Elementary - Mahjong (B0403) 你今天怎么没有精神? nǐ jīntiān zěnme méiyǒu jīngshen ? How come you have no energy today? 哎,和朋友们打了一个晚上的麻将。 āi ,hé péngyǒumen dǎ le yī ge wǎnshang de májiàng 。 Oh, I played mahjong with my friends all night. 真是个赌鬼! zhēn shì ge dǔguǐ ! You are such a gambler! 呵呵。对了,你会打麻将吗? hēhē 。duìle ,nǐ huì dǎ májiàng ma ? Heh heh. So… do you know how to play mahjong? 打得不太好。 dǎ de bùtài hǎo 。 I don’t play very well. 这样吧,下次我教你。 zhèyàng ba ,xiàcì wǒ jiāo nǐ 。 How about this: next time I will teach you. Vocabulary 怎么 zěnme how 精神 jīngshen energy 和 hé with 朋友们 péngyǒumen friends 打了 dǎ le to play 打麻将 dǎ májiàng to play mahjong 麻将 májiàng mahjong 赌鬼 dǔguǐ gambling maniac 对了 duìle by the way 会 huì can 不太 bùtài not very 这样吧 zhèyàng ba how about this 下次 xiàcì next time 教 jiāo to teach 酒鬼 jiǔguǐ drunkard 烟鬼 yānguǐ heavy smoker 抓 zhuā to grab 轮到 lúndào to be one’s turn 赢 yíng to win 输 shū to transport 碰 pèng a set of 3 identical tiles 吃 chī 3 of the same suit 杠 gàng set of 4 identical tiles Elementary - Sending a Fax (B0407) 喂,请问你找谁? wèi ,qǐng wèn nǐ zhǎo shéi ? Hello, who are you looking for? 我发传真。麻烦给信号。 wǒ fā chuánzhēn 。máfan gěi xìnhào 。 I am sending a fax. Could you please give me the fax signal? 好的。请稍等。 hǎo de 。qǐng shāoděng 。 Sure. Please wait a moment. 谢谢。 xièxie 。 Thank you. Vocabulary 喂 wèi hello 找 zhǎo to look for 谁 shéi who 发 fā to send out 传真 chuánzhēn fax 麻烦 máfan to trouble someone 给 gěi to give 信号 xìnhào signal 稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment 传真机 chuánzhēnjī fax machine 份 fèn / 一份传真 yī fèn chuánzhēn a copy of fax 收 shōu to receive 文件 wénjiàn document 纸 zhǐ paper 页 yè page 几页 jǐ yè how many pages Elementary - How is this sold? (B0413) 香蕉怎么卖? xiāngjiāo zěnme mài ? How are the bananas sold? 两块钱一斤。 liǎng kuài qián yī jīn 。 Two yuan per half kilogram. 芒果呢? mángguǒ ne ? What about the mangos? 十块钱一斤。 shí kuài qián yī jīn 。 Ten yuan per half kilogram. 这么贵!葡萄多少钱一斤? zhème guì !pútao duōshao qián yī jīn ? So expensive! How much is it per half kilogram of grapes? 三块五。 sān kuài wǔ 。 3.5 yuan. 那,我要十根香蕉和两串葡萄。 nà ,wǒ yào shí gēn xiāngjiāo hé liǎng chuàn pútao 。 In that case, I want ten bananas and two bunches of grapes. 好的。 hǎo de 。 All right. Vocabulary 香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana 怎么 zěnme how 卖 mài to sell 两块钱 liǎng kuài qián 2 RMB 斤 jīn half kilogram 芒果 mángguǒ mango 这么 zhème So 贵 guì expensive 葡萄 pútao grape 多少 duōshao how much 钱 qián money 要 yào to want 根 gēn / 和 hé and 串 chuàn 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 草莓 cǎoméi strawberry 菠萝 bōluó pineapple 柠檬 níngméng lemon 橙子 chéngzi orange 桃子 táozi peach 哈密瓜 hāmìguā Hami melon a variety of muskmelon 西瓜 xīguā watermelon 甘蔗 gānzhè sugarcane 这种 zhèzhǒng this kind 克 kè to restrain 千克 qiānkè kilogram 公斤 gōngjīn kilogram 两 liǎng 50 grams 重量 zhòngliàng weight 称 chēng to weigh 秤 chèng balance; steelyard Elementary - Due This Week (B0417) 计划一周后给我,可以吗? jìhuà yīzhōu hòu gěi wǒ ,kěyǐ ma ? Please give me the plan in a week. Is that all right? 