Elementary - Views on Contact Lenses (B0305) 你今天怎么没戴眼镜? nǐ jīntiān zěnme méi dài yǎnjìng ? How come you aren't wearing glasses today? 放心吧,我戴了隐形眼镜。 fàngxīn ba ,wǒ dài le yǐnxíngyǎnjìng 。 Don't worry, I’m wearing contact lenses. 隐形眼镜?感觉怎样? yǐnxíngyǎnjìng ?gǎnjué zěnyàng ? Contact lenses? How do they feel? 不错,挺舒服的。 bùcuò ,tǐng shūfu de 。 Pretty good, quite comfortable. 听说戴隐形眼镜很麻烦,要特别注意卫生,是吗? tīngshuō dài yǐnxíng yǎnjìng hěn máfan ,yào tèbié zhùyì wèishēng ,shìma ? I've heard that wearing contact lenses is a hassle; you have to be especially careful about hygiene. Is that right? 是的。但是运动的时候很方便。 shìde 。dànshì yùndòng de shíhou hěn fāngbiàn 。 That's right. But when you’re playing sports it's very convenient. 我还是不敢买,戴在眼睛里太可怕了。 wǒ háishì bùgǎn mǎi ,dài zài yǎnjing lǐ tài kěpà le 。 I still won't dare to buy them. Wearing them right in your eye is too scary. Vocabulary 戴 dài to wear 隐形眼镜 yǐnxíng yǎnjìng contact lenses 感觉 gǎnjué to feel 特别 tèbié especially 注意 zhùyì to pay attention 卫生 wèishēng hygiene 敢 gǎn to dare 可怕 kěpà horrible, scary 镜片 jìngpiàn lens 隐形眼镜护理液 yǐnxíng yǎnjìng hùlǐ yè contact lens solution 清洗 qīngxǐ cleanse 洗手 xǐshǒu wash one’s hands 细菌 xìjūn germ; bacterium 眼药水 yǎnyàoshuǐ eyedrops 滴 dī to drip (into) 左眼 zuǒ yǎn left eye 右眼 yòu yǎn right eye 度数 dùshù number of degrees (used in China’s system for measuring eyesight) 取下 qǔxià take out (e.g. a contact lens) 难受 nánshòu feel unwell Elementary - Mysterious Visitor (B0313) 这么晚了,会是谁呢? zhème wǎn le ,huì shì shéi ne ? It’s so late, who could it be? 糟糕!是小偷? zāogāo !shì xiǎotōu ? Oh no! A thief? 快开门,是我。 kuài kāimén ,shì wǒ 。 Open the door, it’s me. 你是谁? nǐ shì shéi ? Who’s there? 我是你奶奶。快点! wǒ shì nǐ nǎinai 。kuài diǎn ! It’s your grandmother. Hurry up! 婆婆,你搞错了。你要找哪家? pópo ,nǐ gǎocuò le 。nǐ yào zhǎo nǎ jiā ? Lady, you’re at the wrong door. Who are you looking for? 啊?这里不是3号楼吗? ā ?zhèlǐ bù shì sān hào lóu ma ? Huh? This is building number 3, right? 这里是4号。 zhèlǐ shì sì hào 。 This is number 4. Vocabulary 这么 zhème so;such;like this 晚 wǎn late 会 huì can 糟糕 zāogāo what a mess 小偷 xiǎotōu thief 快 kuài quickly 开门 kāimén to open the door 快点 kuài diǎn more quickly 搞错 gǎocuò to mistake sth. for sth. else 要 yào to want 找 zhǎo to try to find 贼 zéi thief 关门 guān mén close the door 关窗 guān chuāng close the window 慢 màn slow 外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather 外婆 wàipó maternal grandmother Elementary - Homesick (B0317) 你来中国多久了? nǐ lái Zhōngguó duōjiǔ le ? How long have you been in China? 一年半了。 yīniánbàn le 。 A year and a half. 这里的生活习惯吗? zhèlǐ de shēnghuó xíguàn ma ? Are you used to life here? 差不多习惯了。就是有点想家。 chàbuduō xíguàn le 。jiùshì yǒudiǎn xiǎngjiā 。 I’m pretty much used to it. It’s just that I’m a little homesick. 我也是。我很想念我的父母。 wǒ yě shì 。wǒ hěn xiǎngniàn wǒ de fùmǔ 。 Me too. I really miss my parents. 我最想我妈妈和她做的菜。 wǒ zuì xiǎng wǒ māma hé tā zuò de cài 。 