Newbie - The Door (A0301) 敲门 qiāomén Knock on the door 开门 kāimén Open the door 进去 jìnqù Go in 关门 guānmén Close the door Vocabulary 敲门 qiāomén to knock on the door 开门 kāimén to open the door 进去 jìnqù to enter 关门 guānmén to close the door 出去 chūqu to go out 进来 jìnlai to come in 出来 chūlai to come out 按门铃 àn ménlíng to ring the doorbell 在家 zàijiā be at home Newbie - Playing Cards (A0304) 你去哪儿? nǐ qù nǎr5 ? Where are you going? 我去打牌。你会打牌吗? wǒ qù dǎpái 。nǐ huì dǎpái ma ? I’m going to play cards. Do you know how to play cards? 当然会。 dāngrán huì 。 Of course I do. 那一起去吧! nà yīqǐ qù ba ! Then let’s go together! Vocabulary 去 qù to go 哪儿 nǎr5 where 打牌 dǎpái to play cards 会 huì to be able 当然 dāngrán naturally 那 nà then 一起 yīqǐ together 打扑克 dǎ pūkè to play poker 打麻将 dǎ májiàng to play mahjong 搓麻将 cuō májiàng to play mahjong 赌博 dǔbó gamble 赢 yíng to win 输 shū to transport 运气 yùnqi luck good or bad 教 jiāo teach Newbie - A Late Knock (A0308) 有人吗? yǒu rén ma ? Is anyone there? 噢,你来了! ō ,nǐ lái le ! Oh, you’re here! 对不起,我迟到了。 duìbuqì ,wǒ chídào le 。 Sorry I’m late. 没关系!请进。 méi guānxi !qǐng jìn 。 It’s OK. Come in. Vocabulary 有 yǒu there is 人 rén person 噢 ō Oh! 来 lái to come 对不起 duìbuqǐ I'm sorry 迟到 chídào to arrive late 没关系 méi guānxi it does not matter 请 qǐng please 进 jìn to enter 晚 wǎn be late 来晚 láiwǎn arrive late/ 累 lèi tired 快 kuài quickly 快进来 kuài jìnlái Come in quickly. 没事 méishì no problem 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi sorry 让你久等了 ràng nǐ jiǔ děng le keep you waiting for long. Newbie - A Startled Friend (A0311) A: 嘿! Hēi! Hey! B: 啊!是谁? ā! Shì shéi? Ah! Who is it? A: 怎么了? Zěnme le? What’s the matter? B: 你吓死我了! Nǐ xiàsǐ wǒ le! You scared me to death! A: 对不起。 Duìbuqì. Sorry. B: 没关系。 Méiguānxi. It’s OK. Newbie - Thirsty for Water (A0316) 我口渴了。 wǒ kǒukě le 。 I’m thirsty. 你要喝橙汁吗? nǐ yào hē chéngzhī ma ? Do you want some orange juice? 我想喝水。 wǒ xiǎng hē shuǐ 。 I’d like some water. 那没办法。 nà méi bànfa 。 Then I can’t help you. Vocabulary 口渴 kǒukě thirsty 想 xiǎng to wish 喝 hē to drink 橙汁 chéngzhī orange juice 要 yào to want 没办法 méi bànfa there 矿泉水 kuàngquánshuǐ mineral water 可乐 kělè cola 雪碧 xuěbì Sprite 苹果汁 píngguǒ zhī apple juice 咖啡 kāfēi coffee Newbie - Stand Up (A0323) 等一等。 děng yi děng 。 Wait a little while. 站起来。 zhàn qǐlai 。 Stand up. 走一走。 zǒu yi zǒu 。 Walk around. 看一看。 kàn yi kàn 。 Have a look. Vocabulary 等一等 děng yi děng wait for a while 站起来 zhàn qilai to stand up 走一走 zǒu yi zǒu to walk around; to take a walk 看一看 kàn yi kàn to have a look 坐一坐 zuò yi zuò have a seat 跑一跑 pǎo yi pǎo run 玩一玩 wán yi wán to play 笑一笑 xiào yi xiào to give a smile 想一想 xiǎng yi xiǎng think about it 坐下去 zuò xiàqu sit down Newbie - This is mine! (A0329) A:这是你的杯子吗? A:zhè shì nǐ de bēizi ma ? Is this your glass? B:不是,这个不是我的。 