老板,时间好像比较紧。 lǎobǎn ,shíjiān hǎoxiàng bǐjiào jǐn 。 Boss, the time seems on the tight side. 我知道,这次辛苦你了。 wǒ zhīdào ,zhècì xīnkǔ nǐ le 。 I know. This time you’ll have to work extra hard. 可以多给我一两天吗? kěyǐ duō gěi wǒ yīliǎng tiān ma ? Can you give me an extra one or two days? 嗯……不行。 ng ......bùxíng 。 Um……No, I can’t. Vocabulary 计划 jìhuà plan 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem like 紧 jǐn tight 辛苦 xīnkǔ hard 不行 bùxíng not ok 一个礼拜 yī ge lǐbài one week 按时 ànshí on time 完成 wánchéng to complete 来得及 láidejí there's still time to do sth. 来不及 láibují lacking enough time to 够 gòu enough 不够 bù gòu not enough 期限 qīxiàn deadline Elementary - I see a thief! (B0423) 哎,你看那个人好像在偷东西。 āi ,nǐ kàn nàge rén hǎoxiàng zài tōu dōngxi 。 Hey! Look, it looks like that person is stealing something. 是吗?呀,真的是在偷东西,也太大胆了。 shì ma ?yā ,zhēnde shì zài tōu dōngxi ,yě tài dàdǎn le 。 Is he? Yeah, he really is stealing something – and so brazenly too! 来人啊!有小偷! lái rén a !yǒu xiǎotōu ! Somebody come! There’s a thief! 站住!别跑!我们看见你偷东西了! zhànzhù !bié pǎo !wǒmen kànjiàn nǐ tōu dōngxi le ! Stop! Don’t run! We saw you steal something! 大家快来帮忙抓小偷! dàjiā kuài lái bāngmáng zhuā xiǎotōu ! Hurry everybody, help us catch the thief! 快抓住他!快打110! kuài zhuāzhù tā !kuài dǎ yāo yāo líng ! Quick, grab him! Hurry, call 110! Vocabulary 好像 hǎoxiàng to look as if 偷 tōu to steal 大胆 dàdǎn boldly 小偷 xiǎotōu thief 站住 zhànzhù halt 别 bié don't 跑 pǎo to run 帮忙 bāngmáng help 抓 zhuā to grab 贼 zéi thief 扒手 páshǒu pick-pocket 强盗 qiángdào pirate 抢劫 qiǎngjié to rob 报警 bàojǐng to report (an incident) to the police Elementary - Chinese New Year Fireworks (B0430) 爸爸!我要放鞭炮! bàba !wǒ yào fàng biānpào ! Daddy! I want to set off firecrackers! 不行。太危险,而且也太吵了。 bùxíng 。tài wēixiǎn ,érqiě yě tài chǎo le 。 You can’t. They’re too dangerous, and too noisy. 那我可以看你点鞭炮吗? nà wǒ kěyǐ kàn nǐ diǎn biānpào ma ? Then can I watch you light the firecrackers? 这样可以,不过你得站得远一点。一定要小心哦! zhèyàng kěyǐ ,bùguò nǐ děi zhàn de yuǎn yīdiǎn 。yīdìng yào xiǎoxīn o ! That will be OK, but you have to stand farther away. You must be careful! 知道了。爸爸,你也要小心哦! zhīdào le 。bàba ,nǐ yě yào xiǎoxīn o ! I know. Daddy, you need to be careful too! Vocabulary 放鞭炮 fàng biānpào to set off firecrackers 危险 wēixiǎn dangerous 而且 érqiě and 吵 chǎo noisy 点 diǎn to light 鞭炮 biānpào firecracker 不过 bùguò but 得 děi to have to 小心 xiǎoxīn be careful 烟花 yānhuā fireworks 焰火 yànhuǒ fireworks 放烟花 fàng yānhuā set off fireworks 太巧了 tài qiǎo le It’s such a coincidence 太响了 tài xiǎng le It’s too loud 热闹 rènao loud and lively 春节 Chūnjié Spring Festival; Chinese New Year 过年 guònián celebrate Chinese New Year 拜年 bàinián to pay a New Year visit 新年快乐 xīnnián kuàilè Happy New Year Elementary - The Man and the Dog (B0435) 一天,一个男人走在街上。 