Elementary - Skincare: Sunscreen (B0203) 这里有防晒霜吗? zhèlǐ yǒu fángshàishuāng ma ? Do you have sunscreen here? 有。你要什么样的? yǒu 。nǐ yào shénmeyàng de ? Yes. What kind of sunscreen do you want? 我要最好的。 wǒ yào zuìhǎo de 。 I want the best. 这种很好。 zhèzhǒng hěn hǎo 。 This one is very good. Vocabulary 有 yǒu to have 防晒霜 fángshàishuāng sunscreen 要 yào to want 最 zuì most 种 zhǒng kind 什么样 shénmeyàng what kind of 洗面奶 xǐmiànnǎi cleansing milk 润肤水 rùnfūshuǐ skin refresher lotion 乳液 rǔyè emulsion 护手霜 hùshǒushuāng hand cream 牌子 páizi brand Elementary - Pets (B0208) 你养宠物吗? nǐ yǎng chǒngwù ma ? Do you have any pets? 我养狗。你呢? wǒ yǎng gǒu 。nǐ ne ? I’ve got a dog. What about you? 我养猫。 wǒ yǎng māo 。 I have a cat. 我也喜欢猫。 wǒ yě xǐhuan māo 。 I like cats too. Vocabulary 养 yǎng to raise 宠物 chǒngwù house pet 狗 gǒu dog 猫 māo cat 也 yě also 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 你呢 nǐ ne what about you 宠物医院 chǒngwù yīyuàn animal hospital 宠物商店 chǒngwù shāngdiàn pet store 可爱 kěài lovable 乖 guāi well-behaved 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 品种 pǐnzhǒng variety 溜狗 liùgǒu take a dog for a walk Elementary - How embarrassing! (B0214) 这次我请客。 zhè cì wǒ qǐngkè 。 This time it's my treat. 不用,我来。 bùyòng ,wǒ lái 。 You don't need to do that. I can get it. 哎呀……我钱不够。真丢脸! āiyā ......wǒ qián bùgòu 。zhēn diūliǎn ! Oh no, I don’t have enough money with me. How embarrassing! 没关系。我来付。 méiguānxi 。wǒ lái fù 。 I doesn't matter. I'll pay. Vocabulary 这次 zhè cì this time 请客 qǐngkè to treat guests 够 gòu enough 丢脸 diūliǎn to lose face 没关系 méiguānxi to not matter 这回 zhè huí this time 下回 xià huí next time 下次 xiàcì next 做东 zuòdōng be the host; stand a treat 买单 mǎidān to order the bill AA制 AA zhì each person pay his own bill 各付各的 gè fù gè de each person pay his own bill 丢人 diūrén to lose face 出丑 chūchǒu gaffe 带 dài to carry 现金 xiànjīn cash 刷卡 shuākǎ to swipe a card Elementary - The Doggy Bag (B0217) 服务员,这些打包。 fúwùyuán ,zhèxiē dǎbāo 。 Waiter, please put these in a doggy bag. 好。 hǎo 。 All right. 汤可以打包吗? tāng kěyǐ dǎbāo ma ? Can you put the soup in a bag? 没问题。 méiwèntí 。 No problem. Vocabulary 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter 这些 zhèxiē these 打包 dǎbāo to put food in a doggy bag 汤 tāng soup 可以 kěyǐ can 没问题 méiwèntí no problem 打包盒 dǎbāo hé doggy bag (container) 给 gěi to give 分开 fēnkāi to separate 带走 dàizǒu to lead away 外带 wàidài takeout 堂吃 tángchī eat it in the restaurant 还是 háishi or Elementary - Nationalities (B0223) 你是哪里人? nǐ shì nǎli rén ? Where are you from? 我是美国人。你是哪个国家的? wǒ shì Měiguórén 。