书,什么都不知道。 Chúle dúshū, shénme dōu bù zhīdào. He doesn't know anything but studying. 不过李燕好像很喜欢他,每天都和他一起吃饭、看书。 Bùguò Lǐ Yàn hǎoxiàng hěn xǐhuan tā, měitiān dōu hé tā yīqǐ chīfàn, kànshū. But Li Yan seems to really like him. Every day she eats with him, studies with him. 我觉得这样太无聊了,一点都不浪漫! Wǒ juéde zhèyàng tài wúliáo le, yīdiǎn dōu bù làngmàn! I feel that's so boring, not romantic at all. Key Vocabulary 大学 dàxué university 谈恋爱 tán liàn ài to date 但是 dànshì but 班 bān class 男生 nánshēng male student 丑 chǒu ugly 书呆子 shūdāizi bookworm 特别是 tèbié shì especially 除了 chúle except for 不过 bùguò but 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 一起 yīqǐ together 觉得 juéde to think; to feel 无聊 wúliáo boring 浪漫 làngmàn romantic Supplementary Vocabulary 小学 xiǎoxué primary school 中学 zhōngxué middle school 约会 yuēhuì date 爱上 àishàng to fall in love 帅 shuài handsome 酷 kù cool Elementary - Cycling (B0646) A: 你知道奥运会自行车比赛有哪几种吗? Nǐ zhīdào Àoyùnhuì zìxíngchē bǐsài yǒu nǎ jǐ zhǒng ma? Do you know which types of cycling competitions are in the Olympics? B: 不知道。有哪些? Bù zhīdào. Yǒu nǎxiē? No. Which ones? A: 有场地赛、公路赛和山地赛。 Yǒu chǎngdì sài, gōnglù sài hé shāndì sài. There's track cycling, road cycling, and mountain biking. B: 啊,还有一个新的我知道。 ā, hái yǒu yī ge xīn de wǒ zhīdào. Ah, and there's a new one I know. A: 是什么? Shì shénme? What is it? B: 小轮车。 Xiǎolúnchē. BMX. Key Vocabulary 知道 zhīdào to know 自行车 zìxíngchē bicycle 比赛 bǐsài competition 有 yǒu to have 哪些 nǎxiē which 场地赛 chǎngdì sài track cycling 公路赛 gōnglù sài road cycling 山地赛 shāndì sài mountain biking 和 hé and 还 hái also 新 xīn new 小轮车 xiǎolúnchē BMX Supplementary Vocabulary 脚踏车 jiǎotàchē bicycle 山地车 shāndìchē mountain bike 安全帽 ānquánmào safety helmet 链条 liàntiáo chain 刹车 shāchē brake Elementary - Li Yan's Diary: Love and Italian Food (B0650) 今天天气很好,不过我的心情更好。 Jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo, bùguò wǒ de xīnqíng gèng hǎo. The weather is really good today, but my mood is even better. 因为今天王伟请我吃了意大利菜。 Yīnwèi jīntiān Wáng Wěi qǐng wǒ chī le Yìdàlì cài. It's because today I had Italian food with Wang Wei. 他真会享受,不像班里的其他男生,他们都很土。 Tā zhēn huì xiǎngshòu, bù xiàng bān lǐ de qítā nánshēng, tāmen dōu hěn tǔ. He really knows how to enjoy things, unlike some other boys in the class. They are all so dorky. 我想我开始喜欢他了,但是他好像喜欢杨洁。 Wǒ xiǎng wǒ kāishǐ xǐhuan tā le, dànshì tā hǎoxiàng xǐhuan Yáng Jié. I think I've started to like him, but he seems to like Yang Jie. 上课的时候,他总是看她。 