yī tiān ,yī ge nánrén zǒu zài jiē shàng 。 One day, a man was walking down the street. 突然,他看见前面有一只黑色的大狗,看起来很凶。 tūrán ,tā kànjiàn qiánmian yǒu yī zhī hēisè de dà gǒu ,kàn qǐlai hěn xiōng 。 Suddenly, he saw a big black dog in front of him. It looked very ferocious. 男人非常害怕,不敢往前走。 nánrén fēicháng hàipà ,bùgǎn wǎng qián zǒu 。 The man was very afraid, and didn’t dare keep walking. 狗的旁边站着一个女人,男人问她:“你的狗咬人吗?” gǒu de pángbiān zhàn zhe yī ge nǚrén ,nánrén wèn tā :“nǐ de gǒu yǎo rén ma ?” There was a woman standing beside the dog. The man asked her, “Does your dog bite?” 女人说:“我的狗不咬人。” nǚrén shuō :“wǒ de gǒu bù yǎo rén 。” The woman said, “My dog doesn’t bite.” 这时,那只狗咬了男人。 zhè shí ,nà zhī gǒu yǎo le nánrén 。 At that moment, the dog bit the man. 他气坏了,大叫:“你说你的狗不咬人!” tā qì huài le ,dà jiào :“nǐ shuō nǐ de gǒu bù yǎo rén !” He was furious, and shouted, “You said your dog doesn’t bite!” 女人回答:“这不是我的狗。” nǚrén huídá :“zhè bù shì wǒ de gǒu 。” The woman answered, “This isn’t my dog.” Vocabulary 一天 yītiān one day 街上 jiēshang on the street 突然 tūrán suddenly 前面 qiánmian in front 只 zhī / 黑色 hēisè black 看起来 kàn qǐlai to appear 凶 xiōng fierce 非常 fēicháng extremely 害怕 hàipà afraid 不敢 bùgǎn to not dare 往 wǎng to go toward 旁边 pángbiān side 站着 zhàn zhe to stand 问 wèn to ask 咬 yǎo to bite 这时 zhèshí this moment 气坏了 qì huài le furious 大叫 dàjiào shout loudly 回答 huídá answer 听起来 tīng qǐlai to hear 吃起来 chī qǐlai to eat 闻起来 wén qǐlai to smell 逃 táo to escape 追 zhuī to chase 与我无关 yǔ wǒ wúguān It's none of my business. Elementary - The Monks in the Temple on the Mountain (B0441) 从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚和小和尚。 cóngqián yǒu zuò shān, shān shàng yǒu zuò miào, miào lǐ yǒu ge lǎo héshang hé xiǎo héshang. A long time ago there was a mountain. On the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old monk and a young monk. 老和尚对小和尚说,从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚和小和尚。 lǎo héshang duì xiǎo héshang shuō, cóngqián yǒu zuò shān, shān shàng yǒu zuò miào, miào lǐ yǒu ge lǎo héshang hé xiǎo héshang. The old monk said to the young monk: A long time ago there was a mountain. On the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old monk and a young monk. 老和尚对小和尚说,从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚和小和尚。 lǎo héshang duì xiǎo héshang shuō, cóngqián yǒu zuò shān, shān shàng yǒu zuò miào, miào lǐ yǒu ge lǎo héshang hé xiǎo héshang. The old monk said to the young monk: A long time ago there was a mountain. On the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old monk and a young monk. 