Newbie - Buying Train Tickets (A0103) 哪里可以买去北京的火车票? nǎli kěyǐ mǎi qù Běijīng de huǒchēpiào ? Where can I buy a train ticket to Beijing? 你必须去火车站。 nǐ bìxū qù huǒchēzhàn 。 You must go to the train station. 票难买吗? piào nán mǎi ma ? Is it difficult to buy one? 很难说。 hěn nánshuō 。 It’s hard to say. Vocabulary 可以 kěyǐ can 买 mǎi to buy 火车票 huǒchēpiào train ticket 火车 huǒchē train 火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station 北京 Běijīng Beijing 必须 bìxū must 票 piào ticket 难 nán difficult 难说 nánshuō difficult to say 硬卧 yìngwò hard sleeper (on a train) 软卧 ruǎnwò soft sleeper (of a railroad) 硬座 yìngzuò hard seats (on trains) 软座 ruǎnzuò soft seat/berth (on trains) 往返票 wǎngfǎn piào roundtrip ticket 靠窗 kào chuāng closed to the window Newbie - Baby Talk: Words of Comfort (A0108) 宝宝别哭。 Bǎobao bié kū. Baby don't cry. 宝宝别怕。 Bǎobao bié pà. Baby don’t be afraid. 爸爸妈妈在这里。 Bàba māma zài zhèlǐ. Daddy and Mommy are here. 爸爸妈妈喜欢你。 Bàba māma xǐhuan nǐ. Daddy and Mommy like you. Newbie - Singing Ability (A0109) A: 你的女儿歌唱得很好。 Nǐ de nǚér gē chàng de hěnhǎo. Your daughter sings very well. B: 谢谢。她每天在家练习。 Xièxie. Tā měitiān zài jiā liànxí. Thanks. She practices every day. A: 她会唱英文歌吗? Tā huì chàng yīngwén gē ma? Can she sing English songs? B: 会。她的英文歌也唱得很好。 Huì. Tā de yīngwén gē yě chàng de hěnhǎo. Yes. She sings English songs pretty well, too. Newbie - University Major: Part 2 (A0110) 你的专业是什么? nǐ de zhuānyè shì shénme ? What is your major? 我的专业是金融。 wǒ de zhuānyè shì jīnróng 。 My major is finance. 你喜欢你的专业吗? nǐ xǐhuan nǐ de zhuānyè ma ? Do you like your major? 不怎么喜欢。挺无聊的。 bù zěnme xǐhuan 。tǐng wúliáo de 。 Not really. It’s pretty boring. Vocabulary 专业 zhuānyè major 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 不怎么 bù zěnme not very 挺 tǐng very 无聊 wúliáo boring 金融 jīnróng finance 电子商务 diànzǐ shāngwù E-commerce 喜欢 xǐhuan like 计算机 jìsuànjī computer 有趣 yǒuqù funny 有用 yǒuyòng useful 教育 jiàoyù education Newbie - Talking about Your Hometown (A0113) 你的老家在哪里? nǐde lǎojiā zài nǎli ? Where is your home town? 我从乡下来。你呢? wǒ cóng xiāngxià lái 。nǐ ne ? I come from the countryside. How about you? 我的老家在北京。 wǒde lǎojiā zài Běijīng 。 My hometown is in Beijing. 北京是一个好地方。 Běijīng shì yī ge hǎo dìfang 。 Beijing is a good place. Vocabulary 老家 lǎojiā native place 从 cóng from 乡下 xiāngxià country 在 zài at 地方 dìfang place 家乡 jiāxiāng home 以前 yǐqián before 住在 zhùzài to live in 农村 nóngcūn countryside 城市 chéngshì city 出国 chūguó to leave the country 回国 huíguó to return home Newbie - You Look Nervous (A0117) A: 你看起来很紧张。 You look very nervous. Nǐ kànqǐlái hěn jǐnzhāng. B: 对,我很紧张。 Yes, I’m very nervous. Duì, wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng. A: 为什么? Why? Wèishénme? B: 因为我有一个很重要的考试。 