Elementary - My boss isn't satisfied (B0101) 我的老板对我的工作不满意。 wǒ de lǎobǎn duì wǒde gōngzuò bù mǎnyì 。 My boss isn't satisfied with my work. 为什么?你工作不努力吗? wèishénme ?nǐ gōngzuò bù núlì ma ? Why? Don't you work diligently? 我工作很努力,但是我电脑用得不太好。 wǒ gōngzuò hěn nǔlì ,dànshì wǒ diànnǎo yòng de bùtài hǎo 。 I work very diligently, but I can't use a computer well. 是吗?那你应该多学习用电脑。 shìma ? nà nǐ yīnggāi duō xuéxí yòng diànnǎo 。 Is that right? Then you should learn more about computers. Vocabulary 满意 mǎnyì be content 努力 núlì diligent 得 de / 不太 bùtài not very 应该 yīnggāi should 多 duō more 业绩 yèjì outstanding achievement 失望 shīwàng disappoint 认真 rènzhēn earnest 勤奋 qínfèn diligent 经理 jīnglǐ manager 表扬 biǎoyáng praize Elementary - What would you like to drink? (B0105) A: 你要喝什么饮料? Nǐ yào hē shénme yǐnliào? What do you want to drink? B: 我喝茶就好了。 Wǒ hēchá jiù hǎo le. I'm fine just drinking tea. A: 茶就够了吗?不要可乐什么的? Chá jiù gòu le ma? Bù yào kělè shénme de? Just tea is enough? Don't you want cola or something? B: 不了。喝可乐容易饱。还是茶好。 Bù le. Hē kělè róngyì bǎo. Hái shì chá hǎo. Nope. Drinking cola makes you feel full. Tea is better. A: 那我也喝茶好了。 Nà wǒ yě hēchá hǎo le. Then I'll drink tea, too. Elementary - Calling in Sick (B0111) 老板,对不起。我今天不能来上班了。 lǎobǎn ,duìbuqǐ 。wǒ jīntiān bùnéng lái shàngbān le 。 I'm sorry, boss. I can't come to work today. 为什么?你不舒服吗? wèishénme ?nǐ bù shūfu ma ? Why? Are you sick? 对。我感冒了。 duì 。wǒ gǎnmào le 。 Yes. I have the flu. 好,那你好好照顾自己。明天见。 hǎo ,nà nǐ hǎohāo zhàogùzìjǐ 。míngtiānjiàn 。 Then take good care of yourself. See you tomorrow. Vocabulary 能 néng to be able 上班 shàngbān to go to work 不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable 感冒 gǎnmào to catch cold, common cold 影响 yǐngxiǎng to affect 情绪 qíngxù mood 好好 hǎohāo nicely 见 jiàn to see 请假 qǐngjià to ask for leave; to take vacation days 生病 shēngbìng sick 看病 kànbìng to see a doctor 发烧 fāshāo to have a fever 有事 yǒushì to be occupied Elementary - What does she usually do? (B0112) 我喜欢丽丽。她有男朋友吗? wǒ xǐhuan líli 。tā yǒu nánpéngyou ma ? I like Lily. Does she have a boyfriend? 没有。她从不出去玩。她总是在图书馆里学习。 méiyǒu 。tā cóngbù chūqù wán 。tā zǒngshì zài túshūguǎn lǐ xuéxí 。 No, she never goes out. She always studies in the library. 是吗。我有时在校园酒吧里看到她。 shì ma ?wǒ yǒushí zài xiàoyuán jiǔbā lǐ kàndào tā 。 Really? I sometimes see her in the campus bar. 没错。她通常周五去校园酒吧。 méicuò 。tā tōngcháng zhōuwǔ qù xiàoyuán jiǔbā 。 