老和尚对小和尚说,从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚和小和尚…… lǎo héshang duì xiǎo héshang shuō, cóngqián yǒu zuò shān, shān shàng yǒu zuò miào, miào lǐ yǒu ge lǎo héshang hé xiǎo héshang...... The old monk said to the young monk: A long time ago there was a mountain. On the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old monk and a young monk…. Key Vocabulary 从前 cóngqián in the past 有 yǒu to have 座 zuò a 山 shān mountain 庙 miào temple 和尚 héshang Buddhist monk Supplementary Vocabulary 一座房子 yī zuò fángzi a building 地上 dì shàng on the ground 桌上 zhuō shàng on the table 下 xià under 山下 shān xià under the mountain 外 wài outside 庙外 miào wài outside the temple 大 dà big 故事 gùshi story 重复 chóngfù to repeat Elementary - Tortoise and the Hare (B0445) 伊索寓言:龟兔赛跑 yīsuǒ yùyán :guī tù sàipǎo A Fable: The Tortoise and the Hare Race 一只乌龟和一只兔子比赛跑步。 yī zhī wūguī hé yī zhī tùzi bǐsài pǎobù 。 A tortoise and a hare had a running competition. 兔子说:“你这么慢。我一定能赢你。” tùzi shuō :“nǐ zhème màn 。wǒ yīdìng néng yíng nǐ 。” The hare said, “You’re so slow. I can definitely beat you.” 乌龟说:“我只要一直爬,不停,就会赶上你。” wūguī shuō :“wǒ zhǐyào yīzhí pá ,bùtíng ,jiù huì gǎnshàng nǐ 。” The tortoise said, “As long as I keep on crawling without stopping, then I will catch up to you.” 比赛开始,兔子跑得飞快,乌龟在后面慢慢爬。 bǐsài kāishǐ ,tùzi pǎo de fēikuài ,wūguī zài hòumiàn mànmàn pá 。 The race started, and the hare ran off quickly. Behind him, the tortoise crawled along slowly. 兔子累了,就睡觉。乌龟一步一步爬,不休息。 tùzi lèi le ,jiù shuìjiào 。wūguī yíbù yíbù pá ,bù xiūxi 。 The hare became tired, and went to sleep. The tortoise crawled step by step, without resting. 兔子醒来,跑到大树下,乌龟早就到了。 tùzi xǐnglái ,pǎo dào dà shù xià ,wūguī zǎo jiù dào le 。 The hare woke up, and ran to the big tree. The tortoise had long since arrived. 乌龟说:“你太骄傲了,所以失败。你忘了努力是最重要的!” wūguī shuō :“nǐ tài jiāoào le ,suǒyǐ shībài 。nǐ wàng le nǔlì shì zuì zhòngyào de !” The tortoise said, “You were too arrogant, so you lost. You forgot that hard work is the most important thing.” Vocabulary 伊索 yīsuǒ Aesop 寓言 yùyán fable 赛跑 sàipǎo race 乌龟 wūguī tortoise 兔子 tùzi rabbit 比赛 bǐsài competition 跑步 pǎobù to run 这么 zhème so 一定 yīdìng certainly 赢 yíng to beat 只要 zhǐyào only to need to 一直 yīzhí keep on 爬 pá to crawl 不停 bùtíng without stopping 赶上 gǎnshàng to catch up with 飞快 fēikuài quickly 慢慢 mànmàn slowly 一步一步 yībù yībù one step by one step 休息 xiūxi rest 醒来 xǐnglái to wake up 早就 zǎojiù long since 骄傲 jiāoào be arrogant 所以 suǒyǐ so; as a result 失败 shībài to fail 忘 wàng forget 努力 nǔlì hard work 最重要 zuì zhòngyào the most important 赶不上 gǎn bu shàng to be unable to overcome 赶得上 gǎn de shàng to be able to overcome 赶公共汽车 gǎn gōnggòngqìchē to catch the bus 赶飞机 gǎn fēijī to catch a plane 输 shū to transport 胜利 shènglì victory 谦虚 qiānxū be modest 落后 luòhòu to fall behind Elementary - Ping Pong (B0448) 观众朋友们,乒乓球男子单打决赛开始了。 guānzhòng péngyoumen ,pīngpāngqiú nánzǐ dāndǎ juésài kāishǐ le 。 Spectators, friends: The finals in the ping pong men’s singles have begun. 现在中国运动员发球。 xiànzài Zhōngguó yùndòngyuán fā qiú 。 Now it’s the Chinese athlete’s serve. 嗯,对方回球不错。 ng4 ,duìfāng huí qiú bùcuò 。 Hmm, his opponent’s return is not bad. 正手抽球! zhèng shǒu chōu qiú ! Forehand drive! 哇!对方居然接到了。 wā !duìfāng jūrán jiēdào le 。 