word hanja definition
A chinese character
A person
자격증 資格證 A qualification certificate
자극 刺戟 A stimulus
자극하다 刺戟- To stimulate
자녀 子女 one’s children
자매 姉妹 Sisters
자부심 自負心 Pride
자살 自殺 Suicide
자살하다 自殺- Commit suicide
자세 姿勢 Position, posture
자세하다 仔細- Be detailed
자신감 自信感 Self-confidence
자연적 自然的 Natural
자연현상 自然現象 Natural phenomena
자연환경 自然環境 Natural surroundings
자연히 自然- Naturally
자원 資源 Resources
자율 自律 self-control,autonomy
자정 子正 Midnight
자존심 自尊心 Self-confidence
자판 字板 Keyboard
작성 作成 editing,composition
작성하다 作成- To edit or compose, write up
작업 作業 Work
작용 作用 Application
작용하다 作用- To apply , use
작품 作品 A work of art
잠수함 潛水艦 Submarine
장관 長官 A government cabinet minister
장기간 長期間 For a long period
장기적 長期的 Long-term
장례 葬禮 A funeral
장례식 葬禮式 A funeral
장면 場面 A scene, situation
장모 丈母 A man’s mother in law
장모님 丈母- A man’s mother in law
장비 裝備 equipment,fittings
장식 裝飾 Decoration
장애인 障碍人 A handicapped person
장인 丈人 A man’s father in law, the wife`s father
장차 將次 In the future, someday
재능 才能 talent,ability
재생 再生 revival,restoration to life
재수 財數 luck,fortune
재정 財政 finances,economy
재판 裁判 A trial
재학 在學 To be in school, be attending school
재활용 再活用 Recycling
재활용품 再活用品 A recycled product
저편 -便 That side,direction
적성 適性 Aptitude
적용 適用 Application
적용되다 適用- To be applied
적응 適應 Adaptation
적응하다 適應- Be suited to, adapted to
적절하다 適切- Appropriateness
적합하다 適合- suitability,fitness
전개 展開 unfolding,development,expansion
전개되다 展開- To be unfolded,spread out
전개하다 展開- To unfold,evolve,spread out
전공하다 專攻- To major in something
전구 電球 An electric bulb
전국적 全國的 National
전기 傳記 a biography
전기 前期 the former period/term
전달 傳達 Delivery
전달되다 傳達- To be delivered
전망 展望 A view,prospect
전망하다 展望- Have a view of, observe
전문적 專門的 Of a specialist nature
전문점 專門店 Exclusive store
전문직 專門職 Specialty job
전반 全般 The whole, all, general
전반적 全般的 over-all,all
전선 戰線 The battle line
전설 傳說 A tradition, a legend
전세 傳貰 renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month
전시 展示 exhibition,display
전시되다 展示- To be exhibited,ddisplayed
전시장 展示場 An exhibition hall
전시하다 展示- To display
전시회 展示會 An exhibition, show, display
전용 專用 Exclusive or private use
전통문화 傳統文化 Traditional culture
전환 轉換 To exchange, convert, change
전환하다 轉換- To exchange, to convert, to change over
전후 前後 sequence,order,front and rear
절대 絶對 Absoluteness
절대적 絶對的 absolute,unconditional
절망 絶望 despair,hopelessness
절약 節約 thrift,savings,economy
절차 節次 process,formalities; 수속
점검 點檢 inspection,examination
접근 接近 Proximity
접근하다 接近- approach,get near
접촉 接觸 contact,touch
하다 接- adjoin,be adjacent to
정기 定期 A fixed time period
정기적 定期的 fixed,regular (time sth)
정당 政黨 A political party
정리되다 整理- To be adjusted
정면 正面 The front, the facade
정반대 正反對 Direct opposition, the exact reverse
정보화 情報化 Change to an information orientation
정부 政府 Government
정비 整備 maintaining equipment in good working order
정상 正常 normalcy,normality
정상적 正常的 normal,like usual
정성 精誠 True heart,devotion
정신과 精神科 Psychiatry
정신없이 精神- Feel distracted and scatter-brained
정오 正午 Noon
정장 正裝 Full dress, uniform
정지 停止 stop,an interruption
정직하다 正直- honesty,uprightness
정치권 政治權 Political rights
정치인 政治人 Politician
정치학 政治學 Political science
제거하다 除去- exclusion,removal
제공 提供 An offer
제과점 製菓店 Confectionary store
제대하다 除隊- Be discharged from the military
제도적 制度的 Systematic
제사 祭祀 A holiday ceremony
제삿날 祭祀- Day of the ceremony
제시 提示 Presentation
제시되다 提示- To be presented
제시하다 提示- To present
제안 提案 A proposal,suggestion
제안하다 提案- To propose,make a suggestion
제약 制約 A condition,restriction
제외되다 除外- To be excluded
제외하다 除外- To exclude
제의 提議 A proposal,an offer
제의하다 提議- Make a suggestion
제자 弟子 A disciple
제작 製作 manufacture,production
제작하다 製作- To produce,manufacture
제출 提出 presentation,submission
제한되다 制限- To be restricted,limited
제한하다 制限- To restrict,limit
A company,group
조기 早期 An early stage,period