I miss my mom and her cooking the most. Vocabulary 多久 duōjiǔ how long 半 bàn half 生活 shēnghuó life 习惯 xíguàn to be accustomed to 差不多 chàbuduō more or less 就是 jiùshì it 有点 yǒudiǎn slightly 想 xiǎng to miss 想家 xiǎngjiā to be homesick 也 yě also 想念 xiǎngniàn to miss 父母 fùmǔ father and mother 菜 cài food 家乡 jiāxiāng home 祖国 zǔguó homeland 亲人 qīnrén folks 家人 jiārén family 记得 jìde to remember 难忘 nánwàng unforgettable 思念 sīniàn to miss 待 dāi stay Elementary - The Olympic Marathon (B0320) 你觉得奥运会最艰苦的项目是什么? nǐ juéde Aòyùnhuì zuì jiānkǔ de xiàngmù shì shénme ? Which Olympic event do you think is the toughest? 当然是马拉松,要跑42公里呢。 dāngrán shì mǎlāsōng ,yào pǎo sìshíér gōnglǐ ne 。 Of course it’s the marathon. It’s 42 km long. 那选手们肯定不容易! nà xuǎnshǒumen kěndìng bù róngyì ! It’s certainly not easy for the runners! 嗯,我很佩服他们。 én ,wǒ hěn pèifu tāmen 。 Yeah, I really admire them. Vocabulary 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous 项目 xiàngmù event 公里 gōnglǐ kilometer 选手 xuǎnshǒu competitor 佩服 pèifu to respect 马拉松 mǎlāsōng marathon 肯定 kěndìng sure 容易 róngyì easy 激烈 jīliè intense; fierce 精彩 jīngcǎi splendid; wonderful 坚强 jiānqiáng strong 毅力 yìlì willpower Elementary - Dinner Guest (B0326) 你好。好久不见! nǐhǎo 。hǎojiǔ bùjiàn ! Hi! Long time no see! 你来了?请进!请进! nǐ lái le ?qǐng jìn !qǐng jìn ! You’re here! Come in, come in. 需要脱鞋子吗? xūyào tuō xiézi ma ? Do I need to take my shoes off? 这双拖鞋是干净的。 zhè shuāng tuōxié shì gānjìng de 。 This pair of slippers is clean. 这是一点小意思,希望你喜欢。 zhè shì yīdiǎn xiǎoyìsi ,xīwàng nǐ xǐhuan 。 This is a small gift. I hope you like it. 啊呀,你跟我还这么客气。 āyā ,nǐ gēn wǒ hái zhème kèqi 。 Oh my! You’re being too polite with me. Vocabulary 脱 tuō to take off 鞋子 xiézi shoes 拖鞋 tuōxié slippers 干净 gānjìng clean 小意思 xiǎoyìsi small token of kindly feelings 希望 xīwàng to hope 客气 kèqi polite 好久不见 hǎojiǔ bùjiàn long time no see 来了 lái le to come 请 qǐng please 进 jìn to enter 进 jìn to enter 需要 xūyào need 老朋友 lǎopéngyou old friend 熟 shú familiar 心意 xīnyì regard; kindly feeling 空手 kōngshǒu empty-handed; empty hands 上座 shàngzuò seat of honor Elementary - Fast Food (B0330) 欢迎光临,请问您要些什么? huānyíng guānglín ,qǐng wèn nín yào xiē shénme ? Welcome! What would you like? 2号套餐。不要可乐,给我冰红茶。 èr hào tàocān 。bùyào kělè ,gěi wǒ bīnghóngchá 。 Set meal number 2. I don’t want cola; give me iced tea. 2号汉堡套餐,是吗?好的。请问您要试试我们新推出的冰淇淋吗? èr hào hànbǎo tàocān ,shì ma ?hǎo de 。qǐng wèn nín yào shìshi wǒmen xīn tuīchū de bīngqílín ma ? The hamburger set meal no. 2, right? OK. Would you like to try our new ice cream? 不要,谢谢! bùyào ,xièxie ! No, thanks. 在这里吃还是带走? zài zhèlǐ chī háishi dàizǒu ? Is it for here or to go? 在这里吃。 zài zhèlǐ chī 。 