Elementary - Traveling around China (B0500) 好久不见,你去哪儿了? hǎojiǔbùjiàn ,nǐ qù nǎr5 le ? Long time no see. Where did you go? 去中国旅行了,昨天刚回来。 qù Zhōngguó lǚxíng le ,zuótiān gāng huílai 。 I went traveling in China. I just got back yesterday. 中国好玩吗? Zhōngguó hǎowán ma ? Is China fun? 非常不错,比我想象的还好。 fēicháng bùcuò ,bǐ wǒ xiǎngxiàng de háihǎo 。 It was really quite good--even better than I had pictured. 那你去了哪些城市? nà nǐ qù le nǎxiē chéngshì ? So which cities did you go to? 北京,上海,西安,桂林等等。 Běijīng ,Shànghǎi ,Xī'ān ,Guìlín děngděng 。 Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Guilin, etc. 真羡慕你。有机会我也要去玩玩。 zhēn xiànmù nǐ 。yǒu jīhuì wǒ yě yào qù wánwan 。 I really envy you. If I have the opportunity I also want to go. Vocabulary 好玩 hǎowán fun 比 bǐ in comparison with 想象 xiǎngxiàng to imagine 等等 děngděng et cetera 羡慕 xiànmù to envy 有机会 yǒu jīhuì to have an opportunity 亲眼 qīnyǎn with one's own eyes 亲眼看看 qīnyǎn kànkan to have a look with one's own eyes 难忘 nánwàng memorable 舍不得 shěbude to be unwilling to part with 自助游 zìzhùyóu travel outside of a tour group 旅行团 lǚxíngtuán tour group Elementary - Ordering a Steak (B0503) 你点什么? nǐ diǎn shénme ? What are you ordering? 牛排。你呢? niúpái 。nǐ ne ? Steak. And you? 我也点牛排。 wǒ yě diǎn niúpái 。 I'm also ordering steak. 你要几分熟? nǐ yào jǐ fēn shóu ? How do you want it cooked? 三分。 sān fēn 。 Rare. 咦……那么生。我要七分熟。 yí ......nàme shēng 。wǒ yào qī fēn shóu 。 Ew, so raw. I want mine medium well. 七分太老了,怎么吃? qī fēn tài lǎo le ,zěnme chī ? Medium well is too tough. How can you eat it? 我喜欢。 wǒ xǐhuan 。 I like it. Vocabulary 点 diǎn to order 分 fēn portion 熟 shóu ripe; cooked 生 shēng raw 老 lǎo overcooked; tough 刀 dāo knife 叉 chā fork 切 qiē to cut 切不动 qiēbudòng unable to cut 刚好 gānghǎo just right 好吃 hǎochī tasty 跟......一样 gēn ... yīyàng to be the same as Elementary - Buying a SIM card (B0507) A 这里有手机卡卖吗? ? Do you have mobile phone SIM cards? B 你要移动的还是联通的? ? Yes, we do. Do you want China Mobile or China Unicom? A 哪个好? ? Which is better? B 用移动的人多。 . More people use China Mobile. A 那就要移动的。可以选号码吗? . ? In that case, I want China Mobile. Can I choose the number? B 可以。好的号码贵一点。 .. Yes, you can. Good numbers are a little more expensive. A 没问题。你有什么号码? 让我看一下。 . ?. No problem. What numbers do you have? Let me take a look. Key Vocabulary 卖 mài to sell 还是 háishi or 用 yòng to use 选 xuǎn to choose 让 ràng to let 手机卡 shǒujīkǎ mobile phone SIM card 移动 Yídòng China Mobile 联通 Liántōng China Unicom 号码 hàomǎ number Supplementary Vocabulary 通话费 tōnghuà fèi fee for talking on the phone 漫游 mànyóu roaming 充值卡 chōngzhíkǎ top-up card 短信 duǎnxìn SMS, text message 国内长途 guónèi chángtú domestic long distance 国际长途 guójì chángtú international long distance Elementary - Ordering Xiaolongbao (B0511) 服务员,小笼包一笼有几个? fúwùyuán ,xiǎolóngbāo yī lóng yǒu jǐ ge ? Waiter, how many xiaolong dumplings in a basket? 