nǐ shì nǎge guójiā de ? I’m an American. What country are you from? 我是澳大利亚的。 wǒ shì Aòdàlìyà de 。 I’m from Australia. 澳大利亚很美。 Aòdàlìyà hěn měi 。 Australia is beautiful. Vocabulary 哪里 nǎlǐ where 美国 Měiguó American 国家 guójiā country 澳大利亚 Aòdàlìyà Australian 美 měi beautiful 州 zhōu state 区 qū district 哪里 nǎlǐ where 地方 dìfang place 加拿大 Jiānádà Canada 加拿大人 Jiānádàrén Canadian 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy 意大利人 Yìdàlìrén Italian Elementary - Morning Hygiene (B0227) 你早上洗脸刷牙要多久? nǐ zǎoshang xǐliǎn shuāyá yào duōjiǔ ? How long does it take you to wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning? 五分钟。 wǔ fēnzhōng 。 Five minutes. 你不洗头洗澡吗? nǐ bù xǐtóu xǐzǎo ma ? Don't you shampoo and shower? 不洗,没时间。 bù xǐ ,méishíjiān 。 No, no time. Vocabulary 早上 zǎoshang early morning 洗 xǐ to wash 洗脸 xǐliǎn to wash one's face 刷牙 shuāyá to brush teeth 要 yào to take 多久 duōjiǔ how long 分钟 fēnzhōng minute 洗头 xǐtóu to wash hair 洗澡 xǐzǎo to take a shower 没时间 méishíjiān not to have time 牙膏 yágāo toothpaste 牙刷 yáshuā toothbrush 刮胡子 guā húzi shave 剃须刀 tìxūdāo shaver 吹风机 chuīfēngjī drier Elementary - Pronunciation Correction (B0232) 你看!我有新的眼睛。 nǐ kàn !wǒ yǒu xīn de yǎnjīng 。 Look! I have new eyes. 什么?哦,新的眼镜,是吗? shénme ?é ,xīn de yǎnjìng ,shì ma ? What?? Oh! New glasses, right? 对。刚才我说错了吗? duì 。gāngcái wǒ shuōcuò le ma ? Right. Did I say it wrong just now? 是的。应该是眼镜,不是眼睛。 shìde 。yīnggāi shì yǎnjìng ,bùshì yǎnjīng 。 Yes. It’s “glasses”, not “eyes”. Vocabulary 新 xīn new 眼睛 yǎnjīng eye 眼镜 yǎnjìng spectacles 错 cuò wrong 刚才 gāngcái just 应该 yīnggāi should 听错 tīngcuò hear mistakenly 看错 kàncuò see/read mistakenly 声调 shēngdiào tone 纠正 jiūzhèng correct 原来 yuánlái originally Elementary - Having Food Delivered (B0236) 我要炒饭。可以送吗? wǒ yào chǎofàn 。kěyǐ sòng ma ? I want fried rice. Can you deliver it? 可以。几份炒饭? kěyǐ 。jǐ fèn chǎofàn ? Sure. How many orders? 两份。 liǎng fèn 。 Two orders. 地址? dìzhǐ ? Address? 延安路,10号301。 Yánān lù ,shí hào sān líng yī 。 Yan’an Road, No. 10, Room 301. 十五分钟送到。 shí wǔ fēnzhōng sòngdào 。 It will be delivered in 15 minutes. Vocabulary 要 yào want 炒饭 chǎofàn fried rice 可以 kěyǐ can 送 sòng to deliver 几 jǐ how many 份 fèn portion 地址 dìzhǐ address 延安路 Yánān lù Yanan Road 10号 shí hào number 10 十五 shí wǔ 15 分钟 fēnzhōng minute 送到 sòngdào to be delivered 外卖 wàimài take-out food 叫外卖 jiào wàimài order take-out food 多久 duōjiǔ how long 什么时候 shénme shíhou when 快点 kuài diǎn more quickly 催 cuī urge 以后 yǐhòu after Elementary - Massage Therapy (B0241) 这里不太舒服。 zhèlǐ bùtài shūfu 。 I’m sore here. 这里吗?好的。 zhèlǐ ma ?hǎo de 。 Here? OK. 请按重一点。 qǐng àn zhòng yīdiǎn 。 