For here. Vocabulary 欢迎光临 huānyíng guānglín welcome guest 套餐 tàocān meal 可乐 kělè cola 冰红茶 bīnghóngchá iced tea 汉堡 hànbǎo hamburger 试试 shìshi to try 推出 tuīchū to release 冰淇淋 bīngqílín ice cream 带走 dàizǒu to bag and go 快餐 kuàicān fast food 自助餐 zìzhùcān cafeteria 中餐 zhōngcān Chinese Food 西餐 xīcān western food 点 diǎn to light 稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment 谢谢光临 xièxie guānglín thank you for coming Elementary - Common Measure Words (B0335) 一张纸,两张纸,三张纸,几张纸 yī zhāng zhǐ ,liǎng zhāng zhǐ ,sān zhāng zhǐ ,jǐ zhāng zhǐ a piece of paper, two pieces of paper, three pieces of paper, how many pieces of paper 一辆汽车,两辆汽车,三辆汽车,几辆汽车 yī liàng qìchē ,liǎng liàng qìchē ,sān liàng qìchē ,jǐ liàng qìchē a vehicle, two vehicles, three vehicles, how many vehicles 一件衣服,两件衣服,三件衣服,几件衣服 yī jiàn yīfu ,liǎng jiàn yīfu ,sān jiàn yīfu ,jǐ jiàn yīfu a piece of clothing, two pieces of clothing, three pieces of clothing, how many pieces of clothing 一双筷子,两双筷子,三双筷子,几双筷子 yī shuāng kuàizi ,liǎng shuāng kuàizi ,sān shuāng kuàizi ,jǐ shuāng kuàizi a pair of chopsticks, two pairs of chopsticks, three pairs of chopsticks, how many pairs of chopsticks 一本书,两本书,三本书,几本书 yī běn shū ,liǎng běn shū ,sān běn shū ,jǐ běn shū a book, two books, three books, how many books Vocabulary 张 zhāng measure word for flat object (paper etc.) 纸 zhǐ paper 几 jǐ how many 辆 liàng measure word for transportation 汽车 qìchē car 件 jiàn measure word for clothing etc. 衣服 yīfu clothing 双 shuāng pair, measure word for eyes etc. 筷子 kuàizi chopsticks 本 běn measure word for books etc. 书 shū book 量词 liàngcí meaure word 一张桌子 yī zhāng zhuōzi a table 一张照片 yī zhāng zhàopiàn a photo 一张车票 yī zhāng chēpiào a train ticket; a bus ticket 一张信用卡 yī zhāng xìnyòngkǎ a credit card 一件行李 yī jiàn xíngli a piece of luggage 一件事 yī jiàn shì a thing, an event, an affair 一双鞋子 yī shuāng xiézi a pair of shoes 一双脚 yī shuāng jiǎo a pair of feet 一双手 yī shuāng shǒu a pair of hands 一双眼睛 yī shuāng yǎnjing a pair of eyes 一本字典 yī běn zìdiǎn a dictionary 一本杂志 yī běn zázhì a magazine 一辆自行车 yī liàng zìxíngchē a bicycle Elementary - Which friend? (B0341) A 上星期我见到那个老朋友了。 shàng xīngqī wǒ jiàndào nàge lǎo péngyǒu le. Last week, I saw that old friend. B 哪个老朋友? nǎge lǎo péngyǒu? Which old friend? A 高的那个。 gāo de nàge. That tall one. B 哪个高的? nǎge gāo de? Which tall one? A 就是那个长头发的。 jiùshì nàge cháng tóufa de. That one with long hair. B 哪个长头发的?你说清楚一点。 nǎge cháng tóufa de? nǐ shuō qīngchu yīdiǎn. Which one with long hair? Be more specific. A 就是那个高的,长头发的。我忘了她的名字。 jiùshì nàge gāo de, cháng tóufa de. wǒ wàng le tā de míngzi. That tall one with long hair. I forgot her name. Key Vocabulary 上星期 shàng xīngqī last week 见到 jiàndào to see 老朋友 lǎo péngyǒu old friend 哪个 nǎge which 高 gāo tall 就是 jiùshì to be exactly 长 cháng long 头发 tóufa hair 说 shuō to say 清楚 qīngchu clearly ……一点 ... yīdiǎn a bit more ... Supplementary Vocabulary 上周 shàngzhōu last week 下周 xiàzhōu next week 碰见 pèngjiàn to run into 矮 ǎi short not tall 胖 pàng fat 瘦 shòu to lose 巧 qiǎo opportunely 快说 kuàishuō Speak up! 猜猜 cāi cai to guess 想不起来 xiǎng bu qǐlai can't think out Elementary - Dealing with Praise (B) A 你来中国多久了? ni3 lai2 Zhong1guo2 duo1jiu3 le5? How long have you been in China? B 半年多。我很喜欢这里。 