Because I have an important test. Yīnwèi wǒ yǒu yī ge hěn zhòngyào de kǎoshì. Key Vocabulary 很 hěn very 紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous 因为 yīnwèi because 重要 zhòngyào important Supplementary Vocabulary 轻松 qīngsōng relaxed 难过 nánguò sad 害羞 hàixiū shy 看上去 kàn shangqu it would appear 小菜一碟 xiǎocài yī dié a piece of cake Newbie - Chatting Online (A0119) 你经常上网聊天吗? nǐ jīngcháng shàngwǎng liáotiān ma ? Do you often chat online? 是的。我每天上网聊天。 shìde 。wǒ měitiān shàngwǎng liáotiān 。 Yes. I chat online everyday. 你和谁聊天? nǐ hé shéi liáotiān ? Who do you chat with online? 和我的女朋友。 hé wǒ de nǚpéngyou 。 With my girlfriend. Vocabulary 经常 jīngcháng often 上网 shàngwǎng to go online 聊天 liáotiān chat 每天 měitiān every day 和 hé with 谁 shéi who 女朋友 nǚpéngyou girlfriend 玩游戏 wán yóuxì to play games 看电影 kàn diànyǐng to watch films 查资料 chá zīliào 学习 xuéxí to learn 上线 shàngxiàn to be online 下线 xiàxiàn to be offline 男朋友 nánpéngyou boyfriend 同学 tóngxué classmate 同事 tóngshì colleague 家人 jiārén family members Newbie - Drive faster! (A0121) 师傅,开快一点,好吗? shīfu ,kāi kuài yīdiǎn ,hǎo ma ? Driver, please drive faster, okay? 你赶时间吗? nǐ gǎn shíjiān ma ? Are you in a hurry? 是的。如果我迟到,会被扣薪水。 shìde 。rúguǒ wǒ chídào ,huì bèi kòu xīnshuǐ 。 Yes. If I’m late, I’ll get a deduction from my salary. 我明白了。 wǒ míngbai le 。 I understand. Vocabulary 师傅 shīfu master (driver) 开 kāi to drive 快 kuài fast 一点 yīdiǎn a bit 赶时间 gǎn shíjiān to be in a hurry 如果 rúguǒ if 迟到 chídào to arrive late 会 huì will 被 bèi / 扣 kòu to dock 薪水 xīnshuǐ salary 明白 míngbai to understand 超速 chāosù exceed the speed limit 闯红灯 chuǎng hóngdēng to run or drive through a red light 罚款 fákuǎn to fine 抄近路 chāo jìnlù to take a short cut 高架公路 gāojià gōnglù overhead road Newbie - What time is it? (A0122) 现在几点? xiànzài jǐ diǎn ? What time is it now? 现在太晚了。 xiànzài tài wǎn le 。 It’s too late now. 现在还早。 xiànzài hái zǎo 。 It’s still early now. 我赶时间。 wǒ gǎn shíjiān 。 I’m in a hurry. Vocabulary 现在 xiànzài now 几点 jǐ diǎn what time 太 tài too 晚 wǎn late 还 hái still 早 zǎo early 赶时间 gǎn shíjiān in a hurry 星期几 xīngqī jǐ which day of the week 早上 zǎoshang early morning 上午 shàngwǔ morning 中午 zhōngwǔ noon 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon 晚上 wǎnshang evening 来不及 láibují lacking enough time to 迟到 chídào to arrive late Newbie - Too Polite (A0124) 太晚了。我想走。 tài wǎn le 。wǒ xiǎng zǒu 。 It's too late. I would like to to go. 我送你回家。 wǒ sòng nǐ huíjiā 。 I'll take you home. 不用了,太麻烦你了。 bùyòng le ,tài máfan nǐ le 。 You don't need to. It's too much trouble. 一点也不麻烦。我们走吧。 yīdiǎn yě bù máfan 。wǒmen zǒu ba 。 It's no trouble at all. Let's go. Vocabulary 太 tài too 晚 wǎn late 想 xiǎng to like to 走 zǒu to leave 送 sòng to send 回家 huíjiā to go home 麻烦 máfan troublesome 欢迎 huānyíng welcome 别拘束 bié jūshù make yourself at home 请随便吃 qǐng suíbiàn chī Help yourself to the food 多吃一点 duō chī yīdiǎn to eat a little more 走好 zǒuhǎo Goodbye. Take care. Newbie - Baby Talk: Be good! (A0126) 宝宝,乖。 bǎobao ,guāi 。 Baby, be good. 别淘气。 bié táoqì 。 Don’t be naughty. 