六个。 liù ge 。 Six. 给我三笼。 gěi wǒ sān lóng 。 Give me three baskets. 肉的还是蟹粉的? ròu de háishi xièfěn de ? Meat or crab? 两笼肉,一笼蟹粉。 liǎng lóng ròu ,yī lóng xièfěn 。 Two baskets of the meat, one of the crab. 给你。汤很烫,小心。 gěi nǐ 。tāng hěn tàng ,xiǎoxīn 。 Here you go. The soup is very hot, be careful. Vocabulary 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter 小笼包 xiǎolóngbāo xiaolong dumpling 给 gěi to give 肉 ròu meat 蟹粉 xièfěn minced crab meat 汤 tāng soup 热 rè hot 小心 xiǎoxīn be careful 烫 tàng hot, scalding 小吃 xiǎochī snack 好吃 hǎochī tasty 早餐 zǎocān breakfast 包子 bāozi steamed stuffed bun 面包 miànbāo bread 饺子 jiǎozi dumplings 馄饨 húntun won-ton 馅 xiàn filling, stuffing Elementary - Late Getting Back (B0515) 这么晚了,他怎么还没回家? zhème wǎn le ,tā zěnme hái méi huíjiā ? It's so late. How come he hasn't come home yet? 会不会出事了? huì bu huì chūshì le ? Could he have had an accident? 应该不会吧。 yīnggāi bùhuì ba 。 That's not likely. 可是他没告诉我们要晚回来啊。 kěshì tā méi gàosu wǒmen yào wǎn huílai ā 。 But he didn't tell us he'd be back this late. 不行,我急死了。你快给他打个电话吧。 bùxíng ,wǒ jí sǐ le 。nǐ kuài gěi tā dǎ ge diànhuà ba 。 No, I'm really anxious. You give him a call. 好,好。我马上打。 hǎo ,hǎo 。wǒ mǎshàng dǎ 。 OK, OK. I'll call him right away. Vocabulary 还 hái still 出事 chūshì to have an accident 应该 yīnggāi should 可是 kěshì but 告诉 gàosu to tell 急 jí anxious 马上 mǎshàng at once 危险 wēixiǎn dangerous 安全 ānquán safe 坏人 huàirén evildoer; bad person 担心 dānxīn worry; feel anxious 报警 bàojǐng report to police Elementary - Paying a Bill (B0519) 这里能付帐单吗? zhèlǐ néng fù zhàngdān ma ? Can I pay a bill here? 什么帐单? shénme zhàngdān ? What bill? 固定电话的。 gùdìngdiànhuà de 。 Home telephone. 可以。给我吧。嗯? kěyǐ 。gěi wǒ ba 。ng2 ? Yes, you can. Give it to me. Huh? 怎么了? zěnme le ? What's wrong? 你的帐单过期了。这里不接受。 nǐ de zhàngdān guòqī le 。zhèlǐ bù jiēshòu 。 Your bill is overdue. We can't accept it here. Vocabulary 付 fù to pay 帐单 zhàngdān bill 固定电话 gùdìngdiànhuà fixed line telephone 过期 guòqī to expire 接受 jiēshòu to accept 电费 diànfèi power bill 水费 shuǐfèi water bill 煤气费 méiqì fèi gas bill 最后 zuìhòu the last 期限 qīxiàn time limit 收到 shōudào to receive Elementary - Directory Assistance (B0525) 欢迎拨打114查号台。工号709为您服务。请讲。 huānyíng bōdǎ yāoyāosì cháhàotái 。gōnghào qīlíngjiǔ wèi nín fúwù 。qǐng jiǎng 。 