That’s right. She usually goes to the college bar on Fridays. Vocabulary 有 yǒu to have 男朋友 nánpéngyou boyfriend 从不 cóngbù never 出去 chūqù to go out 玩 wán to play 总是 zǒngshì always 图书馆 túshūguǎn library 有时 yǒushí sometimes 校园 xiàoyuán campus 酒吧 jiǔbā bar 通常 tōngcháng often 女朋友 nǚpéngyou girlfriend 校园 xiàoyuán campus 逛街 guàngjiē go shopping 经常 jīngcháng often 打篮球 dǎ lánqiú play basketball 看电影 kàn diànyǐng watch movie Elementary - Discussing Loan Repayment (B0115) A 上个月,你从我这里借了两百五十块钱。 shàng ge yuè, nǐ cóng wǒ zhèlǐ jiè le liǎngbǎi wǔshí kuài qián. Last month you borrowed 250 RMB from me. B 真的吗?我不记得了。你肯定吗? zhēndema? wǒ bù jìde le. nǐ kěndìng ma? Really, I don’t remember that. Are you sure? A 对,我肯定。你什么时候还给我? duì, wǒ kěndìng. nǐ shénme shíhòu huángěi wǒ? Yes, I am sure. When will you return my money? B 我下个月还给你。 wǒ xiàgeyuè huángěi nǐ. I’ll give it back to you next month. A 不行!我下星期就要。 bùxíng! wǒ xiàxīngqī jiù yào. No way! I need it next week. Key Vocabulary 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month 下个月 xiàgeyuè next month 下星期 xiàxīngqī next week 上 shàng last 下 xià next 从我这里 cóng wǒ zhè lǐ from me 从……那里 cóng ... nàlǐ from there 借 jiè to borrow 记得 jìde to remember 肯定 kěndìng to be sure 还 huán to return something borrowed 就 jiù character for emphasis Supplementary Vocabulary 语文课 yǔwén kè language and literature class 体育课 tǐyù kè sport 英语课 Yīngyǔ kè English class 室 shì room 楼 lóu building Elementary - Disliking Others (B0118) 你见过李太太的先生吗? nǐ jiàn guo Lǐ tàitai de xiānsheng ma ? Have you met Mrs. Li’s husband? 见过。我不喜欢他。他很自私,也很懒惰。 jiàn guo 。wǒ bù xǐhuan tā 。tā hěn zìsī ,yě hěn lǎnduò 。 Yeah. I really don’t like him. He is selfish and lazy. 我同意。他还很无礼。我不知道李太太为什么嫁给他。 wǒ tóngyì 。tā hái hěn wúlǐ 。wǒ bù zhīdào Lǐ tàitai wèishénme jiàgěi tā 。 I agree. He is rude and impolite. I don’t know why she married him. 我想是因为他很有钱。 wǒ xiǎng shì yīnwèi tā hěn yǒuqián 。 I think it's because he is very rich. Vocabulary 见 jiàn to see 过 guo / 自私 zìsī selfish 懒惰 lǎnduò lazy 同意 tóngyì to agree 还 hái also 无礼 wúlǐ rude 为什么 wèishénme why 因为 yīnwèi because 嫁给 jiàgěi to marry 听说 tīngshuō to hear told 难看 nánkàn malformation 专制 zhuānzhì despotism 愚蠢 yúchǔn silly 老实 lǎoshi honest 善良 shànliáng good and honest 勤劳 qínláo hard-working 勇敢 yǒnggǎn bravery 聪明 cōngming intelligent 能干 nénggàn capable, competent 孝顺 xiàoshùn filial piety 温柔 wēnróu gentle and soft 有钱 yǒu qián to be rich Elementary - What's your type? (B0127) 你喜欢哪种男生? nǐ xǐhuan nǎ zhǒng nánshēng ? What kind of man do you like? 我喜欢的男生一定要浪漫。 wǒ xǐhuan de nánshēng yīdìng yào làngmàn 。 The man I like must be romantic. 跟我妹妹一样。但是她说浪漫的人很难找。 gēn wǒ mèimei yíyàng 。dànshì tā shuō làngmàn de rén hěn nán zhǎo 。 Just like my sister. But she says it isn’t easy to find a romantic man. 我同意。我找了很久也没找到。 wǒ tóngyì 。wǒ zhǎo le hěn jiǔ yě méi zhǎodào 。 