宝宝,过来。 bǎobao ,guòlai 。 Baby, come here. 宝宝,别碰那个。 bǎobao ,bié pèng nàge 。 Baby, don’t touch that. 宝宝,当心。 bǎobao ,dāngxīn 。 Baby, be careful. Vocabulary 宝宝 bǎobao baby 乖 guāi well-behaved 别 bié do not be 淘气 táoqì naughty 过来 guòlai to come over 碰 pèng to touch 那个 nàge that 可爱 kěài cute 调皮 tiáopí naughty 喝 hē drink 看 kàn look 哭 kū cry 吵 chǎo noisy Newbie - Your Receipt (A0128) 你买的东西一共是85元。 nǐ mǎi de dōngxi yígòng shì bāshíwǔ yuán 。 The total comes to 85Rmb. 给你。请给我开发票。 gěi nǐ 。qǐng gěi wǒ kāi fāpiào 。 Here you are. Please give me a receipt. 好的。开好了。这是你的发票。 hǎo de 。kāihǎo le 。zhè shì nǐ de fāpiào 。 Okay. Here is your receipt. 谢谢。 xièxie 。 Thanks. Vocabulary 一共 yígòng all together 是 shì to be 给 gěi to give 发票 fāpiào receipt 这 zhè this 买 mǎi to buy 东西 dōngxi thing 结帐 jiézhàng check-out 总共 zǒnggòng altogether 找钱 zhǎoqián to give change 开发票 kāifāpiào to write a receipt 开药 kāiyào to write out a prescription Newbie - I don't feel well (A0130) 你看起来不舒服。 nǐ kàn qǐlai bù shūfu 。 You look uncomfortable. 对,我胃不舒服。 duì ,wǒ wèi bù shūfu 。 Yes. My stomach doesn't feel good. 怎么会? zěnme huì ? How come? 因为我午饭吃得太多了。 yīnwèi wǒ wǔfàn chī de tài duō le 。 Because I ate too much for lunch. Vocabulary 看起来 kàn qǐlai to look 不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable 胃 wèi stomach 怎么会 zěnme huì how could that be 因为 yīnwèi because 午饭 wǔfàn lunch 吃 chī to eat 太 tài too 多 duō much 饱 bǎo full 饿 è hungry 痛 tòng ache 休息 xiūxī have a rest 医院 yīyuàn hospital 喝 hē drink Newbie - Downloading Music (A0133) 你怎么从网上下载音乐? nǐ zěnme cóng wǎngshàng xiàzài yīnyuè ? How do you download music from the internet? 我去iTunes下载音乐。 wǒ qù iTunesxiàzài yīnyuè 。 I go to iTunes to download music. 要多少钱? yào duōshǎo qián ? How much does it cost? 不是很贵。你应该试试。 bù shì hěn guì 。nǐ yīnggāi shìshi 。 It’s not very expensive. You should try it. Vocabulary 怎么 zěnme how 从 cóng from 网上 wǎngshàng the internet 下载 xiàzài to download 音乐 yīnyuè music 钱 qián money 贵 guì expensive 应该 yīnggāi should 网站 wǎngzhàn website 免费 miǎnfèi free 在线 zàixiàn online 播放 bōfàng play 便宜 piányi cheap 方便 fāngbiàn convenient Newbie - You're late again! (A0134) A 你又迟到了。你总是迟到。怎么搞的? nǐ yòu chídào le. nǐ zǒngshì chídào. zěnme gǎo de? You are late again. You are always late. What's your problem? B 我没迟到。我们说好三点见。现在正好三点。 wǒ méi chídào. wǒmen shuōhǎo sāndiǎn jiàn. xiànzài zhènghǎo sāndiǎn. I'm not late. We agreed we would meet at 3pm. Now it’s 3pm. A 不对,现在是三点十五分。你迟到了十五分钟。下次不要再迟到了,可以吗? bù duì, xiànzài shì sāndiǎn shíwǔfēn. nǐ chídào le shí wǔ fēnzhōng. xiàcì bùyào zài chídào le, kěyǐ ma? No, it's 3:15pm now. You are 15 minutes late. Don't be late again, okay? B 可以。你别生气了。 