Thank you for dialing 114 Directory Assistance. Employee number 709 at your service. Please go ahead. 工商银行电话和地址。 Gōngshāng yínháng diànhuà hé dìzhǐ 。 Industry and Commerce Bank's telephone number and address. 知道哪个区吗? zhīdào nǎge qū ma ? Do you know which district? 市中心的。 shì zhōngxīn de 。 Downtown. 好的,请记录。 hǎo de ,qǐng jìlù 。 All right. Please take this down. Vocabulary 拨打 bōdǎ to dial 查号台 cháhàotái directory assistance 工号 gōnghào employee number 为 wèi for 区 qū district; area 市中心 shì zhōngxīn downtown; city center 记录 jìlù to write down; to record 工商银行 Gōngshāng yínháng Industry and Commerce Bank of China (ICBC) 114 yāoyāosì 114 接线员 jiēxiànyuán operator 重听 chóngtīng to hear again 按 àn to press 区号 qūhào area code Elementary - I can't buy my size (B0530) A: 哎, 我在中国根本买不到鞋。 (Sigh.) I simply cannot buy shoes in China. āi, wǒ zài Zhōngguó gēnběn mǎi bu dào xié. B: 因为你的脚太大了。 Your feet certainly are very big. Yīnwèi nǐ de jiǎo tài dà le. A: 你知道哪里买得到大尺码的鞋吗? Do you know where I can buy big sizes? Nǐ zhīdào nǎli mǎidedào dà chǐmǎ de xié ma? B: 运动品牌有的卖。 Some brands of sports shoes sell them. Yùndòng pǐnpái yǒu de mài. A: 我去过了。没的卖。 I've gone before. They don't sell them. Wǒ qù guo le. méi de mài. Key Vocabulary 根本 gēnběn simply; completely 因为 yīnwèi because 买得到 mǎidedào to be able to buy 买不到 mǎi bu dào to be unable to buy 尺码 chǐmǎ size 品牌 pǐnpái brand 有的卖 yǒu de mài to have for sale 没的卖 méi de mài to not have for sale Supplementary Vocabulary 定做 dìngzuò have something made to order 试穿 shìchuān to try on 卖完 màiwán to sell out 凉鞋 liángxié sandals 运动鞋 yùndòngxié sports shoes 皮鞋 píxié leather shoes 高跟鞋 gāogēnxié high-heeled shoes Elementary - Where Children Come From (B0534) A: 妈妈,我从哪里来? Mommy, where did I come from? Māma, wǒ cóng nǎli lái? B: 你是从垃圾箱捡来的。 You were found in a garbage can. Nǐ shì cóng lājīxiāng jiǎn lái de. A: 骗人。 You're lying. Piànrén. C: 妈妈没有骗你,你是从垃圾箱捡来的。 Mommy's not lying to you. You were found in a garbage can. Māma méiyǒu piàn nǐ, nǐ shì cóng lājīxiāng jiǎn lái de. A: 我不是。我不要! I was not! No! Wǒ bù shì. Wǒ bùyào! C: 哦,宝宝不哭。 Oh, don't cry. ō, bǎobao bù kū. B: 不哭,不哭,爸爸妈妈骗你的。 Don't cry, don't cry. Daddy and Mommy were fooling you. Bù kū, bù kū, bàba māma piàn nǐ de. Key Vocabulary 从 cóng from 垃圾箱 lājīxiāng garbage bin 捡 jiǎn to collect; to take from; to pick up 哭 kū to cry 骗 piàn to deceive; to cheat; to fool Supplementary Vocabulary 出生 chūshēng to be born 生孩子 shēng háizi to give birth to a child 领养 lǐngyǎng to adopt 长大 zhǎngdà to grow up 扔掉 rēngdiào to throw away Elementary - Returning an Item (B0538) A: 我要退货。 