조명 照明 lighting,illumination
조미료 調味料 seasoning,condiment
조선 朝鮮 Name for ancient korea culture
조절 調節 regulation,adjustment
조절하다 調節- To regulate,tune
조정 調整 regulation,control,coordination
조정하다 調整- To regulate,adjust,coordinate
조직 組織 Organization (composition, structure)
조화되다 調和- harmony,agreement
존경하다 尊敬- Respect
존재 存在 Existence
존재하다 存在- To exist
존중하다 尊重- appreciate,esteem,value
A bell
종교적 宗敎的 Of religions
종소리 鐘- The sound of a bell
종종 種種 A variety of things
종합하다 綜合- synthesize,integrate
좌우 左右 Left and right
A crime, a sin
죄인 罪人 A criminal
one’s master, ones employer
주거 住居 residing,dwelling
주관적 主觀的 Subjective
주년 周年 One whole year
주문 呪文 An incantation, a spell
주문 注文 An order, a request
주민 住民 inhabitants,dwellers
주방 廚房 A kitchen, a cookroom
주식 株式 Stock
주요하다 主要- To be chief,principal,leading
주의 注意 attention,notice
주의하다 注意- Pay attention to
주일 週日 A week
주장 主張 assertion,insistance
주전자 酒煎子 A kettle, teakettle
주한 駐韓 Residing in korea
중계방송 中繼放送 A relay, a hookup
중년 中年 Middle-aged
중단 中斷 interruption,suspension
중단되다 中斷- To be suspended,stopped
중단하다 中斷- To interrupt, to stop
중대하다 重大- importance,gravity
중독 中毒 Poison
중반 中盤 At the middle stage (of a game or contest, or otherwise)
중부 中部 The center, middle part
중세 中世 The middle ages
중소기업 中小企業 Small and medium enterprises
중순 中旬 The second 10 days in a month
중식 中食 Chinese food
중심지 中心地 A central place
중앙 中央 The middle and the heart
중요시하다 重要視- Attach great importance to
즉석 卽席 instantly,impromptu
증가 增加 An increase,augmentation
증가하다 增加- increase,rise,grow
증거 證據 evidence,proof
증권 證券 securities,document,deed
증권사 證券社 Securities corporation
증명하다 證明- To prove,show,bear
지각 知覺 perception,consciousness
지경 地境 A boundary,situation,state
지극히 至極- very,extremely
지금껏 只今- So far, till now
지급 支給 supply,pay
지급하다 支給- To pay,allow,furnish sth
지능 知能 intelligence,intellect, raw intelligence
지대 地帶 Zone, belt, district
지도 指導 Instruction, guidance
지도자 指導者 Leader
지도하다 指導- To lead, instruct
지방 脂肪 Fat, grease, lard
지배하다 支配- Control, direct
지불하다 支拂- To pay
지속되다 持續- Be lasting a long time, be continous
지속적 持續的 Continuous
지시 指示 Directions, orders
지시하다 指示- To direct, instruct
지식 知識 Knowledge, information
지식인 知識人 An intellectual
지원 支援 helping, supporting, aiding
지원하다 支援- To desire, aspire, hence to apply for [e.g. a job] or volunteer for sth
지위 地位 Position, status
지적 指摘 Pointing out, indication
지적 知的 Intellectual, brainy
지적되다 指摘- To be pointed out to
지적하다 指摘- To indicate, point out
지점 支店 Branch store
지지 支持 support,backing
지진 地震 Earthquake
지출 支出 Expenses, expenditure
지폐 紙幣 Paper money
지혜 智慧 Wisdom, wits
직선 直線 A straight line
직장인 職場人 A worker
직전 直前 Just immediately before
직접적 直接的 Directly, immediately
직후 直後 Immediately after
진급 進級 Promotion
진단 診斷 Diagnosis
진단하다 診斷- To diagnose
진동 振動 vibration,shake
진로 進路 A course,direction,path
진료 診療 Medical examination and treatment
진리 眞理 A truth, a fact
진실 眞實 Truth, sincerity
진실로 眞實- Truly, honestly
진실하다 眞實- Be true, truthful
진심 眞心 The whole heart, sincerity
진지하다 眞摯- To be serious, earnest
진찰 診察 A medical diagnosis, investigation
진출하다 進出- Penetrate into, advance
진통 陣痛 Labor pains, travail
진행 進行 Progress, advance
진행자 進行者 Leader of the performance
질병 疾病 A disease, sickness
질적 質的 Qualitative
짐작 斟酌 guess,conjecture
짐작하다 斟酌- To guess, infer
집단 集團 A group, a collective body
집단적 集團的 Collectively (of people)
집중되다 集中- To concentrate
집중적 集中的 Related to the concentration
집중하다 集中- To concentrate
차량 車輛 vehicles,cars
차별 差別 distinction,differentiation
차선 車線 A traffic lane
차이점 差異點 A point of difference
차차 次次 Gradually
차창 車窓 car/train window
착각 錯覺 Hallucination, illusion
착각하다 錯覺- To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations
찬성 贊成 approval,assent
찬성하다 贊成- To approve, support (a plan)
참가 參加 participation,joining
참고하다 參考- To refer, consult
참석 參席 Attendance, participation