I agree. I’ve been looking for a long time and I haven’t found one. Vocabulary 哪 nǎ which 种 zhǒng type of 男生 nánshēng boy 一定要 yīdìng yào must certainly (be) 浪漫 làngmàn romantic 跟 gēn with 一样 yīyàng identical 但是 dànshì but 难 nán difficult 找 zhǎo to find 同意 tóngyì to agree 找到 zhǎodào seek out 幽默 yōumò humorous 帅 shuài handsome 体贴 tǐtiē showing consideration for 温柔 wēnróu gentle and soft 可爱 kěài lovely Elementary - Your turn to pay! (B0129) 啊呀,对不起。我忘记带钱包了。你能付午饭的钱吗? āyā ,duìbuqì 。wǒ wàngjì dài qiánbāo le 。nǐ néng fù wǔfàn de qián ma ? Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to bring my wallet. Can you pay for lunch? 你总是忘记带钱包。每一次都是我付钱。今天,我不付。你应该付。 nǐ zǒngshì wàngjì dài qiánbāo 。měiyī cì dōu shì wǒ fùqián 。jīntiān ,wǒ bù fù 。nǐ yīnggāi fù 。 You always forget your wallet. I pay every time. I’m not paying this time. You should pay. 你说的不对。上次就是我付的。 nǐ shuō de bù duì 。shàngcì jiùshì wǒ fù de 。 That’s not true. I paid the last time. 你没有。今天,你一定要付。我走了。 nǐ méiyǒu 。jīntiān ,nǐ yīdìng yào fù 。wǒ zǒu le 。 No, you didn't. You have to pay this time. I'm leaving. Vocabulary 忘记 wàngjì to forget 带 dài to bring 钱包 qiánbāo wallet 付 fù to pay for 午饭 wǔfàn lunch 上次 shàngcì last time 应该 yīnggāi should 就是 jiùshì to be exactly 总是 zǒngshì always 一定 yīdìng have to 轮到 lúndào be turn 下次 xiàcì this time 记得 jìde remember 请客 qǐngkè invite gusts 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ credit card 这次 zhècì this time Elementary - I don't have time (B0131) 你什么时候有空? nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒukòng ? When do you have free time? 我最近没有时间。 wǒ zuìjìn méiyǒu shíjiān 。 Recently I haven’t had any time. 你上班路上花多久? nǐ shàngbān lùshang huā duōjiǔ ? How long does it take you to get to work? 坐地铁很快,坐车很慢。 zuò dìtiě hěn kuài ,zuò chē hěn màn 。 It is really fast to go by subway. It is really slow to go by bus. Vocabulary 什么时候 shénme shíhòu when 有空 yǒukòng to have time 最近 zuìjìn recently 时间 shíjiān time 花 huā to spend 多久 duōjiǔ how long 坐 zuò to ride 地铁 dìtiě subway 快 kuài quick 打的 dǎdī take a taxi 走路去 zǒulù qù to go on foot 堵车 dǔchē traffic jam 赶车 gǎnchē rush to catch a bus 赶时间 gǎn shíjiān hurry up (to do sth.) Elementary - Surfing Online (B0135) 我喜欢上网。我花很多时间浏览体育网站。 wǒ xǐhuan shàngwǎng 。wǒ huā hěn duō shíjiān liúlǎn tǐyù wǎngzhàn 。 I like to surf the Internet. I spend a lot of time browsing sports websites. 我也经常上网。但是我看最近的新闻。 wǒ yě jīngcháng shàngwǎng 。dànshì wǒ kàn zuìjìnde xīnwén 。 I often surf the Internet too, but I read the latest news. 你上网聊天吗? nǐ shàngwǎng liáotiān ma ? Do you ever chat online? 我有时用MSN和朋友聊天。 wǒ yǒushí yòng MSNhé péngyou liáotiān 。 