I want to return this merchandise. Wǒ yào tuìhuò. B: 请问有什么问题吗? May I ask what is the problem? Qǐng wèn yǒu shénme wèntí ma? A: 这个我前天刚买,已经坏了。你自己看。 I only bought it two days ago, and it already broke. See for yourself. Zhège wǒ qiántiān gāng mǎi, yǐjīng huài le. Nǐ zìjǐ kàn. B: 可以退。发票呢? It can be returned. Please give me the receipt. Kěyǐ tuì. Fāpiào ne? A: 啊呀,忘带了。 Oh no, I forgot to bring it. āyā, wàng dài le. B: 对不起,退货需要发票。 Sorry, you need the receipt to return it. Duìbuqǐ, tuìhuò xūyào fāpiào. Key Vocabulary 退货 tuìhuò to return merchandise 问题 wèntí problem 前天 qiántiān the day before yesterday 刚 gāng just 已经 yǐjīng already 坏了 huài le broken 退 tuì to return; to refund 发票 fāpiào receipt 忘带 wàng dài to forget to bring 需要 xūyào to need Supplementary Vocabulary 换 huàn to exchange 修 xiū to repair 检查 jiǎnchá to examine 质量 zhìliàng quality 投诉 tóusù to make a complaint 售后服务 shòuhòu fúwù after-sale service Elementary - Olympic Swimming (B0545) A: 我最爱看奥运会游泳比赛。 I love watching Olympic swimming the most. Wǒ zuì ài kàn àoyùnhuì yóuyǒng bǐsài. B: 我也是,特别是自由泳。 Me too, especially freestyle. Wǒ yě shì, tèbié shì zìyóuyǒng. A: 蝶泳也不错。 The butterfly stroke is also not bad. Diéyǒng yě bùcuò. B: 蛙泳最累。还有一个是什么? The breaststroke is the most tiring. And what's the other one? Wāyǒng zuì lèi. Hái yǒu yī ge shì shénme? A: 仰泳。 The backstroke. Yǎngyǒng. Key Vocabulary 最 zuì most 爱 ài to love 游泳 yóuyǒng swimming; to swim 比赛 bǐsài competition 特别是 tèbié shì especially 自由泳 zìyóuyǒng freestyle; crawl 蝶泳 diéyǒng butterfly stroke 蛙泳 wāyǒng breaststroke 累 lèi tiring; tired 仰泳 yǎngyǒng backstroke Supplementary Vocabulary 花样游泳 huāyàng yóuyǒng synchronized swimming 游泳池 yóuyǒngchí swimming pool 游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī swimsuit 游泳镜 yóuyǒngjìng swim goggles 游泳帽 yóuyǒngmào swim cap 鼻夹 bíjiā nose clip 救生圈 jiùshēngquān life preserver Elementary - Chinese Money Denominations (B0549) A: 妈妈,我问你个问题。 Mommy, I want to ask you a question. Māma, wǒ wèn nǐ ge wèntí. B: 好啊。 OK. Hǎo a. A: 一块钱里有几个一角钱? How many "jiao" are there in one RMB? Yī kuài qián lǐ yǒu jǐ ge yī jiǎo qián? B: 十个。妈妈问你,一角钱里有几个一分钱? Ten. Let me ask you: in one "jiao" how many "fen" are there? Shí ge. Māma wèn nǐ, yī jiǎo qián lǐ yǒu jǐ ge yī fēn qián? A: 十个。 Ten. Shí ge. B: 对了!宝贝真聪明。 That's right! You're a really smart kid. Duì le! Bǎobèi zhēn cōngming. Key Vocabulary 问 wèn to ask 问题 wèntí question 有 yǒu to have 里 lǐ in 一块钱 yī kuài qián 1 RMB 一角钱 yī jiǎo qián 1 jiao 一分钱 yī fēn qián 1 fen 聪明 cōngming intelligent Supplementary Vocabulary 货币 huòbì money, currency 人民币 rénmínbì Renminbi (Chinese currency) 面值 miànzhí denomination 一百 yī bǎi one hundred 一千 yī qiān one thousand 一万 yī wàn ten thousand 一亿 yī yì one hundred million Elementary - The Old Man Who Moved a Mountain (B0553) 有一个老人叫愚公,他家门前有两座大山挡着路,他决定和家人一起移山。 