참석자 參席者 Persons present
참여 參與 Participation
참여하다 參與- To participate in, take part in
참조 參照 reference,comparison
창가 窓- Next to a window, or, the window’s edge
창구 窓口 A window
창작 創作 Creation, origination
창조 創造 Creation
창조적 創造的 Creatively
창조하다 創造- Create
창피하다 猖披- To be ashamed
채점 採點 marking,grading,scoring
책임감 責任感 Feeling of responsibility
처녀 處女 A virgin, a young maiden
처리 處理 handling,treatment
처벌 處罰 punishment,penalty
처지 處地 A situation,circumstances
A few ships (vessels)
천국 天國 Heaven
천장 天障 The ceiling
천재 天才 genius,talent
철도 鐵道 Railroad
철저하다 徹底- thoroughness,cleanliness
철저히 徹底- Thoroughly
철학 哲學 Philosophy
철학자 哲學者 Philosopher
철학적 哲學的 Philosophical
청춘 靑春 youth,the springtime of life
하다 請- ask,request
체계적 體系的 Systematic, organizational
체력 體力 Physical strength
체온 體溫 Body temperature
체육관 體育館 Gymnasium
체조 體操 Gymnastics
체험 體驗 An experience
체험하다 體驗- To experience, to undergo
초기 初期 The early days, the initial period
초대 初代 The first generation, the founder
초등학생 初等學生 An elementary school student
초반 初盤 The opening part (of a game of baduk)
초상화 肖像畵 A portrait, a picture
초순 初旬 The first third of a month
초여름 初- Early summer
초원 草原 A plain, a prarie
초저녁 初- Early in the evening
초점 焦點 A focus, a focal point
초조하다 焦燥- Be impatient, irritated
초청 招請 An invitation
초청하다 招請- To invite
촌스럽다 村- Unfashionable
A gun
총각 總角 A bachelor, an unmarried man
총리 總理 General overseeing, presiding over
최고급 最高級 The highest grade/class
최대한 最大限 At the most, at the maximum
최상 最上 The best, the finest
최소 最小 At the least, the minimum
최신 最新 Newest, the latest
최악 最惡 The worst
최저 最低 The lowest, the minimum/lowest price
최종 最終 last,final,terminal
최후 最後 The last, the end, the conclusion
추가 追加 An addition
추가되다 追加- To be added
추가하다 追加- To add sth, to supplement
추석 秋夕 Korean thanksgiving
추진 推進 Propulsion, drive
추진하다 推進- To propel, drive forward
추천 推薦 A recommendation
추천하다 推薦- To recommend, say a good word for
추측 推測 Guess, conjecture
축구장 蹴球場 Soccer field
축소 縮小 Reduction, a cutback
출국 出國 Leaving a country
출발점 出發點 The starting point of a trip
출산 出産 Child birth
출석하다 出席- attendance,presence
출신 出身 A native, place one is from
출연 出演 Going on stage
출입국 出入國 Entry into a country
출퇴근 出退勤 Go to and come from the office
출판 出版 Publication, publishing
출판사 出版社 A publishing company
출현하다 出現- Appearance, turning out
충격적 衝擊的 Shocking
충고 忠告 Advice, counsel, suggestion
충돌 衝突 A collision, clash; discord
충돌하다 衝突- Collide, clash with
취업 就業 Employment, finding a job
취재 取材 Selection, picking out of news articles (by a reporter)
취향 趣向 Taste, liking, one’s inclinations
치료법 治療法 A curative means
치아 齒牙 A tooth
친정 親庭 A woman’s maiden home and family
친해지다 親- To get close, to get friendly
하다 漆- Paint, coat
침묵 沈默 Silence
침착하다 沈着- Self-possession, composure
칭찬하다 稱讚- To praise somebody
사건 事件 An event,incident
사고 思考 thought,contemplation
사과 謝過 An apology
사기 士氣 morale,fighting spirit
사례 事例 thanks,gratitude
사립 私立 Private
사망 死亡 Death
사망하다 死亡- To decease,pass away
사모님 師母- Older more respected ajuma
사무소 事務所 Office
사무직 事務職 Working in the office not in the factory
사방 四方 The four directions
사상 史上 In history
사생활 私生活 Private life
사설 社說 An editorial
사소하다 些少- Be trifling,insignificant
사실상 事實上 Actually, in truth
사업가 事業家 Businessman
사업자 事業者 Businessman
사전 事前 beforehand,in advance
사정 事情 Circumstances
사춘기 思春期 adolescence,puberty
사표 辭表 A written resignation
사회생활 社會生活 Social life
사회자 司會者 President
사회주의 社會主義 Socialism
사회학 社會學 Social science
산길 山- A mountain path,road
산부인과 産婦人科 Obstetrics and gynecology
산업 産業 Industry
살인 殺人 Murder
삼계탕 蔘鷄湯 Chicken soup
삼국 三國 Three countries
A statue,a figure
A table,small desk
상관 相關 Concern, relation
상관없다 相關- To not be of concern
상관없이 相關- Without anything to do with
상금 賞金 Prize money
상담 相談 Consultation
상당 相當 proper,fit,suitable
상당수 相當數 plenty/a lot of
상당하다 相當- Be proper,suitable