I do. I sometimes use MSN to chat with my friends. Vocabulary 上网 shàngwǎng to go online 花 huā to spend 多 duō much 时间 shíjiān time 浏览 liúlǎn to browse 体育 tǐyù sport 网站 wǎngzhàn website 也 yě also 经常 jīngcháng often 但是 dànshì but 看 kàn to see 最近的 zuìjìnde latest 新闻 xīnwén news 上网 shàngwǎng to go online 聊天 liáotiān to chat 有时 yǒushí sometimes 冲浪 chōnglàng surf 下载 xiàzǎi to download 上传 shàngchuán to upload 在线 zàixiàn online 网络游戏 wǎngluò yóuxì online games Elementary - A Ticket to Suzhou (B0139) 请问,去苏州的火车票多少钱? qǐng wèn ,qù Sūzhōu de huǒchēpiào duōshǎo qián ? Excuse me. How much is a train ticket to Suzhou? 单程还是往返? dānchéng háishì wǎngfǎn ? One way or return? 我要一张往返票。 wǒ yào yī zhāng wǎngfǎn piào 。 I’d like a return ticket. 往返票50元。 wǎngfǎn piào wǔshí yuán 。 A return ticket is 50 RMB. Vocabulary 火车票 huǒchēpiào train ticket 多少 duōshǎo how much 钱 qián money 单程 dānchéng one-way 还是 háishì or 往返 wǎngfǎn round-trip 要 yào to want 张 zhāng / 往返票 wǎngfǎn piào return ticket 硬卧 yìngwò hard sleeper 软卧 ruǎnwò soft sleeper 硬座 yìngzuò hard seats 软座 ruǎnzuò soft seat 发车 fāchē dispatch a train Elementary - What do you do? (B0141) 你有空的时候喜欢干什么? nǐ yǒukòng de shíhou xǐhuan gàn shénme ? What do you like to do when you have free time? 我通常看书,有时也看电视。 wǒ tōngcháng kàn shū ,yǒushí yě kàn diànshì 。 I usually read a book, and sometimes I watch TV. 真的吗?我从来不看书。我喜欢去酒吧。 zhēnde ma ?wǒ cóngláibù kàn shū 。wǒ xǐhuan qù jiǔbā 。 Really? I never read. I like going to bars. 我觉得酒吧里太吵了。 wǒ juéde jiǔbā lǐ tài chǎo le 。 I think bars are too noisy. Vocabulary 有空 yǒukòng to have free time 通常 tōngcháng usually 有时 yǒushí sometimes 从来不 cóngláibù never 吵 chǎo noisy 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 经常 jīngcháng often 总 zǒng always 泡吧 pàobā to go drinking at a bar 睡觉 shuìjiào to sleep 加班 jiābān to work overtime 热闹 rènao excitement Elementary - Where's my class? (B0143) 对不起,我找不到教室。 duìbuqì ,wǒ zhǎobudào jiàoshì 。 Excuse me. I can’t find my classroom? 你上什么课? nǐ shàng shénme kè ? What class are you taking? 我上数学课。 wǒ shàng shùxué kè 。 I’m taking math. 你的教室是24号。 nǐ de jiàoshì shì èrshísì hào 。 Your classroom is number 24. Vocabulary 找不到 zhǎobudào to be unable to find 教室 jiàoshì classroom 上 shàng to attend 课 kè class 数学 shùxué mathematics 教室 jiàoshì classroom 号 hào number 语文课 yǔwén kè language and literature class 体育课 tǐyù kè physical education 英语课 yīngyǔ kè English class 室 shì room 楼 lóu building Elementary - Do you have vegetables? (B0146) 你这里有蔬菜吗? nǐ zhèlǐ yǒu shūcài ma ? Do you have any vegetables here? 有。你要什么蔬菜? yǒu 。nǐ yào shénme shūcài ? Yes. What vegetables do you want? 我想买黄瓜,土豆,番茄和洋葱。 wǒ xiǎng mǎi huángguā ,tǔdòu ,fānqié hé yángcōng 。 