B:bù shì ,zhège bù shì wǒ de 。 No, this isn’t mine. A:这是你的杯子吗? A:zhè shì nǐ de bēizi ma ? Is this your glass? C:是的,这个是我的。 C:shìde ,zhège shì wǒ de 。 Yes, this is mine. Vocabulary 这 zhè this 是 shì to be 你的 nǐ de your 杯子 bēizi cup 不 bù not 这个 zhège this one 我的 wǒ de mine 那 nà if that is the case 那些 nàxiē those 这些 zhèxiē these 哪个 nǎge which 哪些 nǎxiē which 谁的 shéi de whose 他的 tā de his 他们的 tāmen de their 我们的 wǒmen de our Newbie - Happy Birthday (A0333) 祝你生日快乐 zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè ! Happy birthday to you! 你多大了? nǐ duōdà le ? How old are you now? 生日蛋糕 shēngrì dàngāo birthday cake 生日礼物 shēngrì lǐwù birthday present Vocabulary 祝 zhù to wish 生日 shēngrì birthday 快乐 kuàilè happy 蛋糕 dàngāo cake 礼物 lǐwù present 过生日 guò shēngrì to have a birthday 生日歌 shēngrì gē birthday song 唱生日歌 chàng shēngrì gē sing the birthday song 蜡烛 làzhú candle 点蜡烛 diǎn làzhú light candle 吹蜡烛 chuī làzhú blow out the candles 许愿 xǔyuàn conjuration 生日卡 shēngrì kǎ birthday card 周岁 zhōusuì years of age 虚岁 xūsuì age according to the old Chinese system Newbie - Please speak slowly (A0338) 好吃吗? hǎochī ma ? Does it taste good? 你可以说得慢一点吗? nǐ kěyǐ shuō de màn yīdiǎn ma ? Can you speak a little slower? 当然。好吃吗? dāngrán 。hǎochī ma ? Of course. Does it taste good? 好吃。 hǎochī 。 Yes, it does. Vocabulary 当然 dāngrán of course; certainly 慢 màn slow 说 shuō to speak, to say 可以 kěyǐ can 好吃 hǎochī tasty 再说一遍 zài shuō yī biàn say it again 太快 tài kuài too fast 听不懂 tīngbudǒng not to understand 听清楚 tīng qīngchu hear clearly 听得清楚 tīng de qīngchu can hear clearly 听不清楚 tīng bu qīngchu can't hear clearly 好喝 hǎohē good-tasting (of drinks) 好玩 hǎowán fun Newbie - I'm not Chinese (A0343) 你是北京人吗? nǐ shì Běijīngrén ma ? Are you from Beijing? 不是,我不是中国人。 bù shì ,wǒ bù shì Zhōngguórén 。 No, I’m not Chinese. 那,你是哪里人? nà ,nǐ shì nǎli rén ? Then where are you from? 我是韩国人。 wǒ shì Hánguórén 。 I am Korean. Vocabulary 是 shì to be 北京人 Běijīngrén Beijing person 中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese person 那 nà if that is the case 韩国人 Hánguórén Korean person 日本 Rìběn Japan 法国 Fǎguó France 德国 Déguó Germany 瑞士 Ruìshì Switzerland 西班牙 Xībānyá Spain 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy 俄罗斯 E2luósī Russia 加拿大 Jiānádà Canada 墨西哥 Mòxīgē Mexico 埃及 Aījí Egypt 印度 Yìndù India 澳大利亚 Aòdàlìyà Australia 新加坡 Xīnjiāpō Singapore Newbie - At the Zoo (A0346) 这是什么动物? zhè shì shénme dòngwù ? What animal is this? 这是:猴子,狮子,大象,蛇,鸟。 zhè shì :hóuzi ,shīzi ,dàxiàng ,shé ,niǎo 。 This is: a monkey, a lion, an elephant, a snake, a bird. Vocabulary 这 zhè this 是 shì to be 什么 shénme what 动物 dòngwù animal 猴子 hóuzi monkey 狮子 shīzi lion 大象 dàxiàng elephant 蛇 shé snake 鸟 niǎo bird 动物园 dòngwùyuán zoo 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 叫声 jiàoshēng yelling sound 只 zhī (measure word for animals, etc.) 