kěyǐ. nǐ bié shēngqì le. Okay. Don't be angry. Key Vocabulary 又 yòu once again 再 zài again 总是 zǒngshì always 正好 zhènghǎo just 生气 shēngqì to get angry 说好 shuōhǎo come to an agreement Supplementary Vocabulary 刚好 gānghǎo just;exactly 发火 fāhuǒ to become angry 等 děng to wait 早退 zǎotuì leave early from work 半个小时 bànge xiǎoshí half an hour 一个半小时 yīgebàn xiǎoshí one and a half hours Newbie - It's broken (A0136) 对不起,我能借你的手机吗? duìbuqǐ ,wǒ néng jiè nǐ de shǒujī ma ? Excuse me. Can I borrow your mobile phone? 你没有手机吗? nǐ méiyǒu shǒujī ma ? Don’t you have a mobile phone? 有。但是我的手机坏了。 yǒu 。dànshì wǒ de shǒujī huài le 。 Yes I do, but my mobile phone is broken. 那你用我的手机吧。 nà nǐ yòng wǒ de shǒujī ba 。 Then use my mobile phone. Vocabulary 借 jiè to borrow 能 néng can 用 yòng to use 坏了 huài le broken 吧 ba (a suggestive particle) 词典 cídiǎn dictionary 借出去了 jièchūqù le to have lent out 没电了 méidiàn le the battery has run down 充电 chōngdiàn charge (a battery) 还 huán to return Newbie - Definitely! (A0138) 你明天一定来我家玩吗? nǐ míngtiān yīdìng lái wǒ jiā wán ma ? Tomorrow are you definitely coming to my house to hang out? 我一定来。 wǒ yīdìng lái 。 I’m definitely coming. 明天下午五点钟。 míngtiān xiàwǔ wǔdiǎnzhōng 。 Five o’clock tomorrow afternoon. 好的。明天见。 hǎo de 。míngtiān jiàn 。 OK, see you tomorrow. Vocabulary 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 一定 yīdìng certainly 来 lái to come to 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon 五点钟 wǔdiǎnzhōng at 5 o'clock 明天见 míngtiān jiàn see you tomorrow 后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow 下个月 xià ge yuè next month 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month 昨天 zuótiān yesteday 今天 jīntiān today 去年 qùnián last year 明年 míngnián next year Newbie - Baby Talk: Praise (A0140) 宝宝,你是一个聪明的孩子。 bǎobao ,nǐ shì yī ge cōngming de háizi 。 Baby, you are a smart child. 宝宝,你是一个听话的孩子。 bǎobao ,nǐ shì yī ge tīnghuà de háizi 。 Baby, you are an obedient child. 宝宝,你是一个好孩子。 bǎobao ,nǐ shì yī ge hǎo háizi 。 Baby, you are a good child. 宝宝,你真可爱。 bǎobao ,nǐ zhēn kěài 。 Baby, you are really cute. Vocabulary 宝宝 bǎobao baby 是 shì to be 聪明 cōngming intelligent 听话 tīnghuà obedient 真 zhēn really 可爱 kěài lovable;cute;lovely 乖 guāi well-behaved 调皮 tiáopí naughty 淘气 táoqì naughty 捣蛋 dǎodàn to make trouble 坏 huài bad Newbie - How are you? (A0142) 早上好! zǎoshàng hǎo ! Good morning! 嘿!你好吗? hāi !nǐ hǎo ma ? Hi! How are you? 我很好,谢谢。 wǒ hěn hǎo ,xièxie 。 I’m very good. Thanks. Vocabulary 早上好 zǎoshàng hǎo good morning 早上 zǎoshang / 好 hǎo good 嘿 hāi hey 你好吗 nǐ hǎo ma how are you 我 wǒ I 很 hěn very 谢谢 xièxie to thank 最近 zuìjìn recently 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how about 不错 bùcuò not bad 马马虎虎 mǎmāhūhu just OK 工作 gōngzuò work 学习 xuéxí study Newbie - Baby Talk: Eat up! (A0145) 宝宝,吃这个,这个很好吃。 bǎobao ,chī zhège ,zhège hěn hǎochī 。 Baby, eat this. This is very delicious. 宝宝,不要吃那个。 bǎobao ,bùyào chī nàge 。 Baby, don’t eat that. 宝宝,要不要吃这个? bǎobao ,yào buyào chī zhège ? Baby, do you want to eat this? 宝宝,不要吃那个。那个对你不好。 bǎobao ,bùyào chī nàge 。nàge duì nǐ bù hǎo 。 