I’d like to buy cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes and onions. 好的。没问题。 hǎo de 。méiwèntí 。 Ok. No problem. Vocabulary 有 yǒu to have 蔬菜 shūcài vegetables 想买 xiǎngmǎi want to buy 要 yào to want 土豆 tǔdòu potato 黄瓜 huángguā cucumber 洋葱 yángcōng onion 番茄 fānqié tomato 胡萝卜 húluóbo carrot 白菜 báicài Chinese cabbage 南瓜 nánguā pumpkin 黄豆 huángdòu soybean 茄子 qiézi eggplant Elementary - Do I look good in this? (B0149) 这件衣服适合我吗? zhè jiàn yīfu shìhé wǒ ma ? Does this piece of clothing suit me? 我觉得这个不好看。 wǒ juéde zhège bù hǎokàn 。 I think it doesn’t look good. 是吗? shì ma ? Really? 是的,这个颜色太暗了。 shìde ,zhège yánsè tài àn le 。 Yeah, the color is too dark... Vocabulary 件 jiàn / 衣服 yīfu clothing 适合 shìhé to be suitable for 觉得 juéde to think 好看 hǎokàn good-looking 是的 shìde yes 颜色 yánsè color 太 tài too 暗 àn dark 亮 liàng light 式样 shìyàng style 款式 kuǎnshì model 老 lǎo old 时尚 shíshàng fashion 大小 dàxiǎo size 面料 miànliào material 做工 zuògōng workmanship Elementary - This room is too small (B0153) 上个礼拜,我去看我的同学。他刚刚搬家。 shàng ge lǐbài ,wǒ qù kàn wǒ de tóngxué 。tā gānggāng bānjiā 。 Last week I went to see my classmate. He just moved. 是吗?他的新房子怎么样? shì ma ?tā de xīn fángzi zěnmeyàng ? Really? How is his new house? 马马虎虎。但是我不喜欢。 mǎmǎhūhū 。dànshì wǒ bù xǐhuan 。 So-so. But I don’t like it. 为什么? wèishénme ? Why? 因为房间太小了。 yīnwèi fángjiān tài xiǎo le 。 Because the rooms are too small. Vocabulary 同学 tóngxué classmate 刚刚 gānggāng just recently 搬家 bānjiā to move 新 xīn new 房子 fángzi apartment 但是 dànshì but 太 tài too 不错 bùcuò not bad 远 yuǎn far 近 jìn nearly 交通 jiāotōng traffic 便利 biànlì convenient Elementary - Have you been to Beijing? (B0156) 你去过北京吗? nǐ qù guo Běijīng ma ? Have you ever been to Beijing? 当然,北京是中国的首都,也是中国的政治中心。 dāngrán ,Běijīng shì Zhōngguó de shǒudū ,yě shì Zhōngguó de zhèngzhì zhōngxīn 。 Of course. Beijing is the Capital of China, and the political center of China. 那北京和上海有什么不一样? nà Běijīng hé Shànghǎi yǒu shénme bù yīyàng ? Then, what’s the difference between Beijing and Shanghai? 上海是一个经济中心。 Shànghǎi shì yī ge jīngjì zhōngxīn 。 Shanghai is an economic center. Vocabulary 去过 qù guo to have been to 首都 shǒudū capital 中心 zhōngxīn center 有什么不一样 yǒushénme bù yīyàng to have what differences 看过 kàn guo to have seen 吃过 chī guo to have eaten 玩过 wán guo to have played 听过 tīng guo to have heard 来过 lái guo to have been to Elementary - Haircuts (B0161) 我想剪头发。多少钱? wǒ xiǎng jiǎn tóufa 。duōshǎo qián ? I’d like a haircut. How much is it? 洗剪吹50元。请问你想剪什么样的? xǐ jiǎn chuī wǔshí yuán 。qǐng wèn nǐ xiǎng jiǎn shénmayàng de ? It’s 50 yuan for a shampoo, cut, and blow dry. What style do you want? 