一只猴子 yī zhī hóuzi a monkey 一只狮子 yī zhī shīzi a lion 一只鸟 yī zhī niǎo a bird 条 tiáo (measure word for long, narrow things) 一条蛇 yī tiáo shé a snake Newbie - Being Seated in a Restaurant (A0351) 欢迎光临,请问您几位? huānyíngguānglín ,qǐng wèn nín jǐ wèi ? Welcome. How many? 三位。 sān wèi 。 Three. 请跟我来。 qǐng gēn wǒ lái 。 Please come with me. 谢谢。 xièxie 。 Thank you. Vocabulary 欢迎光临 huānyíngguānglín welcome guest 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask 几 jǐ how many 位 wèi people 跟 gēn with 来 lái to come 请这边坐 qǐng zhèbiān zuò please sit here 一共 yīgòng all together 齐 jì prepared; together 到齐 dào qí to arrive together 位子 wèizi place 有位子 yǒu wèizi to have seat 满了 mǎn le no seat 等一下 děngyīxià to wait a moment 排队 páiduì queuing Newbie - Feeling Nauseous (A0354) 你怎么了? nǐ zěnme le ? What’s the matter with you? 我不舒服。 wǒ bù shūfu 。 I’m not feeling well. 哪里不舒服? nǎli bù shūfu ? What’s wrong? 我想吐。 wǒ xiǎng tù 。 I feel like I’m going to throw up. Vocabulary 怎么了 zěnme le what's the matter 舒服 shūfu comfortable 哪里 nǎli where 想 xiǎng would like;want 吐 tù to throw up 晕车 yūnchē carsickness 吃多了 chī duō le to eat more 喝多了 hē duō le to drink more 没力气 méi lìqi not to have strength 难受 nánshòu to be troubled 肚子 dùzi belly 不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable 严重 yánzhòng seriously 休息 xiūxi to rest 一会儿 yīhuìr5 a while 去医院 qù yīyuàn to go to hospital 医生 yīshēng doctor Newbie - I'm really full! (A0358) 多吃点,别客气! duō chī diǎn ,bié kèqi ! Eat some more. Don’t be polite! 谢谢,我饱了。 xièxie ,wǒ bǎo le 。 Thank you, I’m full. 再吃一点嘛。 zài chī yīdiǎn ma 。 Come on, eat a little more. 我真的饱了。 wǒ zhēnde bǎo le 。 I really am full. Vocabulary 多 duō more 吃 chī to eat 别 bié don’t 客气 kèqi be polite 饱 bǎo be full 再 zài again 真的 zhēnde really 一碗饭 yī wǎn fàn a bowl of rice 味道 wèidao flavor 别客气 bié kèqi Don't be polite. 随便吃 suíbiàn chī help yourself 吃不下 chībuxià not feel like eating 招待 zhāodài to receive guests Newbie - Asking for Help (A0361) 你现在有空吗? nǐ xiànzài yǒukòng ma ? Do you have free time right now? 什么事? shénme shì ? What is it? 能帮我一下吗? néng bāng wǒ yīxià ma ? Could you give me some help? 没问题。 méiwèntí 。 No problem. Vocabulary 现在 xiànzài now 有空 yǒukòng to have free time 能 néng can 帮 bāng to help 一下 yīxià a little 忙吗? máng ma? Are you busy? 没空 méi kòng not [be] free 等一下 děng yīxià wait a little while 帮忙 bāngmáng help 救命 ! jiùmìng! Help! Save me! Newbie - I Got Married (A0365) 我结婚了。 wǒ jiéhūn le 。 I got married. 恭喜你! gōngxǐ nǐ ! Congratulations! 这是我的丈夫。 zhè shì wǒ de zhàngfu 。 This is my husband. 你好。 nǐhǎo 。 Hi. 你好。 