Whoa! Surprisingly, his opponent handled it! 回球刚刚过网。 huí qiú gānggāng guò wǎng 。 The return ball just went over the net. 好!再抽一板! hǎo !zài chōu yī bǎn ! Good! Another smash! 好球!回球出界。 hǎo qiú !huí qiú chū jiè 。 Good play! The return ball is out of bounds. Vocabulary 乒乓球 pīngpāngqiú ping pong 单打 dāndǎ singles 决赛 juésài finals 发球 fā qiú to serve the ball 回球 huí qiú return ball 正手 zhèng shǒu forehand 抽球 chōu qiú drive ball 居然 jūrán surprisingly 过网 guò wǎng to go over the net 出界 chūjiè to be out of bounds 听众 tīngzhòng listeners; listening audience 读者 dúzhě reader 双打 shuāngdǎ doubles 混合双打 hùnhé shuāngdǎ mixed doubles 比赛 bǐsài competition 初赛 chūsài nitial heat 半决赛 bànjuésài semifinals 结束 jiéshù end 反手 fǎnshǒu backhand 得分 défēn score 网球 wǎngqiú tennis 棒球 bàngqiú baseball 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú badminton Elementary - Tone Rule: Changes for 'bu' (B0453) 不错 (bu4 + cuo4 = bu2 cuo4) not bad; pretty good Bùcuò 不太 (bu4 + tai4 = bu2 tai4) not very; not really Bùtài 不去 (bu4 + qu4 = bu2 qu4) not go Bù qù 不对 (bu4 + dui4= bu2 dui4) not right; incorrect Bù duì 不忙 (bu4 + mang4 = bu4 mang2) not busy Bù máng 不好 (bu4 + hao3 = bu4 hao3 ) not good; bad Bù hǎo 部队 army; troops Bùduì Key Vocabulary 不错 bùcuò not bad 不太 bùtài not too much 去 qù to go 对 duì right 忙 máng be busy 好 hǎo good Supplementary Vocabulary 不要 bù yào not to want 不吃 bù chī not to eat 不黑 bù hēi not dark 不难 bù nán not difficult 不累 bù lèi not tired 不冷 bù lěng not cold 不热 bù rè not hot 不够 bù gòu not enough 不知道 bù zhīdào not know Elementary - Help with Housework (B0459) 老公,你能扫一下地吗? lǎogōng ,nǐ néng sǎo yīxià dì ma ? Dear, could you sweep the floor? 好的,没问题。 hǎo de ,méiwèntí 。 Sure, no problem. 顺便洗一下碗。 shùnbiàn xǐ yīxià wǎn 。 While you’re at it, wash the dishes. 好吧。 hǎoba 。 Sure. 然后再擦一下桌子。 ránhòu zài cā yīxià zhuōzi 。 Then, wipe the table. 还有吗? hái yǒu ma ? Anything else? 让我想一下。 ràng wǒ xiǎng yīxià 。 Let me think about it. Vocabulary 老公 lǎogōng husband 能 néng to be able 扫地 sǎodì to sweep 顺便 shùnbiàn while one 洗碗 xǐwǎn to wash dishes 碗 wǎn bowl 然后 ránhòu then 再 zài then 擦 cā to wipe 桌子 zhuōzi table 还 hái still 让 ràng to let 想 xiǎng to think 一下 yīxià in a short while 家务 jiāwù household duties 做家务 zuòjiāwù skivvy 洗衣服 xǐ yīfu to wash clothes 擦玻璃 cā bōli to wipe (to clean) glass 脏 zāng dirty 干净 gānjìng clean 懒 lǎn lazy 辛苦 xīnkǔ hard 老婆 lǎopo wife Elementary - Consoling the Bereaved (B0463) 你怎么哭了? nǐ zěnme kū le ? How come you’re crying? 我爷爷去世了。 wǒ yéye qùshì le 。 My grandfather passed away. 别太伤心了。你爷爷也不希望看到你这样。 bié tài shāngxīn le 。nǐ yéye yě bù xīwàng kàndào nǐ zhèyàng 。 Don’t be too sad. Your grandfather wouldn’t wish to see you like this. 我知道。就是太突然了。 wǒ zhīdào 。jiùshì tài tūrán le 。 I know. It was just so sudden. 需要帮忙的话,可以告诉我。 xūyào bāngmáng dehuà ,kěyǐ gàosu wǒ 。 If you need anything, you can tell me. 谢谢。 xièxie 。 