상당히 相當- fairly,considerably
상대성 相對性 Relativity
상대적 相對的 relatively,correlatively
상대편 相對便 The other party
상류 上流 The upper classes,upstream
상반기 上半期 The first,upper half
상상력 想像力 Imaginative powers
상식 常識 Common sense
상업 商業 commerce,trade
상인 商人 merchant,trader
상점 商店 A shop,store
상징적 象徵的 symbolic,emblematic
상징하다 象徵- Symbolize
상쾌하다 爽快- Be refreshing,exhilirating
상태 狀態 condition,state
상표 商標 trademark,brand
상황 狀況 State of things
색다르다 色- Be different,novel
색연필 色鉛筆 Colored pencil
1) raw,uncooked 2)living
생기 生氣 animation,life
생명 生命 Life
생물 生物 A living thing
생방송 生放送 A live broadcast
생산 生産 1) production 2)birth
생산되다 生産- To be produced
생산력 生産力 Productive capacity
생산자 生産者 A producer
생산하다 生産- To produce,make
생활비 生活費 Cost of living
생활수준 生活水準 The standard of living
생활용품 生活用品 Necessities for daily life
서구 西歐 Western Europe
서명 署名 signing,autographing
서명하다 署名- To sign
서민 庶民 Common people
서부 西部 The western part
서서히 徐徐- Slowly, little by little
서양인 西洋人 A Westerner
서적 書籍 books,publications
A seat,sitting place
석사 碩士 Master
A line, a route
선거 選擧 An election
선명하다 鮮明- To be clear,distinct
선언하다 宣言- declare,proclaim,announce
선원 船員 A crew, a ship’s company
선장 船長 A captain
선전 宣傳 Propaganda
선정하다 選定- select,choose
선진 先進 seniority,advance
선진국 先進國 A developed country
선호하다 選好- To prefer
설득하다 說得- Persuasion
설립하다 設立- found,establish
설명되다 說明- To be explained
설문 設問 questions like those on a questionnaire
설사 設使 Diarrhea
설치 設置 establisment,institution
설치되다 設置- To be established
설치하다 設置- To found,establish,create
a sex (male or female), a sexual gender
성경 聖經 The Bible
성공적 成功的 Successfully
성당 聖堂 A church
성립되다 成立- To be concluded, formed
성립하다 成立- To exist, to come into being
성명 聲明 A declaration,statement
성숙하다 成熟- to ripen, to mature
성실하다 誠實- Be ripe
성장 成長 Growth
성장하다 成長- To grow,be brought up
성적 性的 Sexual
성질 性質 naure,disposition
A generation,age,epoch
세계관 世界觀 A worldview
세대 世代 Generation
세련되다 洗練- To be polished,refined
세상에 世上- In the world
세월 歲月 The times, things
세제 洗劑 detergent,cleaning material
세종대왕 世宗大王 King sejong, who invented Hangul
소규모 小規模 Small scale
소극적 消極的 Passivity,passiveness
소득 所得 An income,earnings
소망 所望 desire,wish,hope
소박하다 素朴- simple, naive, ingenuous
소비 消費 Consumption
소비하다 消費- Consumption
소속 所屬 Belong to, attached to
소수 少數 A small number, a few
소아과 小兒科 Pediatrics
소요되다 所要- Be needed
소용 所用 use,usefulness
소원 所願 one’s desire
소위 所謂 What is called for
소유 所有 Possession
소유자 所有者 Possessor
소유하다 所有- To possess,hold
소음 騷音 A noise,cacaphony
소재 素材 material, subject matter
소중하다 所重- To be important,valuable
소중히 所重- seriously,with care
소지품 所持品 one’s things
소질 素質 temperament,character
소형 小型 Small size
소홀히 疏忽- carelessly,indifferently,neglectfully
소화 消化 Digestion
소화하다 消化- To digest
속담 俗談 A proverb,saying
속상하다 -傷- Be distressing
손실 損失 Loss
손해 損害 damage,injury
The number of sth
수단 手段 means,way
수도 首都 the capital city, e.g. Seoul, of a country
수도권 首都圈 The Metropolitan area
수도꼭지 水道- A faucet,tap
수동적 受動的 Passively
수리하다 修理- repair,mending
수만 數萬 Tens of thousands
수면 睡眠 sleep,slumber
수명 壽命 Life span
수백 數百 Hundreds
수석 首席 The top seat
수시로 隨時- On demand, per the demand of the occasion ; all the time, at any time
수십 數十 Tens of sth
수업 修業 Completing an education course
수없이 數- Be unable to do
수요 需要 demand,requirement
수입되다 輸入- To be imported
수입품 輸入品 An imported product
수준 水準 Level
수집 蒐集 Collection
수집하다 蒐集- To collect
수천 數千 Thousands
수필 隨筆 An essay
수행하다 遂行- Accomplishment
수험생 受驗生 A student preparing for an examination
숙녀 淑女 A lady
순간적 瞬間的 instanteous,momentary
순수 純粹 purity,genuineness
순식간 瞬息間 A brief instant
순위 順位 order,ranking
순진하다 純眞- To be naive,pure
하다 順- Be gentle,docile
습기 濕氣 moisture,humidity
승객 乘客 Passenger
승리 勝利 A victory
승리하다 勝利- To win
승부 勝負 A contest,match
승진 昇進 promotion,advancement
Poetry, lines of verse
시각 時刻 The time of day
시각 視角 angle/point of view. 관점.