There was an old man named Yu Gong. In front of the gate of his home were two big mountains blocking the road. He decided, together with his family, to move the mountains. Yǒu yī ge lǎorén jiào Yú Gōng, tā jiā ménqián yǒu liǎng zuò dàshān dǎng zhe lù, tā juédìng hé jiārén yīqǐ yí shān. 另一个老人笑他太傻,认为不可能。 Another old man laughed at him, calling him foolish. He thought it was impossible. Lìng yī ge lǎorén xiào tā tài shǎ, rènwéi bù kěnéng. 愚公说:“我死了有儿子,儿子死了还有孙子,孙子死了还有他的孙子。但是这两座山不会长高。只要我们坚持,最后一定能成功。” Yu Gong said: "When I die, there is my son. When my son dies, there is my grandson. When my grandson dies, there will be his grandson. But these two mountains will not grow taller. As long as we persevere, in the end we are sure to succeed. Yú Gōng shuō : "wǒ sǐ le yǒu érzi, érzi sǐ le hái yǒu sūnzi, sūnzi sǐ le hái yǒu tā de sūnzi. Dànshì zhè liǎng zuò shān bùhuì zhǎng gāo. Zhǐyào wǒmen jiānchí, zuìhòu yīdìng néng chénggōng. " Key Vocabulary 挡 dǎng to block 决定 juédìng to decide 移 yí to move 认为 rènwéi to think; to consider 只要 zhǐyào as long as; provided 坚持 jiānchí to persevere; to persist in Supplementary Vocabulary 愚公移山 yúgōngyíshān where there's a will, there's a way 决心 juéxīn determination; resolution 子孙 zǐsūn children and grandchildren; offspring 放弃 fàngqì to give up Elementary - Travel Itinerary (B0558) A: 你的行程安排好了吗? Did you determine your travel itinerary? Nǐ de xíngchéng ānpái hǎo le ma? B: 好了。我十号从上海到杭州。 Yes. On the tenth I go from Shanghai to Hangzhou. Hǎo le. Wǒ shí hào cóng Shànghǎi dào Hángzhōu. A: 呆多久? How long will you stay? Dāi duō jiǔ? B: 三天。然后去重庆。 Three days. Then I'll go to Chongqing. Sān tiān. Ránhòu qù Chóngqìng. A: 打算呆多久? How long do you plan to stay? Dǎsuàn dāi duō jiǔ? B: 我从十三号到二十号在那儿。 I'll stay there from the thirteenth to the twentieth. Wǒ cóng shí sān hào dào èrshí hào zài nàr5. A: 然后呢? And then? Ránhòu ne? B: 然后就回来啦。 Then I'll just come back. Ránhòu jiù huílai la. Key Vocabulary 行程 xíngchéng itinerary 安排 ānpái to arrange 从 cóng from 到 dào to 呆 dāi to stay 多久 duō jiǔ how long 然后 ránhòu then 打算 dǎsuàn to plan 上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai 杭州 Hángzhōu Hangzhou 重庆 Chóngqìng Chongqing Supplementary Vocabulary 先 xiān first 再 zài and then 最后 zuìhòu finally 旅程 lǚchéng travel itinerary 改变 gǎibiàn to change 取消 qǔxiāo to cancel Elementary - A Chinese-Style Contradiction (B0562) 一个卖东西的人说: A seller of goods said: Yī ge mài dōngxi de rén shuō : “我的矛是世界上最尖的。 "My spears are the sharpest in the world. " wǒ de máo shì shìjiè shàng zuì jiān de. 我的盾是世界上最牢的。” My shields are the toughest in the world." Wǒ de dùn shì shìjiè shàng zuì láo de. " 一个人问他: A person asked: Yī ge rén wèn tā : “如果用你的矛刺你的盾, 会怎么样呢?” "If we use your spears to stab your shields, what happens?" " rúguǒ yòng nǐ de máo cì nǐ de dùn, huì zěnmeyàng ne?" Key Vocabulary 卖 mài to sell 矛 máo spear 世界上 shìjiè shàng in the world 最 zuì most 尖 jiān pointy; sharp 盾 dùn shield 牢 láo tough; durable 如果 rúguǒ if 用 yòng to use 刺 cì to stab Supplementary Vocabulary 自相矛盾 zìxiāngmáodùn contradict oneself 坚固 jiāngù sturdy; solid 锋利 fēnglì sharp 吹牛 chuīniú to boast 诚实 chéngshi honest Elementary - Condoms (B0567) A: 给我那个。 Give me that one. Gěi wǒ nàge. B: 哪个? Which one? Nǎge? A: 那个。 That one. Nàge. B: 噢,避孕套啊。要几盒? Oh, the condoms. How many boxes do you want? ō, bìyùntào a. Yào jǐ hé? A: 两盒。 Two boxes. Liǎng hé. B: 你买三盒吧,可以打八折。 Why don't you buy three boxes -- you can get 20% off. Nǐ mǎi sān hé ba, kěyǐ dǎ bā zhé. Key Vocabulary 给 gěi to give 避孕套 bìyùntào condom 要 yào to want 盒 hé small box 买 mǎi to buy 可以 kěyǐ can 打折 dǎzhé discount Supplementary Vocabulary 避孕 bìyùn contraception 怀孕 huáiyùn pregnant 安全套 ānquántào condom 保险套 bǎoxiǎntào condom 避孕药 bìyùnyào birth-control pill Elementary - The Olympics on TV (B0574) A: 你昨天看奥运会转播了吗? Did you watch the Olympics broadcast yesterday? Nǐ zuótiān kàn àoyùnhuì zhuǎnbō le ma? B: 当然咯,太精彩了。你看了吗? Of course! It was really fantastic. Did you watch? Dāngrán lo, tài jīngcǎi le. Nǐ kàn le ma? A: 哎,真可惜,我错过了。今天几点开始? Ah, such a pity--I missed it. Today what time does it start at? āi, zhēn kěxī, wǒ cuòguò le. Jīntiān jǐ diǎn kāishǐ? B: 下午三点。 Three o'clock in the afternoon. Xiàwǔ sān diǎn. A: 好的。今天下午我一定要看! All right. This afternoon I'm definitely going to watch it. Hǎo de. Jīntiān xiàwǔ wǒ yīdìng yào kàn! Key Vocabulary 看 kàn to watch 转播 zhuǎnbō broadcast 精彩 jīngcǎi awesome; brilliant 可惜 kěxī a pity 错过 cuòguò to miss 开始 kāishǐ to begin 一定 yīdìng definitely Supplementary Vocabulary 播出 bōchū to broadcast 现场直播 xiànchǎng zhíbō live broadcast 重播 chóngbō rebroadcast 好看 hǎokàn interesting to watch 刺激 cījī exciting Elementary - Chinese Seasonings (B0577) A: 要什么调味料? What seasonings do you want? Yào shénme tiáowèiliào? B: 酱油、醋,还有辣椒酱。 Soy sauce, vinegar and chili sauce. Jiàngyóu, cù, háiyǒu làjiāojiàng. A: 还要什么吗? What else do you want? Hái yào shénme ma? B: 吃饺子还要放些什么比较好吃? What else tastes good with dumplings? Chī jiǎozi hái yào fàng xiē shénme bǐjiào hǎochī? A: 大蒜、麻油都不错。 