Please massage with more pressure. 轻重可以吗? qīngzhòng kěyǐ ma ? Is the pressure OK? 太轻了。 tài qīng le 。 Too soft. 怎么样? zěnmeyàng ? How is that? 很舒服。 hěn shūfu 。 That feels good. Vocabulary 舒服 shūfu comfortable 按 àn to press 轻 qīng soft 重 zhòng hard 太 tài too 很 hěn very 不太 bùtài not too 服务 fúwù service 按摩 ànmó massage 躺下 tǎngxia lie down 放松 fàngsōng relax 还是 háishi or 刚好 gānghǎo exactly Elementary - Don't do that! (B0245) 拉拉拉,拉拉拉…… lālālā ,lālālā ...... La la la, la la la… 不好意思,你可以不要唱吗? bùhǎoyìsi ,nǐ kěyǐ bùyào chàng ma ? I’m sorry, but could you not sing? 好的……拉拉拉,拉拉拉。 hǎo de ......lālālā ,lālālā 。 OK… La la la, la la la. 烦死了!我受不了了!你不要唱了! fán sǐ le !wǒ shòubùliǎo le !nǐ bùyào chàng le ! You are so annoying! I can’t stand it! Stop singing! Vocabulary 拉拉拉 lālālā La la la 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi Sorry 可以 kěyǐ can 不要 bùyào not 唱 chàng to sing 烦死了 fán sǐ le so annoying 受不了 shòubuliǎo to be unable to bear 吵 chǎo noisy 有点吵 yǒudiǎn chǎo a little noisy 吵死了 chǎosǐ le so noisy 别 bié don't 安静 ānjìng quiet 嘘 xū Shhh Elementary - I want to play (B0250) 妈妈,我想出去玩。 māma ,wǒ xiǎng chūqù wán 。 Mommy, I want to go out and play. 你的作业做好了吗? nǐ de zuòyè zuò hǎo le ma ? Did you finish your homework? 还没有。 hái méiyǒu 。 Not yet. 你做好作业再出去玩。 nǐ zuò hǎo zuòyè zài chūqù wán 。 You can go outside after you finish your homework. 好吧。 hǎoba 。 All right... Vocabulary 想 xiǎng to want 出去 chūqù to go out 玩 wán to play 作业 zuòyè homework 做好 zuò hǎo to finish 还 hái still 再 zài then 休息 xiūxi rest 先 xiān first 再 zài again 工作 gōngzuò work 一起 yīqǐ together Elementary - I can't find my glasses! (B0254) 唉! āi ! (sigh!) 怎么了? zěnmele ? What’s the matter? 我的眼镜找不到了。 wǒ de yǎnjìng zhǎobudào le 。 I can’t find my glasses. 刚才你还戴着呢。 gāngcái nǐ hái dài zhe ne 。 You were just wearing them. 可是我现在什么也看不见! kěshì wǒ xiànzài shénme yě kànbujiàn ! But now I can’t see anything! Vocabulary 眼镜 yǎnjìng spectacles 找不到 zhǎobudào to be unable to find 戴 dài to wear 着呢 zhe ne denotes an ongoing situation or state. Used at the end of sentence. 可是 kěshì but 现在 xiànzài right now 看不见 kànbujiàn to not see 丢了 diū le has been lost 掉了 diào le has been lost 坏了 huài le has been lost 找得到 zhǎodedào to be able to find 不见了 bùjiàn le disappear 戴眼境 dài yǎnjìng wear glasses 看不见 kànbujiàn unseen 看得见 kàndejiàn visible 别着急 bié zháojí Don’t worry. 慢慢找 mànmàn zhǎo take it easy looking for it Elementary - Borrowing and Returning (B0259) 那支笔你可以借给我吗? nà zhī bǐ nǐ kěyǐ jiègěi wǒ ma ? Could you lend me that pen? 对不起,这支笔不是我的,我现在得还给他。 duìbuqǐ ,zhè zhī bǐ bù shì wǒ de ,wǒ xiànzài děi huángěi tā 。 