시기 時期 The time, the season
시기 時機 An opportunity,chance
시대적 時代的 Of the times
시댁 媤宅 one’s husband’s family/house
시도 試圖 An attempt,test
시선 視線 one’s line of vision
시야 視野 Visual field
시외버스 市外- Inter-city bus
시위 示威 A demonstration
시일 時日 time,days
시장 市長 Mayor
시점 時點 Point in time
시중 市中 In the city
시집 詩集 A collection of poems
시집가다 媤- To take a husband
시청률 視聽率 Popularity rating
시합 試合 A contest,match
식기 食器 An eating vessel
식량 食糧 food,provisions
식료품 食料品 Articles for food
식생활 食生活 Dietary life
식욕 食慾 appetite,desire
식품점 食品店 Grocery store
신고하다 申告- To state, declare
신규 新規 A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew
신기하다 新奇- To be novel,original
신기하다 神奇- To be marvelous,astounding
신념 信念 belief,faith
신라 新羅 One dynasty in ancient korea
신부 神父 A holy father,priest
신분 身分 Social position
신비 神秘 Mystery
신사 紳士 A gentleman
신설 新設 A new theory
신세대 新世代 The new generation
신속하다 迅速- Be quick,rapid,speedy
신인 新人 A new man
신제품 新製品 A new product
신중하다 愼重- To be prudent,cautious
신청서 申請書 Application, application form
신청하다 申請- To apply (for)
신체적 身體的 Physical
신화 神話 A myth
실감 實感 Actual feeling
실로 實- really,indeed
실망 失望 Disappointment
실망하다 失望- To disappoint
실습 實習 Actual training,practice
실시 實施 execution,enforcement
실시되다 實施- To be enforced
실시하다 實施- To enforce,put into effect
실은 實- In reality, to tell the truth
실장 室長 boss,president
실정 實情 The actual situation
실제 實際 The truth, a fact
실제로 實際- In reality
실질적 實質的 substantial,essential
실천 實踐 Practice
실천하다 實踐- To practice,put in theory
실체 實體 substance,essence
실태 實態 The actual conditions,reality
실험 實驗 An experiment,test
실현 實現 realization,materialization
실현되다 實現- To realize,bring to fruition
실현하다 實現- To realize,bring to fruition
심각해지다 深刻- To become serious
심리적 心理的 Psychological
심사 審査 judgment,examination
심장 心臟 The heart
심정 心情 one’s heart, one’s feelings
심판 審判 referencing,umpireship
A pair,couple
쌍둥이 雙- Twins
악몽 惡夢 Nightmare
A plan,proposal,suggestion
안과 眼科 Ophthalmology
안내 案內 Guidance, conducting
안부 安否 safety,welfare
안심하다 安心- security,assuredness,relief
안정 安定 Stability
안정되다 安定- To be stable
암시 暗示 A hint, suggestion
압력 壓力 pressure,stress
앞문 -門 The front gate
애정 愛情 Love for a person, affection
애초 -初 The first, the beginning
액수 額數 A sum, an amount
야간 夜間 The night time
야구장 野球場 Baseball field
야단 惹端 A clamro, uproar 2) a scolding
하다 冶- To be gaudy,garish
약수 藥水 Medicinal water, mineral water
약점 弱點 A weak point, a vulnerable point
약품 藥品 Medicines, medical supplies
약해지다 弱- To become weak
약혼녀 約婚女 A girl who is engaged
약혼자 約婚者 A fiance, an engaged person
Both, two
Miss ~
A sheep, ram
양국 兩國 Both countries
양력 陽曆 The solar calendar
양보 讓步 concession,compromise
양상추 洋- Lettuce
양식 樣式 A mode, a style, an order, amodality
양식 洋食 raising,farming,culture
양심 良心 Conscience
양옆 兩- On both sides
양주 洋酒 Foreign wine/liquors
억울하다 抑鬱- To be regrettable, disappointing
언론 言論 A speech, discussion
언어 言語 language,speech
얼마간 -間 Some, somewhat
엄격하다 嚴格- To be strict, serious
엄숙하다 嚴肅- Seriousness, solemnity ; being grave, serious
업종 業種 Types of industry
업체 業體 A business enterprise
여가 餘暇 leisure,spare time
여간 如干 Some, a little (여간 ~지 않다 means very very ~다)
여건 與件 A postulate, a given condition
여군 女軍 A woman soldier
여론 輿論 Public opinion, public sentiment towards sth
여왕 女王 Queen
여인 女人 beauty,belle
여전하다 如前- Be unchanged, the same as before
여전히 如前- As it used to be, as before ; still, persistently, even still
A part, a role
역사상 歷史上 In history
역사학 歷史學 The study of history
연간 年間 For a year
연결 連結 Connection, linking
연관 聯關 a connection, a grouping together, relationships
연구실 硏究室 A laboratory
연구원 硏究員 Researcher
연극 演劇 drama,a play
연기 延期 postponement,deferment
연기되다 延期- To be put off, postponed
연기자 演技者 A performer, an actor
연기하다 延期- To be put off, postponed
연두색 軟豆色 Light green
연락 連絡 Connection, communication
연령 年齡 Age, years of age
연상하다 聯想- Association of ideas
연설 演說 A public speech
연속 連續 continuity,succession
연애 戀愛 Love, tender, passion
연예인 演藝人 A performer, an entertainer
연인 戀人 A sweetheart
연장 延長 Extension, prolongation
연주 演奏 A musical performance
연출 演出 Production, presentation
연출하다 演出- Produce, present (a play)
연합 聯合 Combination, federacy, union
열기 熱氣 Heat, hot air
열정 熱情 Passion
열중하다 熱中- Enthusiasm, zeal
염려 念慮 anxiety,worry
영남 嶺南 The southeastern part of Korea