Baby, don’t eat that. It’s not good for you. Vocabulary 这个 zhège this 那个 nàge that one 吃 chī to eat 不要 bùyào do not 要不要 yào buyào want or not want 好吃 hǎochī tasty 对…… duì... to..., for… 香 xiāng fragrant 甜 tián sweet 酸 suān sour 苦 kǔ bitterly 辣 là hot spicy 难吃 nánchī unpalatable 没营养 méi yíngyǎng not to have nutrition 垃圾食品 lājī shípǐn garbage foodstuff 不卫生 bù wèishēng unhealthy 脏 zàng dirty 喝 hē to drink 好喝 hǎohē delicious 难喝 nánhē Newbie - I miss you! (A0147) 喂,妈妈,是我。 wéi ,māma ,shì wǒ 。 Hi, Mom. It’s me. 啊,是你,杰克。你好吗? à ,shì nǐ ,Jiékè 。nǐ hǎo ma ? Ah! It’s you, Jack. How are you? 我很好,妈妈。但是我很想你。 wǒ hěn hǎo ,māma 。dànshì wǒ hěn xiǎng nǐ 。 I’m very good, Mom. But I miss you very much. Vocabulary 喂 wéi hello(on the phone only) 是 shì to be 很 hěn very 好 hǎo good 但是 dànshì but 想 xiǎng to miss 想念 xiǎngniàn miss sth. or sb. 谁 shéi who 高兴 gāoxìng happy 身体 shēntǐ body 最近 zuìjìn recently 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how about Newbie - What's his name? (A0150) 他叫什么名字? tā jiào shénme míngzi ? What’s his name? 他叫王平。 tā jiào Wáng Píng 。 His name is Wang Ping. 他有哥哥吗? tā yǒu gēge ma ? Does he have any older brothers? 有。他有一个哥哥。 yǒu 。tā yǒu yī ge gēge 。 Yes. He has an older brother. Vocabulary 他 tā he 叫 jiào to be called 什么 shénme what 名字 míngzi name 有 yǒu to have 哥哥 gēge elder brother 个 ge (common measure word) 弟弟 dìdi younger brother 姐姐 jiějie older sister 妹妹 mèimei younger sister 兄弟 xiōngdì brothers 姐妹 jiěmèi sisters 兄妹 xiōngmèi elder brother and younger sister 姐弟 jiědì older sister and younger brother Newbie - She went out (A0152) 喂,请问张小姐在吗? wèi ,qǐng wèn Zhāng Xiǎojie zài ma ? Hello, is Miss Zhang in? 对不起,她不在。 duìbuqǐ ,tā bù zài 。 Sorry, she is not in. 她出去了吗? tā chūqù le ma ? Is she out? 对,她出去了。 duì ,tā chūqù le 。 Yes, she is out. Vocabulary 喂 wèi hello 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask 在 zài to be there 出去 chūqù to go out 对 duì right 吗 ma question marker 回来 huílai return 接电话 jiē diànhuà answer the phone 回电话 huí diànhuà call back 电话号码 diànhuà hàomǎ phone number 手机号码 shǒujī hàomǎ mobile phone number Newbie - I like beef (A0155) 你喜欢吃什么? nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme ? What do you like to eat? 我喜欢吃牛肉,你呢? wǒ xǐhuan chī niúròu ,nǐ ne ? I like to eat beef. And you? 我喜欢吃鱼。 wǒ xǐhuan chī yú 。 I like to eat fish. 是吗?我也是! shì ma ?wǒ yě shì ! Really? Me too! Vocabulary 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 吃 chī to eat 牛肉 niúròu beef 你呢 nǐ ne what about you? 也 yě also 鸡肉 jīròu chicken 鸭肉 yāròu duck meat 羊肉 yángròu mutton 狗肉 gǒuròu dog meat 猪肉 zhūròu pork 蔬菜 shūcài vegetables 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit Newbie - World Cup Football Terms (A0159) 世界杯 shìjièbēi World Cup 加油 jiāyóu Come on 好球 hǎoqiú Good shot 臭球 chòuqiú Bad shot 黑哨 hēishào Black whistle Vocabulary 世界杯 shìjièbēi World Cup 加油 jiāyóu to add effort 好球 hǎoqiú good shot 臭球 chòuqiú bad shot 黑哨 hēishào biased referee 开幕式 kāimùshì opening ceremony 闭幕式 bìmùshì closing ceremony 东道主 dōngdàozhǔ host 卫冕 wèimiǎn defend a title 冠军 guànjūn champion 点球 diǎnqiú penalty kick 黑马 hēimǎ black horse 加时赛 jiāshísài overtime(OT) Newbie - Where's the bathroom? (A0163) 请问洗手间在哪里? qǐng wèn xǐshǒujiān zài nǎli ? Excuse me, where is the washroom? 