Sorry, this pen isn’t mine. I have to return it to him now. 哦,那我可以问他借吗? ò ,nà wǒ kěyǐ wèn tā jiè ma ? Oh, then can I ask him to borrow it? 应该可以。你问他吧。 yīnggāi kěyǐ 。nǐ wèn tā ba 。 It should be fine. Go ahead and ask him. Vocabulary 支 zhī / 笔 bǐ pen 可以 kěyǐ can 借给 jiègěi to loan to 我的 wǒ de mine 现在 xiànzài now 得 děi still must 还给 huángěi return to 哦 ò oh 那 nà in that case 问 wèn to ask 借 jiè to borrow 应该 yīnggāi should 向……借 xiàng ... jiè to borrow from ... 不肯 bù kěn to not willing to 爱护 àihù to cherish 一定 yīdìng certainly 好借好还 hǎojiè hǎohuán make it a point to return everything one has borrowed Elementary - Make-up (B0262) A 你今天打扮得真漂亮。 nǐ jīntiān dǎban de zhēn piàoliang. You’ve made yourself look really pretty today. B 哪里。我化妆了。 nǎli. wǒ huàzhuāng le. Not really. I just put on make-up. A 真不错。你的眼影和口红的颜色都很好看。 zhēn búcuò. nǐ de yǎnyǐng hé kǒuhóng de yánsè dōu hěn hǎokàn. You look pretty good. Your eyeshadow and lipstick color look really nice. B 这都是我新买的化妆品。 zhè dōu shì wǒ xīn mǎi de huàzhuāngpǐn. You’ve made yourself look really pretty today.I just bought new make-up. Key Vocabulary 打扮 dǎban to dress up 得 de / 真 zhēn really 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 化妆 huàzhuāng to put on make-up 不错 búcuò not bad 你的 nǐ de your 眼影 yǎnyǐng eye-shadow 和 hé and 口红 kǒuhóng lipstick 颜色 yánsè color 都 dōu both 好看 hǎokàn look good 新 xīn new 买 mǎi to buy 化妆品 huàzhuāngpǐn cosmetics Supplementary Vocabulary 乳液 rǔyè lotion 粉饼 fěnbǐng face powder 面膜 miànmó face mask 香水 xiāngshuǐ perfume 眉笔 méibǐ eyebrow pencil 睫毛膏 jiémáogāo mascara 腮红 sāihóng blush 嗜喱水 zhělíshuǐ gel Elementary - Encouraging Words (B0266) 怎么了?你不高兴? zěnme le ?nǐ bù gāoxìng ? What’s wrong? Are you upset? 嗯,工作真难找。 ng ,gōngzuò zhēn nán zhǎo 。 Uh huh. It’s so hard to find a job. 别灰心。好的在后面。 bié huīxīn 。hǎo de zài hòumiàn 。 Don’t get discouraged. Something good will come up. 也许吧。可我真的没信心。 yěxǔ ba 。kě wǒ zhēnde méi xìnxīn 。 Perhaps. But I’ve really got no confidence. 怎么会?你一定行的! zěnme huì ?nǐ yīdìng xíng de ! How come? You can do it! Vocabulary 怎么了 zěnme le what's wrong 高兴 gāoxìng to be happy 真 zhēn really 难 nán difficult to 找 zhǎo find 别 bié to leave 灰心 huīxīn to get discouraged 也许 yěxǔ perhaps 可 kě but 信心 xìnxīn confidence 怎么会 zěnme how can it be 一定 yīdìng certainly 行 xíng can 加油 jiāyóu Go! You can do it! 别放弃 bié fàngqì Don’t give up. 相信 xiāngxìn trust, believe in 信心 xìnxīn confidence 自信 zìxìn be self-confident, self-confidence Elementary - Pregnancy (B0269) 告诉你一个好消息,我怀孕了。 gàosu nǐ yī ge hǎo xiāoxi ,wǒ huáiyùn le 。 I have some good news to tell you. I’m pregnant! 