Shàngkè de shíhou, tā zǒngshì kàn tā. During class he always looks at her. Key Vocabulary 天气 tiānqì weather 心情 xīnqíng mood 更 gèng even more 因为 yīnwèi because 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy 菜 cài food 享受 xiǎngshòu to enjoy 像 xiàng to resemble 其他 qítā other 土 tǔ dorky 开始 kāishǐ to begin 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 上课 shàngkè to attend class 总是 zǒngshì always Supplementary Vocabulary 日记 rìjì diary 爱情 àiqíng love 时尚 shíshàng fashionable 下课 xiàkè to finish class Elementary - Superman (B0655) A: 你看,好大的鸟! Nǐ kàn, hǎo dà de niǎo! Look, a big bird! B: 不是,是飞机。 Bù shì, shì fēijī. No, it's a plane. A: 不对,是超人! Bù duì, shì chāorén! Wrong, it's Superman! B: 真的是啊。超人实在是太酷了!他飞得真快! Zhēnde shì a. Chāorén shízài shì tài kù le! Tā fēi de zhēn kuài! It really is. Superman is just too cool! He flies so fast! A: 没错。他真是个英雄。 Méicuò. Tā zhēn shì ge yīngxióng. That's right. He really is a hero. B: 而且超级帅!你看,他对我笑了! érqiě chāojí shuài! Nǐ kàn, tā duì wǒ xiào le! Plus he's super handsome! Look, he smiled at me! Key Vocabulary 鸟 niǎo bird 飞机 fēijī airplane 超人 chāorén Superman 酷 kù cool 飞 fēi to fly 英雄 yīngxióng hero 超级 chāojí super 帅 shuài handsome 对 duì toward 笑 xiào to smile Supplementary Vocabulary 蜘蛛侠 zhīzhūxiá Spiderman 蝙蝠侠 biānfúxiá Batman 漫画 mànhuà comic 披风 pīfēng cape 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave 超能力 chāonénglì superpower Elementary - Wang Wei's Diary: Food and Girls (B0659) 今天吃了意大利菜,又贵又难吃。 Jīntiān chī le Yìdàlì cài, yòu guì yòu nánchī. I had Italian food today. It was both expensive and bad. 真不懂为什么李燕觉得好吃。 Zhēn bù dǒng wèishénme Lǐ Yàn juéde hǎochī. I really don't get why Li Yan thought it was good. 我们最近经常在一起,我觉得她挺可爱的。 Wǒmen zuìjìn jīngcháng zài yīqǐ, wǒ juéde tā tǐng kěài de. Recently we're often together. I think she's quite cute. 不像杨洁,她太骄傲了。 Bù xiàng Yáng Jié, tā tài jiāoào le. She's not like Yang Jie, who's too stuck-up. 而且每天都穿很奇怪的衣服。 érqiě měitiān dōu chuān hěn qíguài de yīfu. Besides, she wears weird clothes every day. 我一直看她,但是看不出那些衣服哪里好看。 Wǒ yīzhí kàn tā, dànshì kànbuchū nàxiē yīfu nǎli hǎokàn. I'm always looking at her, but I can't see what's good about those clothes. 不过她真的长得挺漂亮的。 Bùguò tā zhēnde zhǎng de tǐng piàoliang de. But she really is rather pretty. Key Vocabulary 又......又...... yòu ... yòu ... to be both ... and ... 为什么 wèishénme why 难吃 nánchī bad to eat 好吃 hǎochī tasty 最近 zuìjìn recently 经常 jīngcháng often 觉得 juéde to think 骄傲 jiāoào proud 而且 érqiě furthermore 奇怪 qíguài strange 一直 yīzhí always 看不出 kànbuchū to be unable to tell 好看 hǎokàn good-looking Supplementary Vocabulary 便宜 piányi cheap 难看 nánkàn ugly 看得出 kàndechū to be able to tell 谦虚 qiānxū modest Elementary - Describing Athletes (B0665) A: 快看,这个运动员的身材真好。 Kuài kàn, zhège yùndòngyuán de shēncái zhēn hǎo. Look! This athlete has a great physique. B: 这个太瘦了。还是那个好,肌肉发达。 