在二楼。 zài èrlóu 。 It’s on the second floor. 谢谢。 xièxie 。 Thank you. 不用谢。 bùyòng xiè 。 Not at all. Vocabulary 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask 洗手间 xǐshǒujiān washroom 在 zài at 哪里 nǎli where 二楼 èrlóu second floor 谢谢 xièxie thank you 不用谢 bùyòngxiè You're welcome. 公用电话 gōngyòng diànhuà public telephone 银行 yínháng bank 邮局 yóujú post office 公共厕所 gōnggòng cèsuǒ public toilet 自动取款机 zìdòng qǔkuǎnjī automatic cash-withdrawal machine 电梯 diàntī elevator Newbie - Allergies (A0165) 对不起…… duìbuqì ...... I’m sorry… 怎么了? zěnme le ? What’s the matter? 我对猫过敏。 wǒ duì māo guòmǐn 。 I am allergic to cats. 哦,对不起,我不知道。 ō ,duìbuqì ,wǒ bù bù zhīdào 。 Oh, sorry, I didn’t know. Vocabulary 对不起 duìbuqì I'm sorry 怎么了 zěnme le what's wrong 对 duì towards 猫 māo cats 过敏 guòmǐn to be allergic 知道 zhīdào know 毛 máo hair 原谅 yuánliàng forgive 打针 dǎzhēn have an injection 严重 yánzhòng serious 可能 kěnéng maybe Newbie - Finding a Seat (A0168) 这里有人坐吗? zhèlǐ yǒu rén zuò ma ? Is anyone sitting here? 没有。 méiyǒu 。 No. 我可以坐吗? wǒ kěyǐ zuò ma ? Can I sit here? 当然可以。 dāngrán kěyǐ 。 Yes, of course. Vocabulary 这里 zhèlǐ here 有 yǒu to have 人 rén person 坐 zuò to sit 没有 méiyǒu to do not have 可以 kěyǐ can 当然 dāngrán of course 座位 zuòwèi seat 我的 wǒ de my 旁边 pángbiān beside 空位 kòngwèi empty seat 这儿 zhèr5 here 那儿 nàr5 where 哪儿 nǎr5 where 那里 nàli there 哪里 nǎli where Newbie - Exchanging Money (A0172) 我想换钱。 wǒ xiǎng huànqián 。 I want to exchange money. 换多少钱? huàn duōshao qián ? How much money would you like to exchange? 一百美元。 yībǎi měiyuán 。 One hundred US dollars. 好的。 hǎo de 。 All right. Vocabulary 想 xiǎng to want to 换钱 huànqián to exchange money 换 huàn to exchange 多少 duōshao how much, how many 一百 yībǎi 100 美元 měiyuán American dollar 好的 hǎo de OK 支票 zhīpiào bank check 现金 xiànjīn cash 美金 měijīn American dollar 日元 rìyuán Japanese yen 韩元 hányuán Korean wan 卢布 lúbù rouble Newbie - Vegetarian Eating (A0175) 你有什么东西不吃吗? nǐ yǒu shénme dōngxi bù chī ma ? Is there anything that you don’t eat? 我不吃肉,我吃素。 wǒ bù chī ròu ,wǒ chī sù 。 I don’t eat meat. I am a vegetarian. 鸡蛋呢? jīdàn ne ? What about egg? 鸡蛋可以。 jīdàn kěyǐ 。 Egg is fine. Vocabulary 吃 chī to eat 东西 dōngxi thing 什么 shénme what 有 yǒu to have 肉 ròu meat 可以 kěyǐ can 辣 là hot spicy 甜 tián sweet 醋 cù vinegar 热 rè heat 冰 bīng ice 色拉 sèlā salad 牛排 niúpái steak 熟 shú cooked 土豆 tǔdòu potato 玉米 yùmǐ corn 米饭 mǐfàn cooked rice Newbie - May I take your photo? (A0180) A 我可以拍照片吗? wǒ kěyǐ pāi zhàopiàn ma? May I take a photo? B 可以。 