是吗?恭喜你!几个月了? shìma ?gōngxǐ nǐ !jǐgeyuè le ? Really? Congratulations! How many months along are you? 才三个月。不过我好激动! cái sān ge yuè 。búguò wǒ hǎo jīdòng ! Only three months. But I’m really excited! 真是个好消息!你要做妈妈了。 zhēnshì ge hǎo xiāoxi !nǐ yào zuò māma le 。 That’s great news! You’re going to be a mom. 是呀。可是我有点紧张。 shì yā 。kěshì wǒ yǒudiǎn jǐnzhāng 。 Yeah, but I’m a little bit nervous. 别担心,你要多注意身体。 bié dānxīn ,nǐ yào duō zhùyì shēntǐ 。 Don’t worry. But you must take extra care of your health. 我会的,谢谢。 wǒ huì de ,xièxie 。 I will, thank you. Vocabulary 告诉 gàosu to tell 怀孕 huáiyùn to be pregnant 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulations 不过 búguò but 激动 jīdòng excited 注意 zhùyì to pay attention to 紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous 孕妇 yùnfù pregnant woman 预产期 yùchǎnqī expected date of childbirth 产前检查 chǎnqián jiǎnchá prenatal inspection 产检 chǎnjiǎn birth check 生 shēng to be born 健康 jiànkāng health 注意 zhùyì to pay attention 营养 yíngyǎng nutrition Elementary - Furniture (B0274) 这张桌子真漂亮。 zhè zhāng zhuōzi zhēn piàoliang 。 This table is really pretty. 那把椅子也很不错。 nà bǎ yǐzi yě hěn bùcuò 。 This chair is also pretty nice. 我们还需要沙发吗? wǒmen hái xūyào shāfā ma ? Do we still need a sofa? 需要,但是这里没有我喜欢的。 xūyào ,dànshì zhèli méiyǒu wǒ xǐhuan de 。 Yes we do, but there aren’t any I like here. 你喜欢什么样的? nǐ xǐhuan shénmeyàng de ? What kind do you like? 我喜欢坐起来很舒服的。 wǒ xǐhuan zuò qilai hěn shūfu de 。 I like sofas that are really comfortable to sit in. Vocabulary 这 zhè this 张 zhāng / 桌子 zhuōzi table 真 zhēn really 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 把 bǎ / 椅子 yǐzi chair 也 yě also 不错 bùcuò not bad 还 hái also 需要 xūyào to need 沙发 shāfā sofa 但是 dànshì but 什么样 shénmeyàng what kind 坐起来 zuò qilai to sit 舒服 shūfu comfortable 家具 jiājù furniture 一套家具 yī tào jiājù a set of furniture 餐桌 cānzhuō dinner table 书桌 shūzhuō writing table 电脑桌 diànnǎozhuō computer desk 会议桌 huìyìzhuō meeting table 写字台 xiězìtái writing/ business desk 书柜 shūguì bookrack 衣柜 yīguì garderobe 床头柜 chuángtóuguì bedside cabinet 茶几 chájī coffee table (lit. “tea table”) 衣帽架 yīmào jià clothing/hat rack 单人床 dānrénchuáng single bed 双人床 shuāngrénchuáng double bed 儿童床 értóngchuáng children’s bed Elementary - My computer froze! (B0278) 糟糕,我的电脑死机了。 zāogāo ,wǒ de diànnǎo sǐjī le 。 Darn, my computer is frozen! 怎么会? zěnme huì ? How could that happen? 不知道。我一直都在打文件,电脑突然就死机了。 bù zhīdào 。wǒ yīzhí dōu zài dǎ wénjiàn ,diànnǎo tūrán jiù sǐjī le 。 I don’t know. I was typing a document when suddenly it just froze up. 还是请人看看比较好。 hái shì qǐng rén kànkan bǐjiào hǎo 。 