前面短一点,后面留长一点。 qiánmian duǎn yīdiǎn ,hòumian liú cháng yīdiǎn 。 Shorter in front, but a bit longer in the back. 没问题。你先洗头吧。 méiwèntí 。nǐ xiān xǐtóu ba 。 No problem. Please shampoo first. Vocabulary 想 xiǎng would like 剪 jiǎn to cut 洗 xǐ to wash 留 liú to leave 一点 yīdiǎn a little 吹 chuī blow 烫 tàng perm (the hair) 造型 zàoxíng modeling 染 rǎn to dye 刘海 liúhǎi fringe 护理 hùlǐ tend and protect Elementary - Baby Talk: Your baby looks like you! (B0164) 你的宝宝很像你。 nǐ de bǎobao hěn xiàng nǐ 。 Your baby really looks like you. 嗯,他也很像他爸爸。 én ,tā yě hěn xiàng tā bàba 。 Yup. He looks really like his daddy too. 眼睛,鼻子像你。嘴巴像他爸爸。 yǎnjīng ,bízi xiàng nǐ 。zuǐbā xiàng tā bàba 。 His eyes and nose look like yours. His mouth looks like his dad’s. 他真可爱。 tā zhēn kěài 。 He is really adorable. Vocabulary 像 xiàng to resemble 也 yě also 真 zhēn really 可爱 kěài cute 眼睛 yǎnjīng eyes 鼻子 bízi nose 嘴巴 zuǐbā mouth 耳朵 ěrduo ear 头发 tóufà hair 很 hěn very 乖 guāi well-behaved 笑 xiào laugh Elementary - He's boring (B0167) 我的邻居邀请我明天晚上去他家吃饭,但是我不想去。 wǒ de línjū yāoqǐng wǒ míngtiān wǎnshang qù tā jiā chīfàn ,dànshì wǒ bù xiǎng qù 。 My neighbor invited me to dinner at his home tomorrow, but I don’t want to go. 你为什么不想去? nǐ wèishénme bù xiǎng qù ? Why don’t you want to go? 他很无聊,而且他太太菜做得很难吃。 tā hěn wúliáo ,érqiě tā tàitai cài zuò de hěn nánchī 。 He is very boring and his wife is a terrible cook. 那你就说你没时间。 nà nǐ jiù shuō nǐ méi shíjiān 。 Then just tell him you don’t have time. Vocabulary 邀请 yāoqǐng to invite 但是 dànshì but 时间 shíjiān time 想 xiǎng wish 为什么 wèishénme why 无聊 wúliáo boring 难吃 nánchī bad-tasting 做客 zuòkè to be a guest 客人 kèren guest 主人 zhǔrén host 热情 rèqíng warm 有趣 yǒuqù interesting 礼物 lǐwù gift Elementary - Going to the Doctor (B0170) 你哪里不舒服? nǐ nǎli bù shūfu ? What is your problem? 我喉咙痛。 wǒ hóulóng tòng 。 I’ve got an itchy and sore throat. I cough a lot. 还有什么不舒服?发烧吗? hái yǒu shénme bù shūfu ?fāshāo ma ? Is there anything else? Do you have a fever? 没有。不发烧。 méiyǒu 。bù fāshāo 。 No. No fever. 来,张开嘴让我看看。 lái ,zhāngkāi zuǐ ràng wǒ kānkan 。 All right, open your mouth and let me take a closer look. Vocabulary 不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable 喉咙 hóulóng throat 痛 tòng to ache 还 hái still 发烧 fāshāo to have a fever 张开 zhāngkāi to stretch open 嘴 zuǐ mouth 让 ràng to let 看看 kānkan to look 咳嗽 késòu to cough 头痛 tóutòng headache 感冒 gǎnmào common cold 流鼻涕 liú bítì to run at the nose 全身乏力 quánshēn fálì to feel fatigue 打针 dǎzhēn have an injection Elementary - Cooking (B0173) 我刚学会做宫保鸡丁。 wǒ gāng xuéhuì zuò gōngbǎojīdīng 。 I’ve just learned how to make kung pao chicken. 是吗?怎么做? shì ma ?zěnme zuò ? Really? How do you make it? 