Zhège tài shòu le. Háishi nàge hǎo, jīròu fādá. And this one is too thin. That one's better; his muscles are well-developed. A: 我觉得那个太壮了。 Wǒ juéde nàge tài zhuàng le. I think that one's too buff. B: 运动员当然要壮了。 Yùndòngyuán dāngrán yào zhuàng le. Of course athletes need to be buff. A: 你看那个,那个怎么样? Nǐ kàn nàge, nàge zěnmeyàng? Look at that one. What do you think of him? B: 嗯,他的身材正好。 Ng4, tā de shēncái zhènghǎo. Oh, his physique is great. Key Vocabulary 运动员 yùndòngyuán athlete 身材 shēncái physique 瘦 shòu thin 还是 háishi still; nevertheless 肌肉 jīròu muscle 发达 fādá developed 觉得 juéde to think 正好 zhènghǎo just right Supplementary Vocabulary 教练 jiàoliàn coach 强壮 qiángzhuàng strong 胖 pàng fat 力量 lìliàng physical strength; power Elementary - Yang Jie's Diary: Date with a Nerd (B0670) 哎,马上就要考试了。我死定了! āi, mǎshàng jiù yào kǎoshì le. Wǒ sǐdìng le! Ah, it's almost time for exams. I'm dead! 好多东西我都不懂。 Hǎo duō dōngxi wǒ dōu bù dǒng. I don't understand so many things. 没想到,王伟说他可以帮我复习。 Méixiǎngdào, Wáng Wěi shuō tā kěyǐ bāng wǒ fùxí. I never imagined Wang Wei would offer to help me review. 他约我明天去图书馆。 Tā yuē wǒ míngtiān qù túshūguǎn. He asked me to go to the library tomorrow. 呵呵,认识一个书呆子还是挺有用的! Hēhē, rènshi yī ge shūdāizi háishi tǐng yǒuyòng de! Heh heh, it can be quite useful, knowing a nerd! 他虽然很土,但是人挺好的。 Tā suīrán hěn tǔ, dànshì rén tǐng hǎo de. He's not very cool, but he's a good guy. Key Vocabulary 马上 mǎshàng right away 考试 kǎoshì test 死定 sǐdìng dead 没想到 méixiǎngdào to not realize 帮 bāng to help 复习 fùxí to review 约 yuē to make an appointment 图书馆 túshūguǎn library 认识 rènshi to know 书呆子 shūdāizi nerd; bookworm 有用 yǒuyòng useful 虽然 suīrán although 土 tǔ dorky 但是 dànshì but Supplementary Vocabulary 预习 yùxí to prepare lessons before class 没用 méiyòng useless Elementary - Gymnastics (B0674) A: 体操比赛开始了。 Tǐcāo bǐsài kāishǐ le. The gymnastics competition is starting. B: 哇,她们的动作真漂亮。 Wā, tāmen de dòngzuò zhēn piàoliang. Wow, their moves are really impressive. A: 而且还很稳。 érqiě hái hěn wěn. And really stable, too. B: 是啊。每个动作都很优美。 Shì a. Měige dòngzuò dōu hěn yōuměi. Yeah, every movement is graceful. A: 她们肯定练了很久。 Tāmen kěndìng liàn le hěn jiǔ. They've definitely been practicing for a long time. Key Vocabulary 体操 tǐcāo gymnastics 比赛 bǐsài competition 开始 kāishǐ to begin 动作 dòngzuò movements 漂亮 piàoliang beautiful 而且 érqiě moreover 稳 wěn stable 每个 měige each 优美 yōuměi graceful 肯定 kěndìng definitely 练 liàn to practice Supplementary Vocabulary 自由体操 zìyóu tǐcāo floor exercise 平衡木 pínghéngmù balance beam 跳马 tiàomǎ vault 鞍马 ānmǎ pommel horse 高低杠 gāodīgàng uneven bars 单杠 dāngàng horizontal bar 双杠 shuānggàng parallel bars 吊环 diàohuán flying rings Elementary - New York City (B0679) 纽约、纽约。