You’d better ask someone to take a look at it. Vocabulary 糟糕 zāogāo drat 电脑 diànnǎo computer 死机 sǐjī to freeze 怎么会 zěnme huì how could that have happened 不知道 bù zhīdào not to know 一直 yīzhí continuously 都 dōu all 在 zài at 打 dǎ to type 文件 wénjiàn document 突然 tūrán suddenly 就 jiù then 还是 hái shì still 请 qǐng to ask 看看 kànkan to watch 比较 bǐjiào comparatively 中病毒 zhòng bìngdú be infected with a virus 出问题 chūwèntí to have a problem 修 xiū to repair 重启 chóngqǐ to restart 保存 bǎocún to conserve 丢失 diūshī to lose 系统 xìtǒng system 软件 ruǎnjiàn software 鼠标 shǔbiāo mouse 显示器 xiǎnshìqì monitor 键盘 jiànpán keyboard Elementary - Weather and Seasons (B0283) 上海的气候怎么样? Shànghǎi de qìhòu zěnmeyàng ? What is Shanghai’s climate like? 不好。夏天又闷又热,冬天又湿又冷。 bù hǎo 。xiàtiān yòu mēn yòu rè ,dōngtiān yòu shī yòu lěng 。 It’s bad. In the summer it’s hot and humid, and in the winter it’s damp and cold. 冬天下雪吗? dōngtiān xiàxuě ma ? Does it snow in the winter? 很少。但是经常下雨。 hěn shǎo 。dànshì jīngcháng xiàyǔ 。 Hardly ever, but it rains a lot. 那么春天和秋天呢? nàme chūntiān hé qiūtiān ne ? Well, what about spring and autumn? 春秋的天气比较好。 chūn qiū de tiānqì bǐjiào hǎo 。 Spring and autumn are pretty nice. Vocabulary 气候 qìhòu climate 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how about 夏天 xiàtiān summer 又......又...... yòu ... yòu ... / 闷 mēn humid 热 rè hot 冬天 dōngtiān winter 湿 shī wet 冷 lěng cold 下雪 xiàxuě to snow 少 shǎo seldom 但是 dànshì but 经常 jīngcháng often 下雨 xiàyǔ to rain 那么 nàme so 春天 chūntiān spring 和 hé and 秋天 qiūtiān autumn 春 chūn spring 秋 qiū autumn 天气 tiānqì weather 比较 bǐjiào comparatively 季节 jìjié season 最喜欢 zuì xǐhuan like best 阳光 yángguāng sunshine 雾 wù fog 云 yún cloud 雷 léi thunder 闪电 shǎndiàn lightning 高温 gāowēn high temperature 刮风 guāfēng the wind blows 沙尘暴 shāchénbào dust storm 台风 táifēng typhoon 飓风 jùfēng hurricane 天气预报 tiānqì yùbào weather forecast Elementary - Beijing Olympics: Opening Ceremony (B0287) 北京奥运会什么时候开幕? Běijīng Aòyùnhuì shénme shíhou kāimù ? When do the Beijing Olympic Games start? 2008年8月8号。 èrlínglíngbā nián bā yuè bā hào 。 August 8th, 2008. 开幕式一定很精彩。 kāimùshì yīdìng hěn jīngcǎi 。 The opening ceremony is going to be amazing. 现在开始售票了吗? xiànzài kāishǐ shòupiào le ma ? Have they already started selling tickets? 还没有。明年上半年才开始。 hái méiyǒu 。míngnián shàngbànnián cái kāishǐ 。 