先切鸡丁,然后炒,最后加花生。 xiān qiē jīdīng ,ránhòu chǎo ,zuìhòu jiā huāshēng 。 First cut the chicken into cubes, then stir fry it, and finally add the peanuts. 听起来很简单。我也试试。 tīng qilai hěn jiǎndān 。wǒ yě shìshi 。 That sounds simple. I’ll give it a try too. Vocabulary 刚 gāng just 学会 xuéhuì to learn how 会 huì can 做 zuò to make 宫保鸡丁 gōngbǎojīdīng kung pow chicken 先 xiān first 然后 ránhòu then 最后 zuìhòu finally 切 qiē to chop into 炒 chǎo to stir-fry 加 jiā to add 听起来 tīng qilai to sound 简单 jiǎndān simple 试 shì to try 复杂 fùzá complicated 烤 kǎo to bake 鸡翅 jīchì chicken wing 鸡蛋 jīdàn hen 盐 yán salt 油 yóu oil 味精 wèijīng MSG Elementary - Here is your change (B0177) 这盒巧克力多少钱? zhè hé qiǎokèlì duōshǎo qián ? How much is this box of chocolate? 十五元。 shí wǔ yuán 。 It’s 15 yuan. 我只有五十元的。你有零钱吗? wǒ zhǐ yǒu wǔshí yuán de 。nǐ yǒu língqián ma ? I only have 50 yuan. Do you have any change? 有的。这里是三十五元。 yǒu de 。zhèlǐ shì sānshí wǔ yuán 。 Yes, I do. Here is 35 yuan. Vocabulary 这 zhè this 盒 hé box 巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate 多少 duōshǎo how much 钱 qián money 十五元 shí wǔ yuán 15 yuan 只有 zhǐyǒu only have 五十元 wǔshí yuán 50 yuan 有 yǒu to have 零钱 língqián small change 这里 zhèlǐ here 找钱 zhǎoqián to give change 硬币 yìngbì coin 纸币 zhǐbì paper money 毛 máo one-tenth yuan (spoken Chinese) 角 jiǎo one-tenth yuan Elementary - A Walk in the Park (B0178) 我经常去公园。 wǒ jīngcháng qù gōngyuán 。 I often go to the park. 是吗?你去干什么? shì ma ?nǐ qù gàn shénme ? Do you? What do you do there? 我喜欢一边散步,一边看人练太极拳。 wǒ xǐhuan yībiān sànbù ,yībiān kàn rén liàn tàijíquán 。 I like taking a walk while watching people practice tai chi. 我有时候去公园骑车。 wǒ yǒushíhou qù gōngyuán qíchē 。 I sometimes go to the park to bicycle. Vocabulary 经常 jīngcháng often 一边 ... 一边 yībiān ... yībiān ... while ... 练 liàn to practice 有时候 yǒushíhou sometimes 去 qù to go 太极拳 tàijíquán tai chi 散步 sànbù to walk 骑车 qíchē to ride a bicycle 公园 gōngyuán park 运动 yùndòng sports 遛狗 liù gǒu to walk a dog 遛鸟 liù niǎo take a bird on a stroll 放风筝 fàng fēngzheng to fly a kite 门票 ménpiào entrance ticket 公共厕所 gōnggòng cèsuǒ public toilet 儿童乐园 értóng lèyuán children’s playgroud 旋转木马 xuánzhuǎi mùmǎ merry-go-round 寻人广播 xún rén guǎngbō pubic announcements to find your companions who’ve wandered off Elementary - Musical Instruments (B0183) 你会弹钢琴吗? nǐ huì tán gāngqín ma ? Can you play the piano? 不会。但是我会弹古筝。 bùhuì 。dànshì wǒ huì tán gǔzhēng 。 No. But I can play the guzheng. 是吗?你可以教我吗? shì ma ?nǐ kěyǐ jiāo wǒ ma ? Really? Can you teach me? 好的。没问题。 hǎo de 。méiwèntí 。 