ban4nian2 duo1. wo3 hen3 xi3huan5 zhe4li3. More than half a year. I really like it here. A 你中文说得这么好!真厉害! ni3 Zhong1wen2 shuo1 de5 zhe4me5 hao3! zhen1 li4hai5! Your Chinese is so good! Really amazing! B 你过奖了,我还有很多地方需要学习。 ni3 guo4jiang3 le5, wo3 hai2 you3 hen3 duo1 di4fang5 xu1yao4 xue2xi2. You’re flattering me. There is still a lot I need to learn. A 你太谦虚了。你来中国之前会说中文吗? ni3 tai4 qian1xu1 le5. ni3 lai2 Zhong1guo2 zhi1qian2 hui4 shuo1 Zhong1wen2 ma5? You’re too modest. Could you speak Chinese before you came to China? B 会啊,我自学了两年。 hui4 a1, wo3 zi4xue2 le5 liang3 nian2. Yes I could, I studied on my own for two years. Key Vocabulary 多久 多久 how long 这么 这么 this 过奖 过奖 to praise excessively 需要 需要 to need 谦虚 谦虚 modest 之前 之前 before 自学 自学 study on one’s own, self-study Supplementary Vocabulary 左右 左右 about 半年左右 半年左右 about half a year 差不多 差不多 similar 差不多半年 差不多半年 about half a year 差得远 差得远 by a long shot 不敢当 不敢当 not to dare to be 流利 流利 fluent 标准 标准 standard 方法 方法 method 努力 努力 to strive 水平 水平 level 向你请教 向你请教 seek advice from you Elementary - Tone Rule: Two Third Tones (B0353) 你好 nǐhǎo hello 很好 hěn hǎo very good 可以 kěyǐ can 好久 hǎojiǔ a long time 我也有 wǒ yě yǒu I also have 我想找你 wǒ xiǎng zhǎo nǐ I want to find you Vocabulary 可以 kěyǐ OK 好久 hǎojiǔ long time 也 yě also 想 xiǎng to miss 找 zhǎo to try to find 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 口语 kǒuyǔ spoken language 法语 fǎyǔ French language 理解 lǐjiě to comprehend 雨伞 yǔsǎn umbrella Elementary - Making Copies (B0357) 这里可以复印吗? zhèlǐ kěyǐ fùyìn ma ? Can I make photocopies here? 可以,你要复印什么? kěyǐ ,nǐ yào fùyìn shénme ? Yes, what do you want to photocopy? 护照。要3份。 hùzhào 。yào sān fèn 。 My passport. I need three copies. 没问题。 méiwèntí 。 No problem. 一共多少钱? yīgòng duōshǎo qián ? How much is it altogether? 一块五。 yīkuài wǔ 。 1.5 yuan. Vocabulary 这里 zhèlǐ here 可以 kěyǐ can 复印 fùyìn to photocopy 护照 hùzhào passport 份 fèn copy 一共 yīgòng all together 复印机 fùyìnjī copier 打印 dǎyìn to print 扫描 sǎomiáo scan 扩大 kuòdà to expand 缩小 suōxiǎo to reduce 单面 dānmiàn pedion 双面 shuāngmiàn diprosopia 黑白 hēibái black and white 彩色 cǎisè chromatically 清楚 qīngchu clear Elementary - American Breakfast (B0364) 早上好,您今天想吃点什么? zǎoshang hǎo ,nín jīntiān xiǎng chī diǎn shénme ? Good morning, what would you like to eat today? 我要一份美式早餐。 wǒ yào yī fèn měishì zǎocān 。 I want the American breakfast. 好的。请问鸡蛋您想怎么做? hǎo de 。qǐng wèn jīdàn nín xiǎng zěnme zuò ? OK. How would you like your eggs? 我要一个炒蛋,一个水煮蛋。 wǒ yào yī ge chǎo dàn ,yī ge shuǐzhǔ dàn 。 I want one scrambled egg, one boiled egg. 没问题。请问您要培根还是火腿? méiwèntí 。qǐng wèn nín yào péigēn háishi huǒtuǐ ? No problem. Would you like bacon or ham? 培根。 péigēn 。 