kěyǐ. Sure. A 说茄子! shuō qiézi! Say ‘cheese’! B 茄子! qiézi! Cheese! Key Vocabulary 可以 kěyǐ may 拍 pāi to take 照片 zhàopiàn photo 说 shuō to say 茄子 qiézi eggplant Supplementary Vocabulary 照相机 zhàoxiàngjī camera 数码相机 shùmǎxiàngjī digital camera 清楚 qīngchu clear 胶卷 jiāojuǎn film 洗照片 xǐ zhàopiàn to develop film 底片 dǐpiàn negatives 相纸 xiàngzhǐ photographic paper 相框 xiàngkuāng picture frame 相册 xiàngcè photo album 禁止 jìnzhǐ ban 拍照 pāizhào to take a picture Newbie - Finding a Cheap Hostel (A0184) 我想找便宜的旅馆。 wǒ xiǎng zhǎo piányi de lǚguǎn 。 I’d like to find a cheap hostel. 多少钱? duōshǎo qián ? How much? 100元一天。 yībǎi yuán yī tiān 。 One hundred yuan per day. 好的。 hǎo de 。 OK. Vocabulary 想 xiǎng would like to 找 zhǎo to try to find 便宜 piányi cheap 旅馆 lǚguǎn hotel 多少 duōshǎo how much, how many 钱 qián money 100元 yībǎi yuán 100 yuan 一 yī 1 天 tiān day 旅店 lǚdiàn hostel (usually cheap) 旅馆 lǚguǎn hostel (usually cheap) 酒店 jiǔdiàn hotel, restaurant 宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel (usually expensive) 招待所 zhāodàisuǒ hostel (usually cheap) 要求 yāoqiú demand, request 服务 fúwù service 交通 jiāotōng traffic 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 环境 huánjìng environment 高级 gāojí high-level 贵 guì expensive 预定 yùdìng schedule in advance Newbie - Transportation (A0186) 你怎么回家? nǐ zěnme huíjiā ? How are you going home? 我坐地铁。你呢? wǒ zuò dìtiě 。nǐ ne ? I’m taking the subway. What about you? 我坐出租车。再见! wǒ zuò chūzūchē 。zàijiàn ! I’m taking a taxi. See you! 再见! zàijiàn ! Bye! Vocabulary 怎么 zěnme how 回家 huíjiā to go home 坐 zuò to ride 地铁 dìtiě subway 出租车 chūzūchē taxi 火车 huǒchē train 飞机 fēijī airplane 轮船 lúnchuán ship 磁悬浮列车 cíxuánfú lièchē Maglev train 公共汽车 gōnggòngqìchē bus 自行车 zìxíngchē bicycle 乘 chéng by(train, bus, plane, subway…) 骑 qí to ride(a bike) 打的 dǎdī by a taxi 走路 zǒulù to walk 开车 kāichē to drive a car 轮滑 lúnhuá rollerskating Newbie - Using a Credit Card (A0191) 您好。现金还是刷卡? nínhǎo 。xiànjīn háishi shuākǎ ? Hello, are you using cash or credit card? 刷卡。 shuākǎ 。 Credit card. 请签字。 qǐng qiānzì 。 Please sign. 好的。 hǎo de 。 OK. Vocabulary 您好 nínhǎo hello 现金 xiànjīn cash 还是 háishi or 刷卡 shuākǎ to use a card (including credit card, commuter card, etc.) 签字 qiānzì to sign 好的 hǎo de OK 用 yòng to use 付 fù to pay 用现金付 yòng xiànjīn fù to pay in cash 付现金 fù xiànjīn to pay in cash 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ credit card 拿好 ná hǎo hold well Newbie - How do you say...? (A0196) "Fruit"中文怎么说? "Fruit"Zhōngwén zěnme shuō ? How do I say "fruit" in Chinese? "水果"。"蔬菜"英文怎么说? "shuǐguǒ "。"shūcài "yīngwén zěnme shuō ? "Shuiguo". How do I say "shucai" in English? "Vegetable"。 "Vegetable"。 "Vegetable". Vocabulary 中文 Zhōngwén Chinese 怎么 zěnme how 说 shuō to say 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 蔬菜 shūcài vegetable 英文 yīngwén English 用 yòng to use 用中文怎么说 yòng Zhōngwén zěnme shuō how do you say ... in Chinese 翻译 fānyì to translate 意思 yìsi meaning 不知道 bù zhīdào not to know