Garlic and sesame oil are both pretty good. Dàsuàn, máyóu dōu bùcuò. B: 好的,这两种都给我一点吧。 OK, give me a little of each of those then. Hǎo de, zhè liǎng zhǒng dōu gěi wǒ yīdiǎn ba. Key Vocabulary 调味料 tiáowèiliào seasoning 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce 醋 cù vinegar 辣椒酱 làjiāojiàng hot sauce 还 hái and, in addition; still 饺子 jiǎozi dumpling 放 fàng to put 比较 bǐjiào comparatively 好吃 hǎochī tasty 大蒜 dàsuàn garlic 麻油 máyóu sesame oil 种 zhǒng type; kind Supplementary Vocabulary 调料 tiáoliào seasoning 番茄酱 fānqiéjiàng ketchup 胡椒粉 hújiāofěn pepper 盐 yán salt 咸 xián salty 淡 dàn plain; light Elementary - Why, why, why?? (B0582) A: 小明,该睡觉了。 Xiao Ming, you should go to sleep. Xiǎo Míng, gāi shuìjiào le. B: 爸爸,为什么人要睡觉? Daddy, why do people have to sleep? Bàba, wèishénme rén yào shuìjiào? A: 因为我们要休息啊。 Because we need to rest. Yīnwèi wǒmen yào xiūxi a. B: 我们为什么要休息? Why do we need to rest? Wǒmen wèishénme yào xiūxi? A: 因为我们累了。 Because we're tired. Yīnwèi wǒmen lèi le. B: 可是我现在不累,为什么要睡觉? But I'm not tired right now--why do I have go to sleep? Kěshì wǒ xiànzài bù lèi, wèishénme yào shuìjiào? A: 因为你过一会儿就会累了。 Because in a little while you will be tired. Yīnwèi nǐ guò yīhuìr5 jiù huì lèi le. B: 那为什么我不能过一会儿睡觉? So, why can't I go to sleep in a little while? Nà wèishénme wǒ bùnéng guò yīhuìr5 shuìjiào? A: 因为我累了。 Because I'm tired. Yīnwèi wǒ lèi le. Key Vocabulary 该 gāi should 睡觉 shuìjiào to sleep 为什么 wèishénme why 因为 yīnwèi because 休息 xiūxi to rest 累 lèi tired 可是 kěshì but 过 guò after 一会儿 yīhuìr5 a while Supplementary Vocabulary 所以 suǒyǐ so; therefore 问 wèn to ask 问题 wèntí question 回答 huídá to answer 好奇 hàoqí curious 烦 fán annoying Elementary - How spicy? (B0586) A: 小姐,我要水煮鱼。 Waitress, I want boiled fish. Xiǎojie, wǒ yào shuǐzhǔyú. B: 好的。要微辣,中辣还是重辣? All right. How spicy do you want it: mild, medium or hot? Hǎo de. Yào wēilà, zhōnglà háishi zhònglà? A: 什么? What? Shénme? B: 辣的程度不一样。你可以选不太辣、中等辣、或者特别辣。 There are different degrees of spiciness. You can choose not too spicy, medium spicy or extra spicy. Là de chéngdù bù yīyàng. Nǐ kěyǐ xuǎn bùtài là, zhōngděng là, huòzhě tèbié là. A: 哦。那我要重辣。 Oh, then I want extra spicy. ò. Nà wǒ yào zhònglà. B: 很辣的。你行吗? It's very hot. Are you sure? Hěn là de. Nǐ xíng ma? Key Vocabulary 水煮鱼 shuǐzhǔyú boiled fish 微辣 wēilà a little spicy 中辣 zhōnglà medium spicy 重辣 zhònglà extra spicy 辣 là spicy; hot 程度 chéngdù degree 一样 yīyàng same 选 xuǎn to choose 中等 zhōngděng medium 或者 huòzhě or 特别 tèbié especially 行 xíng all right Supplementary Vocabulary 辣椒 làjiāo hot chili pepper 辣酱 làjiàng hot sauce 甜 tián sweet 麻 má numb Elementary - Track and Field (B0590) A: 田径比赛太好看了! The track and field competitions are so fun to watch! Tiánjìng bǐsài tài hǎokàn le! B: 对啊。