Thank you. Vocabulary 怎么 zěnme how come 哭 kū to cry 去世 qùshì to pass away 伤心 shāngxīn sad 希望 xīwàng to wish 突然 tūrán sudden 需要 xūyào needed 帮忙 bāngmáng help 的话 dehuà if 告诉 gàosu to tell 病逝 bìngshì to die of illness 追悼会 zhuīdàohuì mourning ceremony 扫墓 sǎomù to visit graves 难过 nánguò to feel sorry 节哀 jié'āi to restrain one's grief Elementary - Dumb Joke (B0467) 哎,我说个特好笑的笑话给你听。 āi ,wǒ shuō ge tè hǎoxiào de xiàohuà gěi nǐ tīng 。 Hey, I’ll tell you an especially funny joke. 好啊! hǎoā ! All right! 一个人长得像洋葱,所以他天天哭。 yī ge rén zhǎng de xiàng yángcōng ,suǒyǐ tā tiāntiān kū 。 There was a person who looked like an onion, so he cried every day. 然后呢? ránhòu ne ? And then what? 完啦。不好笑吗? wán la 。bù hǎoxiào ma ? That’s it. Not funny? 啊?真冷。一点也不好笑。 ā ?zhēn lěng 。yīdiǎnyěbù hǎoxiào 。 Huh? That’s really dumb. It’s not even slightly funny. Vocabulary 特 tè especially 好笑 hǎoxiào funny 笑话 xiàohuà joke 给 gěi for 听 tīng to listen 长得 zhǎng de to look (of appearance) 像 xiàng like 洋葱 yángcōng onion 所以 suǒyǐ so 天天 tiāntiān every day 哭 kū to cry 然后 ránhòu and then 完 wán the end 不好笑 bù hǎoxiào not funny 真 zhēn really 冷 lěng cold 一点也不 yīdiǎnyěbù not even a bit 冷笑话 lěngxiàohuà bad joke 讲 jiǎng to talk 讲笑话 jiǎngxiàohuà to tell a joke 幽默 yōumò humor 有意思 yǒuyìsi interesting 没意思 méiyìsi not interesting 有趣 yǒuqù interesting 没趣 méiqù prosiness 耍 shuǎ to juggle 特别 tèbié especially Elementary - China's Most Famous Tourist Destinations (B0473) 中国最有名的景点有哪些? Zhōngguó zuì yǒumíng de jǐngdiǎn yǒu nǎxiē ? What are China’s most famous scenic spots? 多了。北京的长城、故宫、颐和园。 duō le 。Běijīng de Chángchéng 、Gùgōng 、Yíhéyuán 。 There are a lot. In Beijing there is the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace. 还有呢? hái yǒu ne ? Any others? 上海的外滩,西安的兵马俑。 Shànghǎi de Wàitān ,Xī'ān de Bīngmǎyǒng 。 In Shanghai there is the Bund, in Xi'an there are the Terracotta Soldiers. 还有呢? hái yǒu ne ? Any others? 对了,你还可以坐火车去西藏。 duì le ,nǐ hái kěyǐ zuò huǒchē qù Xīzàng 。 Oh, you can also take the train to Tibet. Vocabulary 最 zuì most 有名 yǒumíng famous 景点 jǐngdiǎn scenic spot 长城 Chángchéng Great Wall 故宫 Gùgōng The Forbidden City 颐和园 Yíhéyuán Summer Palace 还 hái still 外滩 Wàitān the Bund 兵马俑 Bīngmǎyǒng Terracotta Soldiers 坐 zuò to ride 火车 huǒchē train 风景 fēngjǐng scenery 名胜 míngshèng place famous for its scenery or historic interest 东方明珠 Dōngfāng Míngzhū the Oriental Pearl Tower 西湖 Xīhú West Lake (in Hangzhou) 故居 gùjū former residence 金茂大厦 Jīnmào Dàshà Jinmao Tower 旅行团 lǚxíngtuán tour group 导游 dǎoyóu tour guide Elementary - Easter and Chocolate Bunnies (B0477) 这里怎么有这么多巧克力兔子? zhèlǐ zěnme yǒu zhème duō qiǎokèlì tùzi ? How come there are so many chocolate bunnies here? 复活节快到了嘛。 Fùhuójié kuài dào le ma 。 Easter is here. 复活节不是庆祝耶稣复活吗?和兔子有什么关系? Fùhuójié bù shì qìngzhù Yēsū fùhuó ma ?hé tùzi yǒu shénme guānxi ? Doesn't Easter celebrate Jesus' resurrection? What does that have to do with rabbits? 这个嘛,我也不清楚。 zhège ma ,wǒ yě bù qīngchu 。 