Yes, of course. Vocabulary 会 huì can 弹 tán to play 钢琴 gāngqín piano 不会 bùhuì cannot 但是 dànshì but 古筝 gǔzhēng guzheng 是吗 shì ma really 可以 kěyǐ can 教 jiāo teach 没问题 méiwèntí no problem 乐器 yuèqì instrument 弹 tán to play(a stringed instrument by plucking) 吉他 jíta guitar 琵琶 pípa lute 电子琴 diànzǐqín electronic organ 吹 chuī to play(a wind instrument) 笛子 dízi flute 喇叭 lǎba bugle 唢呐 suǒnà suona(a traditional chinese instrument usually played by a man in a happy event) 拉 lā to play (a stringed instrument with a bow) 二胡 èrhú erhu(a traditional chinese instrument played by every kind of people) 小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin 大提琴 dàtíqín violoncello 打 dǎ play (a drum) 鼓 gǔ tambour Elementary - Adding Credit to a Cell Phone (B0189) 这里有手机充值卡吗? zhèlǐ yǒu shǒujī chōngzhíkǎ ma ? Do you sell cell phone recharge cards? 有。你要多少钱的? yǒu 。nǐ yào duōshǎo qián de ? Yes. How much would you like? 我只用一个星期。一百的够吗? wǒ zhǐ yòng yī ge xīngqī 。yībǎi de gòu ma ? I only need it for a week. Is 100 enough? 够了。 gòu le 。 Yes, it's enough. Vocabulary 有 yǒu to have 手机 shǒujī cell phone 充值卡 chōngzhíkǎ prepaid card 多少 duōshǎo how much 只 zhǐ only 用 yòng to use 够 gòu enough 出售 chūshòu to sale 各类 gèlèi all kinds of 中国移动 Zhōngguó yídòng China Mobile 中国联通 Zhōngguó liántōng China Unicom 游戏卡 yóuxì kǎ a card for adding credit for online gaming 面值 miànzhí a face value or denomination Elementary - Going to Church (B0192) 你信教吗? nǐ xìn jiào ma ? Do you believe in any religion? 我不信。你呢? wǒ bù xìn 。nǐ ne ? No. Do you? 我信基督教。 wǒ xìn Jīdūjiào 。 I am a Christian. 我的朋友也是。他每个星期天都去教堂。 wǒ de péngyou yě shì 。tā měige xīngqītiān dōu qù jiàotáng 。 My friend is too. He goes to church every Sunday. Vocabulary 信 xìn to believe ~教 ~jiào religion 都 dōu all 每 měi each 去 qù to go 基督教 Jīdūjiào Christian 教堂 jiàotáng church 天主教 Tiānzhǔjiào Catholicism 伊斯兰教 Yīsīlánjiào Islamism 佛教徒 Fójiàotú a Buddhist 清真寺 qīngzhēnsì mosque 道教 dàojiào Taoism 寺庙 sìmiào temple 教会 jiàohuì church Elementary - Getting a Date (B0197) A 你明天晚上有空吗? nǐ míngtiān wǎnshang yǒukōng ma? Do you have free time tomorrow night? B 有的。什么事? yǒude. shénme shì? Yes. What is it? A 我们一起去喝东西吧。 wǒmen yīqǐ qù hē dōngxi ba. Let’s go for a drink. B 好的。 hǎo de. Sure. Key Vocabulary 有空 yǒukōng to have time 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 去 qù to go 一起 yīqǐ together 喝 hē to drink 事 shì thing 东西 dōngxi thing Supplementary Vocabulary 忙 máng busily 有时间 yǒushíjiān to have time 有事 yǒushì to be occupied 没事 méishì to have no thing 不忙 bù máng not busy 没空 méikòng not to have 改天 gǎitiān to change day/ 下次 xiàcì next 喝酒 hējiǔ drinking 吃饭 chīfàn to eat food 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how about 见面 jiànmiàn to meet