Bacon. Vocabulary 想 xiǎng would like 吃 chī to eat 点 diǎn / 什么 shénme what 要 yào to want 份 fèn / 美式 měishì American-style 早餐 zǎocān breakfast 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask 鸡蛋 jīdàn egg 怎么 zěnme how 做 zuò to make 个 ge / 炒蛋 chǎo dàn fried egg 水煮蛋 shuǐzhǔ dàn boiled egg 还是 háishi or 培根 péigēn bacon 火腿 huǒtuǐ ham 中式早餐 zhōngshì zǎocān Chinese style breakfast 小吃 xiǎochī snack 粥 zhōu congee 豆浆 dòujiāng soya-bean milk 牛奶 niúnǎi milk 馄饨 húntun ravioli 油条 yóutiáo deep-fried twisted dough sticks 包子 bāozi steamed stuffed bun 馒头 mántou steamed roll 面包 miànbāo bread 煎蛋 jiāndàn omelette 荷包蛋 hébāodàn fried egg (yolk intact) Elementary - Directions with a Map #1 (B0371) 我从公园西门出来,往前走。 wǒ cóng gōngyuán xīmén chūlai ,wǎng qián zǒu 。 I come out of the park’s west gate and go straight ahead. 到了红绿灯,左拐。 dào le hónglǜdēng ,zuǒ guǎi 。 I turn left at the traffic light. 往前走一点,右边是哪里?(超市) wǎng qián zǒu yīdiǎn ,yòubiān shì nǎli ?(chāoshì ) Then go forward a little more. What is on my right? Vocabulary 从 cóng from 公园 gōngyuán park 西门 xīmén west gate 出来 chūlai to come out 往 wǎng to go towards 前 qián ahead 走 zǒu to walk 到了 dào le to arrive at 红绿灯 hónglǜdēng traffic light 左拐 zuǒguǎi turn left 右边 yòubiān right side 超市 chāoshì supermarket 方向 fāngxiàng direction 地图 dìtú map 路 lù road 十字路口 shízìlùkǒu intersection 向 xiàng toward 远 yuǎn far 近 jìn nearly 从... 到... cóng... dào... from... to... Elementary - Christmas Presents (B0375) 圣诞节又要到了。 shèngdànjié yòu yào dào le 。 Christmas is almost here again! 是啊,礼物你买好了吗? shì ā ,lǐwù nǐ mǎi hǎo le ma ? That’s right. Have you bought your gifts? 还没呢。真不知道要买什么。你呢? hái méi ne 。zhēn bù zhīdào yào mǎi shénme 。nǐ ne ? Not yet. I really don’t know what to buy. How about you? 我买了巧克力、香水。没什么特别的。 wǒ mǎi le qiǎokèlì 、xiāngshuǐ 。méi shénme tèbié de 。 I bought chocolate and perfume. Nothing that special. 买礼物真是头疼。 mǎi lǐwù zhēnshì tóuténg 。 Buying gifts is such a headache. 是啊。我们现在一起去逛逛吧。 shì ā 。wǒmen xiànzài yīqǐ qù guàngguang ba 。 It is. Let’s go shopping together now. Vocabulary 圣诞节 shèngdànjié Christmas 又要 yòuyào be about to do something again 礼物 lǐwù gift 买 mǎi to buy 巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate 香水 xiāngshuǐ perfume 特别 tèbié special 头疼 tóuténg headache 逛 guàng stroll, shop 圣诞老人 Shèngdàn Lǎorén Santa Claus 圣诞树 Shèngdàn shù Christmas tree 圣诞袜 Shèngdàn wà Christmas stocking 圣诞贺卡 Shèngdàn hèkǎ Christmas card 圣诞大餐 Shèngdàn dàcān Christmas feast 去教堂 qù jiàotáng go to church 圣诞快乐! Shèngdàn kuàilè! Merry Christmas! Elementary - Directions with a Map #2 (B0379) 我从邮局出来,往东走。 wǒ cóng yóujú chūlai ,wǎng dōng zǒu 。 I come out of the post office and head east. 到第一个红绿灯,往南走。 dào dì yī ge hónglǜdēng ,wǎng nán zǒu 。 At the first traffic light I head south. 又看到一个红绿灯,往东走。 yòu kàndào yī ge hónglǜdēng ,wǎng dōng zǒu 。 When I see another traffic light I go east. 再过一个红绿灯,往前走一点,左边是哪里?(公园南门) zài guò yī ge hónglǜdēng ,wǎng qián zǒu yīdiǎn ,zuǒbiān shì nǎli ?(gōngyuán nánmén ) I pass another traffic light, and keep going straight a little more. What is on my left? Vocabulary 从 cóng from 邮局 yóujú post office 出来 chūlai to come out 往 wǎng to go toward 东 dōng east 走 zǒu to walk 到 dào to arrive at 第一 dì yī the first 个 ge 红绿灯 hónglǜdēng traffic light 又 yòu once again 看到 kàndào to see 再 zài again 过 guò to pass 前 qián front 左边 zuǒbiān left 东南 dōngnán southeast 东北 dōngběi northeast 西南 xīnán southwest 西北 xīběi northwest 对面 duìmiàn opposite 前面 qiánmian front 后面 hòumian rear 在......