纽约是大苹果,一看就想咬一口。 Niǔyuē, Niǔyuē. Niǔyuē shì dà píngguǒ, yī kàn jiù xiǎng yǎo yī kǒu. New York, New York. New York is the Big Apple, and as soon as you see it you just want to take a big bite. 在纽约,时间、钱、眼睛总是不够用。 Zài Niǔyuē, shíjiān, qián, yǎnjing zǒngshì bù gòuyòng. In New York, your time, money, and eyes are never enough. 很多人说,纽约是世界上最棒的城市。 Hěn duō rén shuō, Niǔyuē shì shìjièshàng zuì bàng de chéngshì. Many people say that New York is the greatest city in the world. 那里有各种各样的文化。 Nàli yǒu gèzhǒnggèyàng de wénhuà. There are all kinds of cultures there. 刚到纽约的人,都能叫自己“纽约客”。 Gāng dào Niǔyuē de rén, dōu néng jiào zìjǐ " Niǔyuēkè ". People who have just arrived in New York can all call themselves "New Yorkers." Key Vocabulary 纽约 Niǔyuē New York 咬 yǎo to bite 时间 shíjiān time 钱 qián money 眼睛 yǎnjing eye 总是 zǒngshì always 够用 gòuyòng to have enough to use 世界上 shìjièshàng in the world 最 zuì most 棒 bàng great 城市 chéngshì city 各种各样 gèzhǒnggèyàng all kinds of 文化 wénhuà culture 刚 gāng just 到 dào to arrive 纽约客 Niǔyuēkè New Yorker Supplementary Vocabulary 曼哈顿 Mànhādùn Manhattan 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn Washington, D.C. 伦敦 Lúndūn London 巴黎 Bālí Paris 柏林 Bólín Berlin 东京 Dōngjīng Tokyo 多伦多 Duōlúnduō Toronto 悉尼 Xīní Sydney 首都 shǒudū capital city Elementary - Scary Clown (B0683) A: 宝宝,你看这是谁? Bǎobao, nǐ kàn zhè shì shéi? Baby, look who it is! B: 嗨,小朋友! Hāi, xiǎopéngyou! Hi, little kid! C: 妈妈!怪物! Māma! Guàiwu! Mommy! A monster! A: 噢,别怕,这是小丑。 ō, bié pà, zhè shì xiǎochǒu. Oh, don't be scared. This is a clown. B: 是啊,我是你的好朋友。你看,我的鼻子是红的! Shì a, wǒ shì nǐ de hǎopéngyou. Nǐ kàn, wǒ de bízi shì hóng de! Yeah, I'm your friend. Look, my nose is red! C: 你是坏人!走开!走开! Nǐ shì huàirén! Zǒukāi! Zǒukāi! You're a bad guy! Go away! Go away! Key Vocabulary 怪物 guàiwu monster 怕 pà afraid 小丑 xiǎochǒu clown 好朋友 hǎopéngyou good friend 小朋友 xiǎopéngyou little friend 鼻子 bízi nose 坏人 huàirén bad person 走开 zǒukāi to go away Supplementary Vocabulary 怪兽 guàishòu mythical beast 好人 hǎorén good person 可怕 kěpà scary 恐怖 kǒngbù terrifying 笑 xiào to laugh 马戏 mǎxì circus 看马戏 kàn mǎxì to watch the circus Elementary - Li Yan's Diary: More and More (B0689) 我越来越喜欢王伟了。 Wǒ yuèláiyuè xǐhuan Wáng Wěi le. I like Wang Wei more and more. 我们最近经常在一起。 Wǒmen zuìjìn jīngcháng zài yīqǐ. Lately we're often together. 除了读书,我们还一起吃饭、看电影。 Chúle dúshū, wǒmen hái yīqǐ chīfàn, kàn diànyǐng. Besides studying, we also eat and watch movies together. 跟我在一起的时候他不太说话。 Gēn wǒ zài yīqǐ de shíhou tā bù tài shuōhuà. When he's with me he doesn't talk much. 大概是因为喜欢我,所以很害羞。 Dàgài shì yīnwèi xǐhuan wǒ, suǒyǐ hěn hàixiū. It's probably because he likes me, so he's shy. 他以前肯定没有女朋友。 