영상 映像 An image [picture], reflection (moving pictures, movies)
영양 營養 Nutrition
영업 營業 business, doing business
영역 領域 Territory
영웅 英雄 A hero, a great man
영향 影響 Influence, consequences
영향력 影響力 Influence, power to influence
영혼 靈魂 A soul, a spirit
영화관 映畵館 Movie theater
영화배우 映畵俳優 Movie actor
영화제 映畵祭 Movie festival
예감 豫感 A presentiment, a premonition
예고하다 豫告- Warn, give advance notice
예방 豫防 Prevention, protection
예방하다 豫防- To protect, prevent, fend off
예보 豫報 forecast,predict
예비 豫備 Preparation, reserve
예산 豫算 An estimate, budget
예상되다 豫想- To expect, anticipate
예상하다 豫想- To expect, anticipate
예선 豫選 A preliminary match/election
예술적 藝術的 Artistic
예습 豫習 Preparation of lessons
예습하다 豫習- To prepare lessons, rehearse
예식장 禮式場 A ceremony hall
예약하다 豫約- To book in advance, pledge
예외 例外 An exception
예의 禮儀 Courtesy, politeness
예정되다 豫定- Make a program, set a schedule
예측하다 豫測- To predict, forecast
예컨대 例- For example, such as
오락 娛樂 Entertainment
오염 汚染 Contamination, pollution
오염되다 汚染- To be polluted, contaminated
오해 誤解 Misunderstanding
옥상 屋上 On the roof
온돌 溫突 The korean under-floor heating system
온종일 -終日 All day long, the whole day
완성 完成 completion,accomplishment
완성되다 完成- To be accomplished
완성하다 完成- To accomplish, to end successfully
완전 完全 Perfection, completeness
완전하다 完全- To be perfect and faultless
왕비 王妃 Queen
왕자 王子 Prince
외갓집 外家- one’s mother’s maiden home
외과 外科 Surgery
외면하다 外面- Outward appearance
외모 外貌 Outward appearance
외부 外部 The exterior, the outside
외제 外製 Of foreign manufacture
외할아버지 外- A maternal grandfather
요구 要求 A demand, claim, request
요구되다 要求- To be requested, claimed
요리사 料理師 A chef, a cook
요약하다 要約- summary,condense,abridge
요청하다 要請- To ask for, to request
An insult
하다 辱- To insult, to say bad words
A dragon
용감하다 勇敢- To be brave, courageous
용기 勇氣 Bravery
용기 容器 A container, a vessel
용도 用途 use,service
용서 容恕 pardon,forgiveness
용서하다 容恕- To pardon, to forgive
용어 用語 Technical terminology
우려 憂慮 worry,anxiety,fear
우아하다 優雅- To be elegant,refined
우정 友情 Feeling of friendship
우주 宇宙 The universe
우편 郵便 post,mail
운명 運命 fate,fortune
운반 運搬 conveyance,transport
운영하다 運營- manage,administer
운전사 運轉士 The driver (of a taxi)
운행 運行 movement,revolution
A circle
원고 原稿 A manuscript
원서 願書 An application, a written request
원인 原因 A cause,a factor
원장 院長 The chief/head (of a 학원)
월세 月貰 Monthly rent
Position, grade, rank
The stomach
위기 危機 A crisis,an emergency situation
위대하다 偉大- To be great,mighty,grand
위로 慰勞 consolation,solace
위로하다 慰勞- To console, soothe somebody
위반하다 違反- To violate (the law)
위법 違法 illegality,a breach of the law
위성 衛星 A satellite
위원 委員 A member of a committee
위원장 委員長 A chairman of a committee
위주 爲主 Put first in importance
위험성 危險性 riskiness,jeapordy
위협 威脅 Menace, threat, intimidation
유능하다 有能- To be competent,talented
유리하다 有利- To be profitable, favorable
유물 遺物 A relic, cultural remains
유발하다 誘發- To induce, bring about, cause
유사하다 類似- To be similar, to resemble
유산 遺産 An inheritence, property left behind
유의하다 留意- To bear in mind, be heedful of
유적 遺跡 Remains, relics,ruins
유적지 遺跡地 Place where remains/cultural-historical remnants are
유지되다 維持- To be maintained, preserved
유지하다 維持- To preserve, maintain
유형 類型 A similar type
육군 陸軍 The army
육상 陸上 On land, on the ground
육체 肉體 The flesh, the body
육체적 肉體的 Corporeal, of the flesh
은은하다 隱隱- To be distant,faint,indistinct
은행나무 銀杏- A ginko tree
음력 陰曆 The lunar calendar
음반 音盤 A phonograph record
음성 音聲 A voice
음식물 飮食物 Anything to eat or drink
음식점 飮食店 Restaurant
음주 飮酒 Drinking (alcohol)
응답하다 應答- An answer, a reply
의논 議論 consultation,conference
의논하다 議論- To consult,confer with, talk over a matter
의도 意圖 An intention, an aim
의도적 意圖的 Purposefully
의류 衣類 Clothes, dresses; clothing
의무 義務 A duty, an obligation
의문 疑問 A question, a doubt
의복 衣服 Clothes, garments
의사 意思 An intention, a purpose
의식 儀式 A ceremony
의식 意識 Consciuosness, awareness
의식하다 意識- Be conscious of, be aware of
의심 疑心 A doubt
의외로 意外- unexpectedly,surprisingly
의욕 意欲 volition,will,desire
의원 議員 A member
의존하다 依存- To depend on, rely on
의지 意志 will,volition
의지하다 依支- To look to, depend on, rely on
의학 醫學 Medical science
이내 以內 within,less than
이념 理念 An idea, a doctrine, ideology
이동하다 移動- To move,migrate,travel
이래 以來 Since, after that, hereafter
이력서 履歷書 Curriculum vitae, a resume (for a job)