的左边 zài...de zuǒbiān on the left of Elementary - Dress Warmly (B0385) 天冷了,你多穿一点。 tiān lěng le ,nǐ duō chuān yīdiǎn 。 It’s gotten cold. Put on some more clothes. 我不冷,这样就行了。 wǒ bù lěng ,zhèyàng jiù xíng le 。 I’m not cold. This is fine. 这怎么行?外面很冷。 zhè zěnme xíng ?wàimian hěn lěng 。 How is that fine? It’s very cold outside. 我真的不冷。 wǒ zhēnde bù lěng 。 I’m really not cold. 不可以,你一定要多穿一点。 bù kěyǐ ,nǐ yīdìng yào duō chuān yīdiǎn 。 No, you definitely have to put some more clothes on. 好吧。 hǎoba 。 All right... Vocabulary 天 tiān weather 冷 lěng cold 多穿 duō chuān to put on more 多穿一点 duō chuān yīdiǎn to put on a little more 这样 zhèyàng like this 就 jiù just 行 xíng fine 怎么 zěnme how 外面 wàimian outside 真的 zhēnde really 可以 kěyǐ can 一定要 yīdìng yào definitely must 穿衣服 chuān yīfu to put on clothes 一件衣服 yī jiàn yīfu a clothes 暖和 nuǎnhuo warm 穿得暖和一点 chuān de nuǎnhuo yīdiǎn dress warmly 感冒 gǎnmào to catch cold 别感冒了 bié gǎnmào le don't catch a cold 气温 qìwēn air temperature 低 dī low 降温 jiàngwēn to cool down 冷空气 lěngkōngqì cold air front Elementary - Basketball (B0392) 传球!传球! chuán qiú !chuán qiú ! Pass the ball! Pass the ball! 啊呀,这个中锋太慢了。 āyā ,zhège zhōngfēng tài màn le 。 Oh man! This center is too slow! 就是,抢篮板球也不行。 jiùshì ,qiǎng lánbǎnqiú yě bùxíng 。 Yeah, he is. And he’s not any good at getting rebounds either. 看,又进攻了!传球!灌篮! kàn ,yòu jìngōng le !chuán qiú !guànlán ! Look, here comes another drive! Pass the ball! Slam dunk! 好球!再来个三分球! hǎo qiú !zài lái ge sānfēnqiú ! Good shot! Go for another three pointer! Vocabulary 传球 chuán qiú to pass ball 中锋 zhōngfēng center 太 tài too 慢 màn slow 就是 jiùshì exactly 抢 qiǎng to steal 篮板球 lánbǎnqiú rebound 不行 bùxíng not any good 进攻 jìngōng to attack 灌篮 guànlán to slam dunk 再 zài another 三分球 sānfēnqiú three-pointer 前锋 qiánfēng forward 后卫 hòuwèi guard 上半场 shàngbànchǎng first half (of a game) 下半场 xiàbànchǎng second half (of a game) 防守 fángshǒu to defend 犯规 fànguī foul 裁判员 cáipànyuán referee Elementary - It's Nothing (B0399) 跟朋友聊得怎么样? gēn péngyou liáo de zěnmeyàng ? How was your chat with your friend? 还好。 hái hǎo 。 It was all right. 你怎么了?发生了什么事啊? nǐ zěnme le ?fāshēng le shénme shì a ? What’s the matter? Did something happen? 没什么。 méi shénme 。 It’s nothing. 别这样。我看得出你心里有事。 bié zhèyàng 。wǒ kàn de chū nǐ xīnlǐ yǒushì 。 Don’t be that way. I can tell something’s weighing on your mind. 真的没什么。 zhēnde méi shénme 。 It’s really nothing. Vocabulary 跟 gēn with 聊 liáo to chat 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how was it 发生 fāshēng to happen 还好 hái hǎo all right 没什么 méi shénme nothing 看得出 kàndechū to be able to tell 有事 yǒushì to have a matter 没事 méishì no problem 放心 fàngxīn don't worry 说出来 shuōchūlái to speak 解决 jiějué to resolve 烦恼 fánnǎo vexation