nǐhǎo 。 Hi. Vocabulary 结婚 jiéhūn to marry 恭喜 gōngxǐ to congratulate 丈夫 zhàngfu husband 这 zhè this 是 shì to be 妻子 qīzi wife 爱人 àiren spouse 老公 lǎogōng husband 老婆 lǎopo wife 订婚 dìnghūn become engaged 未婚夫 wèihūnfū fiancé 未婚妻 wèihūnqī fiancée Newbie - I can't sing (A0368) 来,唱歌吧! lái ,chànggē ba ! Come on, sing! 对不起,我不会唱。 duìbuqǐ ,wǒ bùhuì chàng 。 I’m sorry, I can’t sing. 没关系,随便唱! méiguānxi ,suíbiàn chàng ! It doesn’t matter, just sing anything. 我真的不会唱。 wǒ zhēnde bùhuì chàng 。 I really don’t sing. Vocabulary 来 lái to come 唱歌 chànggē to sing 对不起 duìbuqǐ I'm sorry 不会 bùhuì cannot 唱 chàng to sing 没关系 méiguānxi it doesn 随便 suíbiàn as one pleases 唱 chàng to sing 真的 zhēnde really 首 shǒu / 一首歌 yī shǒu gē a song 中文歌 Zhōngwén gē Chinese song 英文歌 yīngwén gē English song 老歌 lǎo gē old song 新歌 xīn gē new song 好听 hǎotīng pleasant to hear 难听 nántīng unpleasantsound 别 bié don't 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi feel embarrassed Newbie - What are you doing? (A0372) 你在做什么? nǐ zài zuò shénme ? What are you doing? 看报纸。 kàn bàozhǐ 。 Reading the newspaper. 你呢? nǐ ne ? And you? 我在上网。 wǒ zài shàngwǎng 。 I’m on the internet. Vocabulary 在 zài be (doing something) 做 zuò to do 什么 shénme what 看 kàn to read , look, watch 报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper 上网 shàngwǎng to go online; be on the internet 看书 kàn shū to read a book 看电视 kàn diànshì to watch TV 看电影 kàn diànyǐng to see a movie 学习 xuéxí to study 工作 gōngzuò to work 干 gàn to do Newbie - Asking the Bus Destination (A0376) 师傅,你去天安门广场吗? shīfu ,nǐ qù Tiānānmén Guǎngchǎng ma ? Driver, does this bus go to Tiananmen Square? 不去,100路去。 bù qù ,yībǎi lu qù 。 No; bus number 100 goes there. 我知道了。谢谢! wǒ zhīdào le 。xièxie ! I see. Thank you. 不谢。 bùxiè 。 Don’t mention it. Vocabulary 师傅 shīfu master 去 qù to go 广场 guǎngchǎng square 路 lu bus number, route number 知道 zhīdào to know 车 chē car 公交车 gōngchē public bus 司机 sījī driver 上车 shàngchē get on a vehicle 下车 xiàchē get off a vehicle 等车 děngchē wait for a vehicle Newbie - Simple Toasts (A0381) 敬酒 jìngjiǔ make a toast 干杯 gānbēi cheers 健康、发财 jiànkāng 、fācái health, get rich 一口闷 yīkǒumēn bottoms up 随意 suíyì as you wish Vocabulary 敬酒 jìngjiǔ make a toast 干杯 gānbēi cheers 健康 jiànkāng health 发财 fācái to get rich 一口闷 yīkǒumēn bottoms up 随意 suíyì as one wishes 喝酒 hējiǔ drink (alcohol) 喝醉 hēzuì be drunk 慢慢喝 mànmàn hē drink slowly 一口干 yīkǒu gān bottoms up 向……敬酒 xiàng ... jìngjiǔ toast ... (a person) Newbie - Noodles without Cilantro (A0383) 要吃什么? yào chī shénme ? What do you want to eat? 一碗拉面,不要香菜。 yī wǎn lāmiàn ,bùyào xiāngcài 。 A bowl of noodles, hold the cilantro. 一点都不要? yīdiǎn dōu bù yào ? You don’t want any? 对,一点都不要。 duì ,yīdiǎn dōu bù yào 。 