Not yet. They will start selling tickets the first half of next year. Vocabulary 北京奥运会 Běijīng Aòyùnhuì Beijing Olympics 什么时候 shénme shíhou when 开幕 kāimù to begin 年 nián year 月 yuè month 号 hào date 开幕式 kāimùshì opening ceremony 一定 yīdìng certainly 精彩 jīngcǎi wonderful 现在 xiànzài now 开始 kāishǐ to begin 售票 shòupiào to sell tickets 还 hái still 明年 míngnián next year 上半年 shàngbànnián first half of the year 才 cái only 闭幕 bìmù to close 闭幕式 bìmùshì closing ceremony 发言 fāyán to send a letter 节目 jiémù program 火炬 huǒjù torch 传递 chuándì to transmit 预订 yùdìng to reserve 订票 dìngpiào to issue tickets 错过 cuòguò miss Elementary - Introducing One's Children (B0292) 这是我的女儿。她9岁。 zhè shì wǒ de nǚér 。tā jiǔ suì 。 This is my daughter. She's nine years old. 她真漂亮!这是你的儿子吗? tā zhēn piàoliang !zhè shì nǐ de érzi ma ? She's so pretty! Is this your son? 对。他5岁。 duì 。tā wǔ suì 。 Yes, he's five years old. 他好可爱! tā hǎo kěài ! He's very cute! Vocabulary 这 zhè this 是 shì to be 我的 wǒ de my 女儿 nǚér daughter 岁 suì year old 真 zhēn really 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 你的 nǐ de your 儿子 érzi son 好 hǎo very 可爱 kěài cute 乖 guāi well-behaved 聪明 cōngming intelligent 活泼 huópo lively 文静 wēnjìng gentle and quiet 懂事 dǒngshì sensible 调皮 tiáopí naughty 好动 hàodòng very active/restless 像 xiàng to be like Elementary - Just a Flesh Wound (B0295) 天哪!你流血了! tiān na !nǐ liúxiě le ! Oh my! You're bleeding! 哪里?我都没注意到。 nǎli ?wǒ dōu méi zhùyì dào 。 Where? I didn't even notice. 可是你的膝盖破了! kěshì nǐ de xīgài pò le ! But your knee is all scraped up! 没事的。 méishì de 。 It's nothing. 你怎么不去医院? nǐ zěnme bù qù yīyuàn ? Why don't you go to the hospital? 这点小伤口算什么,我才不在乎。 zhè diǎn xiǎo shāngkǒu suàn shénme ,wǒ cái bù zàihu 。 This little cut is no big deal. I really don't care. Vocabulary 流血 liúxiě to bleed 注意到 zhùyì dào to notice 可是 kěshì but 膝盖 xīgài knee 伤口 shāngkǒu wound 在乎 zàihu care 破 pò to break 医院 yīyuàn hospital 算什么 suàn shénme to figure as what 摔破 shuāipò to be smashed to pieces 止血 zhǐxiě stanch bleeding 止痛 zhǐtòng to relieve pain 严重 yánzhòng seriously 关心 guānxīn to care about 赶紧 gǎnjǐn hurriedly 包扎 bāozhā bind Elementary - Elevator Emergency (B0299) 哎,怎么回事? āi ,zěnme huí shì ? Ah, what’s going on? 电梯好像停了。 diàntī hǎoxiàng tíng le 。 It seems the elevator is stuck. 不会吧?那怎么办? bùhuì ba ?nà zěnme bàn ? No way! Now what? 赶快按紧急按钮。 gǎnkuài àn jǐnjí ànniǔ 。 Quick! Press the emergency button. 按了怎么没反应? àn le zěnme méi fǎnyìng ? I pressed it, but nothing’s happening. 我的天哪! wǒ de tiānna ! Oh my God! Vocabulary 电梯 diàntī elevator 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem as if 停 tíng to stop 按 àn to press 紧急 jǐnjí emergency 按钮 ànniǔ button 反应 fǎnyìng reaction 故障 gùzhàng hitch;breakdown;trouble 修理 xiūlǐ to repair;to fix 急诊室 jízhěnshì emergency room 救护车 jiùhùchē ambulance 消防车 xiāofángchē fire engine