이론적 理論的 Theoretical
이롭다 利- Be good for
이민 移民 Emigration
이별 離別 Parting, separation; divorce
이사장 理事長 A director
이상적 理想的 Abnormal
이성 異性 The opposite sex
이용자 利用者 A user; visitor
이자 利子 Interest
이중 二重 duplication,double
이해 利害 interests,gains
이해관계 利害關係 Mutual understanding
이해되다 理解- To be understood
A person
인간관계 人間關係 Human relations
인간성 人間性 Human nature
인간적 人間的 Personal
인격 人格 Personality, character
인공 人工 Art, human skill
인근 隣近 The neighborhood
인도 보도 pavement,sidewalk
인류 人類 The human race
인물 人物 A man, a person
인상 引上 pulling/drawing up
인상적 印象的 Impressive
인쇄 印刷 printing,typography
인식하다 認識- recognition,cognizance
인연 因緣 Cause and occasion
인재 人材 A man of ability
인정되다 認定- To be recognized
인정받다 認定- To receive recognition
인정하다 認定- To acknowledge,authorize
인종 人種 A human race
인체 人體 The human body
인하 引下 reduction,lowering
하다 因- To be due to, caused by
일단 一旦 Temporarily
일대 一大 One great/large
일반인 一般人 Of the general public
일상적 日常的 Daily, of the everyday things
일생 一生 one’s lifetime
일시적 一時的 Of a day
일식 日食 Japanese food
일일이 一一- One by one, individually
일자 日子 A date, the number of days
일정하다 一定- To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)
일종 一種 A kind, a sort, a species
일체 一切 All, everything,the whole
일치 一致 Agreement, accord
일치하다 一致- Agree with, to be in accord with
일행 一行 A party, a troupe; a row, a line
임무 任務 A duty, an office, a task
임신부 妊娠婦 An expectant mother
임신하다 妊娠- To be pregnant
입국 入國 Entering a country
입대 入隊 Enlistment, enrollment
입력 入力 Power input
입력하다 入力- To input (data into the computer)
입사 入社 enter/join a company
입사하다 入社- To join/enter a company
입시 入試 An entrance examination
입장 立場 A position, situation
쾌감 快感 A pleasant sensation, a good feeling
타락 墮落 depravity,corruption,degradation
타자기 打字機 A typewriter
탁구 卓球 ping-pong,table tennis
탁월하다 卓越- Be excellent, prominished
탁자 卓子 A table, desk
탄생 誕生 Birth
탄생하다 誕生- To be born
탈출하다 脫出- To escape, get away from
태아 胎兒 A fetus, an unborn child
하다 擇- Choose, select
토대 土臺 A foundation, a base
토론자 討論者 A debator, a disputant
토론하다 討論- To debate, discuss
토론회 討論會 A debating society/contest
하다 吐- To vomit
통계 統計 Statistics
통과 通過 Passage
통과하다 通過- Passage through
통로 通路 A passage, a way, an aisle
통역 通譯 Interpreting
통일하다 統一- To unify, consolidate
통제 統制 control,regulation
통증 痛症 An ache, pain
통합 統合 Unity,unification
통화 通話 Conversation by telephone
통화 通貨 Currency, the unit of circulation
퇴원 退院 Leaving the hospital
퇴원하다 退院- To leave the hospital
퇴직금 退職金 Retirement grants
투명하다 透明- To be transparent, clear
투자 投資 Investment
투표 投票 vote,voting
특급 特級 In a special class
특성 特性 A special/unique characteristic (individuality making, peculiarity)
특수 特殊 characteristic,distinct,unique
특수성 特殊性 Particularity, distinctiveness
특이하다 特異- Be peculiar, special, unique
특정하다 特定- Specify
파괴하다 破壞- Destruction, demolition
파악하다 把握- Grasp, seize, understand
파출소 派出所 Small, local police box
판결 判決 A judgment (from a judge)
판단하다 判斷- To make a conclusion
판매되다 販賣- To be sold
판사 判事 A judge
편견 偏見 A prejudice, a bias
편의 便宜 Convenience, expediency
편의점 便宜店 Convenient store
a Pyeong, a square area about 2 square meters
A criticism
평가 評價 Evaluation, appraisal
평가되다 評價- To be appraised
평가하다 評價- To evaluate, estimate, judge
평균 平均 Average
평상시 平常時 Normally
평화롭다 平和- To be peaceful
폐지 廢止 Abolition, to not use, to do away with
포장마차 布帳馬車 A wheeled snack bar on the street
포함 包含 inclusion,comprehension
폭넓다 幅- To be broad
폭력 暴力 voilent,brute force
A marker, indication
표면 表面 Front, surface, exterior
표시 標示 A sign, signal
표시 表示 A sign,signal
표시하다 標示- To make a sign, display
표준 標準 A standard, norm, criteria
표현되다 表現- To have been expressed
품목 品目 The name of an article, a list of articles
품질 品質 The quality of the article ( but not the article itself)
풍부하다 豊富- To be abundant, copious, plentiful
풍속 風俗 Manners, customs, morals
풍습 風習 customs,manners,practices ; a ritual, rituals
피곤 疲困 fatigue,exhaustion
하다 避- avoid,keep away
피해 被害 Damage
피해자 被害者 A sufferer, the injured party
필수 必須 necessary,indispensable
필수적 必須的 necessary,indispensable
필연적 必然的 Necessity, necessary
필요성 必要性 Necessity
필자 筆者 The writer, author
Below, underneath
하반기 下半期 The second half of the year
하순 下旬 The final third of the month
하천 河川 A river, watercourse
하필 何必 Why necessarily? Why of all things?