Tā yǐqián kěndìng méiyǒu nǚpéngyou. He's definitely never had a girlfriend before. 我喜欢这样的男生。 Wǒ xǐhuan zhèyàng de nánshēng. I like this kind of boy. Key Vocabulary 越来越 yuèláiyuè more and more 最近 zuìjìn lately 经常 jīngcháng often 除了 chúle besides 读书 dúshū to study 一起 yīqǐ together 看电影 kàn diànyǐng to watch films 不太 bù tài not too 大概 dàgài probably 害羞 hàixiū shy 以前 yǐqián before 肯定 kěndìng surely Supplementary Vocabulary 乖 guāi clever 常常 chángcháng frequently 很少 hěnshǎo infrequently 脸红 liǎnhóng blush with embarrassment Elementary - Athlete Injuries (B0693) A 啊呀,那个运动员怎么了? āyā, nàge yùndòngyuán zěnme le? Oh, what happened to that athlete? B 可能受伤了。 kěnéng shòushāng le. Maybe he got injured. A 对。他好像很疼。 duì. tā hǎoxiàng hěn téng. Right. He looks like it hurts. B 我听说运动员都有很多伤。 wǒ tīngshuō yùndòngyuán dōu yǒu hěn duō shāng. I hear athletes all have injuries. A 是啊。看!医生来了。 shì a. kàn! yīshēng lái le. Yeah. Look! A doctor is coming. B 希望他没事。 xīwàng tā méishì. I hope he's OK. Key Vocabulary 运动员 yùndòngyuán athlete 可能 kěnéng possible 受伤 shòushāng injured 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 疼 téng to hurt 听说 tīngshuō to have heard 都 dōu all 伤 shāng to injure 医生 yīshēng doctor 希望 xīwàng to hope 没事 méishì it Supplementary Vocabulary 流血 liúxiě to bleed 酸 suān sore 伤口 shāngkǒu wound 急救 jíjiù first aid 急救室 jíjiùshì emergency room 救护车 jiùhùchē ambulance 创口贴 chuāngkǒutiē bandage Elementary - Wang Wei's Diary: The Importance of Brains (B0698) 我希望每天考试! wǒ xīwàng měitiān kǎoshì! I wish there were a test every day! 因为考试前,每个人都想跟我做朋友。 yīnwèi kǎoshì qián, měige rén dōu xiǎng gēn wǒ zuò péngyou. It's because before a test, everyone wants to be my friend. 所以最重要的是头脑。 suǒyǐ zuì zhòngyào de shì tóunǎo. That's why one's brain is most important. 杨洁以前不理我,现在她每天发短信给我。 Yáng Jié yǐqián bù lǐ wǒ, xiànzài tā měitiān fā duǎnxìn gěi wǒ. Yang Jie ignored me before, and now she texts me every day. 哎,不考试的时候,只有李燕陪我。 āi, bù kǎoshì de shíhou, zhǐyǒu Lǐ Yàn péi wǒ. Ah, when there was no test, only Li Yan would spend time with me. 她好像很喜欢我。 tā hǎoxiàng hěn xǐhuan wǒ. She seems to really like me. 但是我对她没感觉。 dànshì wǒ duì tā méi gǎnjué. But I don't have any feelings for her. Key Vocabulary 希望 xīwàng to wish 考试 kǎoshì to take a test 做朋友 zuò péngyou to make friends 最 zuì most 重要 zhòngyào important 头脑 tóunǎo brain 以前 yǐqián before 不理 bù lǐ to ignore 发 fā to send 短信 duǎnxìn text message 陪 péi to spend time with 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 感觉 gǎnjué feeling Supplementary Vocabulary 动脑筋 dòng nǎojīn to use one 交朋友 jiāo péngyou to make friends with someone 有感觉 yǒu gǎnjué to have feelings 重要性 zhòngyàoxìng importance 发邮件 fā yóujiàn to send an email