特别是赛跑,我最喜欢看了。 Yeah. Especially the running races. I like watching them the most. Duì a. Tèbiéshì sàipǎo, wǒ zuì xǐhuan kàn le. A: 我也是。每次有接力赛,我都要看。 Me too. I always want to watch every relay race. Wǒ yě shì. Měicì yǒu jiēlìsài, wǒ dōu yào kàn. B: 还有跳高也不错。 The high jump is also pretty good as well. Háiyǒu tiàogāo yě bùcuò. Key Vocabulary 田径 tiánjìng track and field 比赛 bǐsài competition 好看 hǎokàn good to watch 特别是 tèbiéshì in particular 赛跑 sàipǎo running race 每次 měicì every time 接力赛 jiēlìsài relay race 还有 háiyǒu also 跳高 tiàogāo high jump Supplementary Vocabulary 短跑 duǎnpǎo dash 长跑 chángpǎo long-distance run 竞走 jìngzǒu speed walking 跳远 tiàoyuǎn long jump 跨栏 kuàlán hurdles 铅球 qiānqiú shot-put 激烈 jīliè intense Elementary - Jaywalking (B0595) A: 喂,喂! Hey, hey! Wèi, wèi! B: 怎么了? What is it? Zěnme le? A: 不要乱穿马路。 Don't jaywalk. Bùyào luàn chuān mǎlù. B: 现在没有车。 There aren't any cars right now. Xiànzài méiyǒu chē. A: 没有车也不行。现在是红灯。请遵守交通规则。 Even when there are no cars you still can't. It's a red light now. Please abide by the traffic regulations. Méiyǒu chē yě bù xíng. Xiànzài shì hóngdēng. Qǐng zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé. Key Vocabulary 不要 bùyào do not 乱 luàn recklessly 穿 chuān to cross 马路 mǎlù street 车 chē car 行 xíng all right 红灯 hóngdēng red light 遵守 zūnshǒu to abide by 交通 jiāotōng traffic 规则 guīzé regulation Supplementary Vocabulary 绿灯 lǜdēng green light 黄灯 huángdēng yellow light 红绿灯 hónglǜdēng traffic light 十字路口 shízìlùkǒu intersection 斑马线 bānmǎxiàn crosswalk 堵车 dǔchē traffic jam 罚款 fákuǎn to impose a fine Elementary - The Stingy Boss (B0599) A: 我的老板真大方。 My boss is really generous. Wǒ de lǎobǎn zhēn dàfang. B: 是吗? Is that right? Shì ma? A: 他经常请员工吃饭。 He frequently treats employees to meals. Tā jīngcháng qǐng yuángōng chīfàn. B: 你运气真好。我的老板很小气。 You're really lucky. My boss is very stingy. Nǐ yùnqi zhēn hǎo. Wǒ de lǎobǎn hěn xiǎoqì. A: 他不请你们吃饭? He doesn't treat you guys? Tā bù qǐng nǐmen chīfàn? B: 从来不请。 He never treats. Cónglái bù qǐng. Key Vocabulary 老板 lǎobǎn boss 大方 dàfang generous 经常 jīngcháng frequently 请 qǐng to treat 员工 yuángōng employee 吃饭 chīfàn to eat a meal 运气 yùnqi luck 小气 xiǎoqì stingy 从来不 cónglái bù never Supplementary Vocabulary 聚餐 jùcān to dine together 抠 kōu stingy 吝啬 lìnsè miserly 小气鬼 xiǎoqìguǐ penny pincher 铁公鸡 tiěgōngjī stingy person 罢工 bàgōng to go on strike