학과 學科 A department in a college
학교생활 學校生活 Student
학급 學級 A class (school)
학력 學歷 Academic background, formal schooling
학번 學番 Year of graduation
학부모 學父母 Mothers of the students
학비 學費 Tuition
학술 學術 Science, learning, scolarship
학용품 學用品 School things, supplies
학위 學位 Academic rank
학자 學者 Scholar
학점 學點 A unit, a point, a credit
A grudge, rancor
A limit
한가하다 閑暇- To be free, not busy
한계 限界 Boundary, limits
한문 漢文 Chinese writing, chinese classics
한밤중 -中 Midnight
한순간 -瞬間 One fleeting moment
한식 韓食 Korean food
한정되다 限定- To be limiited, qualified
한정하다 限定- To limit, restrict
한층 -層 More, still more
한평생 -平生 A lifetime
하다 限- Limit, restrict
합격하다 合格- To pass an exam
합리적 合理的 Rational
하다 合- Harmonize with, be in accord with
항공 航空 An airport
항공기 航空機 An aircraft
항구 港口 A port, a harbor
항의 抗議 A protest
Damage, injury
해결되다 解決- To be settled, resolved
해군 海軍 The navy
해답 解答 A solution to a problem, an answer to a question
해당 該當 Come/fall under the purview of
해당되다 該當- To be applied/applicable under
해당하다 該當- To be applied/applicable under
해롭다 害- To be harmful, injurious
해물 海物 Marine products
해석 解析 Analysis, analytical research
해석하다 解釋- To intrepret, construe
해설 解說 Explanation, elucidation
해소 解消 Dissolution, disorganization
해소하다 解消- To be dissolved, disorganized
해수욕장 海水浴場 A swimming beach
해안 海岸 The seashore, the coast
A nucleus, core
핵심 核心 The kernel, the core
행사 行使 Use, exercise
행운 幸運 Good luck, good fortune
행위 行爲 An act, deed, behavior
하다 行- To do, act, behave
향상 向上 Improve; elevation,rise
향상되다 向上- To be impoved, advanced
허가 許可 Permission, grant, leave
허락 許諾 Consent, assent, approval
허락하다 許諾- Consent, agree to
허용 許容 Permission, allowance
허용되다 許容- To be permitted, approved
The present, the existence, actuality
현관문 玄關門 The front door
현대인 現代人 A modern person
현대적 現代的 Modern (adj)
현상 現象 The present situation, state
현실 現實 Actuality, reality
현실적 現實的 Down to earth, Realistic
현장 現場 on site, on location, at the site in question
혈액 血液 Blood
협력 協力 Cooperation, cooperate with
Shape, form
형사 刑事 A criminal, penal case
형성 形成 Formation
형성되다 形成- To be formed, made up
형성하다 形成- To form, make, take shape
형수 兄嫂 The wife of one’s older brother
형식 形式 A form, formality, mold
형식적 形式的 Related to the form
형태 形態 Form, shape
형편 形便 The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)
혜택 惠澤 A favor, benefit
호기심 好奇心 Curiousity
호실 號室 Tells you the room number
호주머니 胡- A pocket
호흡 呼吸 Respiration, breath
혹시 或是 Sometimes
혼나다 魂- Get frightened, scared
홍보 弘報 Public information, public relations
홍수 洪水 A flood, inundation
화면 畵面 Screen
화장 化粧 Makeup
화장지 化粧紙 Soft paper used when applying makeup
화재 火災 A fire, a blaze
화제 話題 Subject of conversation
화학 化學 Chemistry
확립하다 確立- establish,settle,fix
확보 確保 security,insurance
확산되다 擴散- To get diffused
확신 確信 Conviction, firm belief
확신하다 確信- To be confident of
확인되다 確認- To be confirmed
확장 擴張 expansion, enlargement
확정 確定 decision,settlement
환경오염 環境汚染 Environmental pollution
환영하다 歡迎- To welcome
환율 換率 The exchange rate (money)
활기 活氣 Vigor, life, vitality
활발해지다 活潑- To become lively
활발히 活潑- briskly,actively
활용 活用 Practical use
A time, an inning, a round in a game
회견 會見 An interview, a meeting
회관 會館 An assembly hall
회복 回復 Recovery, recuperation
회복되다 回復- To be recovered
회의 懷疑 Doubt, skepticism
회전 回轉 Revolution, rotation
횟수 回數 The number of times, the frequency
효과적 效果的 Effective
효도 孝道 Filial piety, (v) To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents
효율적 效率的 The utility factor, efficiency
효자 孝子 A dutiful son
후기 後期 The latter term/period
후반 後半 The latter/second half
후보 候補 candidature,candidacy
후회 後悔 repentance,regret
훈련 訓鍊 Training
휴식 休息 Rest, take a rest
흑백 黑白 Black and white
흑인 黑人 A Negro
흔적 痕跡 traces,signs,evidences
흥미롭다 興味- To be interesting
흥분 興奮 excitement,excitation (v)be/grow excited
희곡 戱曲 A drama, a play
희망하다 希望- Hope
희생 犧牲 A sacrifice
희생하다 犧牲- To sacrifice
강원도 江原道 Region surrounding seoul
경기도 京畿道 Region surrounding seoul
경복궁 景福宮 Region surrounding seoul
경주 慶州 Region surrounding seoul
고구려 高句麗 Region surrounding seoul
고려 高麗 Region surrounding seoul
광주 光州 Region surrounding seoul
김포공항 金浦空港 KimPo Domestic (sometimes international) airport
남대문 南大門 Seoul’s old south gate
남대문시장 南大門市場 Shopping center in seoul
남미 南美 South america
남산 南山 Mountain in south central seoul
대한민국 韓國 Korea
미국 美國 America
백두산 白頭山 Korean mountain
백제 百濟 Historical Korean government
베이징(북경) 北京 Beijing
부산 釜山 Busan, city in SE Korea, with largest beach in S.Korea
북한 北韓 North korea
서울역 -驛 Seoul train station
설악산 雪嶽山 Famous mountain
안동 安東 간고등어 fish common in this city, ANDONG
우리나라 韓國 Korea
울산 蔚山 Ulsan, home of hyundai car company and hyundai shipbuilding in kyungsamnamdo
일본 日本 Japan
전라도 全羅道 South-western region of south korea
전주 全州 Junju
제주도 濟州島 Tourist island off south S.Korea
지리산 智異山 Chili mountain, very beautiful
충청도 忠淸道 Area around daejon city
평양 平壤 Capital of north korea
한강 漢江 The han river, runs through Seoul
한국 韓國 Korea
한라산 漢拏山 Halla-san mountain
한반도 韓半島 The korean peninsula
호남 湖南 The HONAM district, which is CHOLLA-DO in S.W south korea
호주 濠洲 Australia