That’s right. I don’t want any. Vocabulary 要 yào to want 吃 chī to eat 什么 shénme what 碗 wǎn (measure word) bowl 拉面 lāmiàn noodles made by pulling the dough 不要 bùyào to not want 香菜 xiāngcài cilantro 一点都不 yīdiǎn dōu bù not at all 辣 là hot spicy 葱 cōng scallion 蒜 suàn garlic 醋 cù vinegar 糖 táng sugar 不吃 bùchī not 放 fàng to put, add (to food) 加 jiā to add Newbie - Is so-and-so there? (A0386) 喂,哪位? wèi ,nǎ wèi ? Hello. Who is this? 请问李先生在吗? qǐng wèn Lǐ xiānsheng zài ma ? Excuse me, but is Mr. Li there? 在。稍等。 zài 。shāoděng 。 Yes, he is. Wait a moment. 好的。谢谢你。 hǎo de 。xièxie nǐ 。 OK, thank you. Vocabulary 喂 wèi hello 哪 nǎ which 位 wèi person 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask 李先生 Lǐ xiānsheng Mr. Li 在 zài to be in 稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment 好的 hǎo de OK 谢谢你 xièxie nǐ thank you 打电话 dǎdiànhuà to dial a telephone 接电话 jiēdiànhuà to answer the phone 找 zhǎo to try to find 让 ràng let 出去 chūqù to go out 打错 dǎcuò to dial wrong number 有事 yǒushì since to be occupied 稍后 shāohòu after a while 再 zài again 对不起 duìbuqǐ I'm sorry Newbie - Have you eaten? (A0389) 吃过了吗? chī guo le ma ? Have you eaten? 吃过了。你呢? chī guo le 。nǐ ne ? Yes, I have. What about you? 我也吃过了。 wǒ yě chī guo le 。 Yes, I have also eaten. Vocabulary 吃 chī to eat 过 guo (particle indicating completed action, action that has been done before) 你呢 nǐ ne what about you 也 yě also, too 早饭 zǎofàn breakfast 中饭 zhōngfàn lunch 晚饭 wǎnfàn supper 吃早饭 chī zǎofàn to have breakfast 饱 bǎo to eat till full 吃饱了 chībǎo le to eat one's fill 好吃 hǎochī tasty Newbie - Going on Vacation (A0393) 我下星期不来。 wǒ xiàxīngqī bù lái 。 Next week I won’t come. 噢?为什么? ó ?wèishénme ? Oh? Why? 我去度假。 wǒ qù dùjià 。 I’m going on a holiday. 是吗?玩得开心点! shì ma ?wán de kāixīn diǎn ! Oh really? Have fun! Vocabulary 下星期 xiàxīngqī next week 为什么 wèishénme why 度假 dùjià to go on holiday 开心 kāixīn happily 来 lái to come 去 qù to go 玩 wán to play 上星期 shàngxīngqī last week 上周 shàngzhōu last week 下周 xiàzhōu next week 上星期一 shàng xīngqīyī last Monday 下星期二 xià xīngqī'èr next Tuesday 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month 下个月 xià ge yuè next month 旅行 lǚxíng travel, journey Newbie - Requesting a Fork (A0397) 服务员,有叉子吗? fúwùyuán ,yǒu chāzi ma ? Waiter, do you have any forks? 有。 yǒu 。 Yes. 谢谢。我们还要刀和勺子。 xièxie 。wǒmen hái yào dāo hé sháozi 。 Thank you. We also need knives and spoons. 好的。 hǎo de 。 OK. Vocabulary 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter 有 yǒu to have 叉子 chāzi fork 还 hái also 要 yào to need 刀 dāo knife 和 hé and 勺子 sháozi spoon 一把刀 yī bǎ dāo a knife 一把叉子 yī bǎ chāzi a fork 一个勺子 yī ge sháozi a spoon 一双筷子 yī shuāng kuàizi a pair of chopsticks 碗 wǎn bowl 盘子 pánzi tray, plate, dish 杯子 bēizi cup, glass