Oh that. I'm not sure either. 只要好吃就行了。 zhǐyào hǎochī jiù xíng le 。 Well, as long as they taste good it's fine by me. Vocabulary 巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate 兔子 tùzi rabbit 复活节 Fùhuójié Easter 快到 kuài dào to arrive soon 庆祝 qìngzhù to celebrate 耶稣 Yēsū Jesus 复活 fùhuó resurrection 关系 guānxi relationship 清楚 qīngchu clear 只要 zhǐyào as long as 好吃 hǎochī tasty 彩蛋 cǎidàn dyed egg 糖果 tángguǒ candy 小鸡 xiǎojī chick 小白兔 xiǎobáitù little white bunny 篮子 lánzi basket 象征 xiàngzhēng symbol Elementary - Flags and National Anthems (B0482) 哇,中国的国旗真漂亮! wā ,Zhōngguó de guóqí zhēn piàoliang ! Wow, China's flag is really beautiful! 是啊。它叫五星红旗。 shì ā 。tā jiào wǔxīng hóngqí 。 Yeah, it's called the Five-starred Red Flag. 是因为红旗上有五颗黄色的星星吗? shì yīnwèi hóngqí shang yǒu wǔ kē huángsè de xīngxing ma ? Because there are five yellow stars on a red flag? 是的。你听过中国的国歌吗? shì de 。nǐ tīng guo Zhōngguó de guógē ma ? Yes. Have you ever heard China's national anthem? 听过。非常好听! tīng guo 。fēicháng hǎotīng ! Yes, I have. It sounds really nice! Vocabulary 国旗 guóqí national flag 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 黄色 huángsè yellow 星星 xīngxing star 国歌 guógē national anthem 非常 fēicháng extremely 好听 hǎotīng pleasant to listen to 代表 dàibiǎo to represent 升国旗 shēng guóqí to raise the flag 仪式 yíshì ceremony 唱国歌 chàng guógē to sing the national anthem 奏国歌 zòu guógē to play the national anthem 国花 guóhuā national flower 国宝 guóbǎo national treasure 敬礼 jìnglǐ to salute Elementary - The Clogged Toilet (B0487) 是物业吗? shì wùyè ma ? Is this the property manager? 对。什么事? duì 。shénme shì ? That's right. What's the matter? 我的马桶堵住了。麻烦来看一下。 wǒ de mǎtǒng dǔ zhù le 。máfan lái kàn yīxià 。 My toilet is plugged. Please come and take a look. 你试过用马桶拔吗? nǐ shì guo yòng mǎtǒngbá ma ? Did you try to use a plunger? 试过了。没用。 shì guo le 。méi yòng 。 I tried it. It didn’t work. 好,我们现在就来。 hǎo ,wǒmen xiànzài jiù lái 。 OK, we will be right over. Vocabulary 物业 wùyè property management 马桶 mǎtǒng toilet 堵 dǔ clogged; stopped up 试 shì to try 用 yòng to use 马桶拔 mǎtǒngbá plunger 水管 shuǐguǎn water pipe 下水道 xiàshuǐdào sewer 通 tōng to clear a channel 冲 chōng to flush 乱扔 luàn rēng to throw randomly 垃圾 lājī garbage Elementary - Shut up! (B0492) 完了!手机忘在出租车上了。 wán le !shǒujī wàng zài chūzūchē shàng le 。 I'm done for! I forgot my cell phone in the taxi. 什么?你又忘了! shénme ?nǐ yòu wàng le ! What? You forgot it again! 怎么办?我老婆会杀死我的! zěnme bàn ?wǒ lǎopo huì shāsǐ wǒ de ! What should I do? My wife will kill me! 你真是个二百五。 nǐ zhēn shì ge èrbǎiwǔ 。 You really are an dope. 烦死了,闭嘴! fán sǐ le ,bìzuǐ ! You're annoying me to death! Shut up! Vocabulary 忘 wàng to forget 又 yòu once again 怎么办 zěnme bàn what should be done 杀死 shāsǐ to kill 二百五 èrbǎiwǔ idiot, jerk 烦死 fán sǐ to annoy to death 闭嘴 bìzuǐ shut up 健忘 jiànwàng forgetful 记性 jìxing memory 差 chà inferior quality 找 zhǎo to look for 骂 mà to yell at 下次 xiàcì next time